One thing that has allways bothered me about the Sidereals is the no custom charms aside from martial arts thing. For a group of advisors and wise men ultimately they are all effectively just Dawns or Full Moons. Their thing is to fight. The Sidereal book talks about how only the Maiden's can design charms that work with the Loom of Fate without horribly snarling things and I accept this. However charms don't have to work using the Loom of Fate. So these charms are what would have come about if the Sidereals had developed their own natural abilities rather then working only with the Charms the Maidens designed for them and their martial arts.
These charms operate more like Dragonblooded charms really. Not in power or in theme. They are charms comparable to Lunar charms but not as strong as Solar charms. Rather then elemental themes the charms have themes appropriate to their Maiden and their Constellation. I am introducing a new Keyword called College. To go with this Keyword is a new background called House. This House background will replace the College trait from normal sidereals. The House background goes from one to five dots. There is one House background for each of the 5 Houses of Colleges. This single background effectively counts as having that many dots in each College of that House. So a Sidereal with the background House of Secrets 4 for purposes of Astrology and such they count as having 4 in all of the Colleges of that House. Charms with the Constellation Keyword will require dots in the appropriate House. In this way it is similiar to Purity or Avatar Keyword charms.
Another change is happening to the Sidereal Dice Cap. It is now set at Essence * 2. The Fateful Ability Excellency is Combo-Ok, but is not comboable with other excellencies. Their Third Excellency costs 4m now and their Second Excellency works just like a Solar or Lunar or DB second Excellency.
These new charms will not have Fate or Maiden keyword charms. They do not interact with the Loom but instead with fundamental principals and traits relating to fate that were built into existance when the Primordials designed Creation. Like a Dragonbloodeds elemental power or a Solars perfection these traits exist as part of the Sidereal and work anywhere at full effectiveness.
On a slight historical note I have decided that Sidereals being the rather hubris filled sorts they are have three times in the past tried to make a functional charm that works with the Loom that was not designed with the Maidens. Each of these three instances ended in disaster.
Removing Prayer Strip charms. While neat they don't seem properly charm like. Specialized items needed to use a charm doesn't make for a good charm I think, more it makes for a spell more then anything.
- /Resistance
- /Ride
- /Sail
- /Survival
- /Thrown
- /Craft
- /Dodge
- /Linguistics
- /Performance
- /Socialize
- /Archery
- /Athletics
- /Melee
- /Presence
- /War
- /Investigation
- /Larceny
- /Lore
- /Occult
- /Stealth
- /Awareness
- /Bureaucracy
- /Integrity
- /MartialArts
- /Medicine
I'd just like to say that the canon implementation of the Sidereals is about the worst thing in the Exalted game, in my opinion. The totally uncustomizable charm trees being one of the biggest problems, as in short order, all 'mysterious masters' quickly become the same thing - and quite unmysterious. I applaud your effort, and wish you well. - GreenLantern
Thanks. For the moment I am just working on the charm concepts for them. Once I can get all that worked out then I can worry about the mechanics. One of the things about them that annoyed me isn't that they are wise its just they use the Loom to make doing certain things easier. Which mechanically is what, making a few dice rolls easier. Its not like the charms of other exalts don't make things easier too. They really are worse off at being advisors then a Lunar would be with their advanced intelligence charms. -BogMod
3 castes done. - BogMod
Secrets done. - BogMod
Endings done except for the 5 Hero Styles. Also I have decided to remove prayer strips entirely from this new alternate charm set. -BogMod
Journeys and Serenity hero style concepts for charms done. -BogMod
Battles done. -BogMod
All charm and MA concepts down, now starting work on actual mechanics. -BogMod
Starting with Mechanics. -BogMod
All battles charms complete now. -BogMod