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Jade Wisdom

Yuhui 玉慧 Jade wisdom

ui as "way"

u as the 'u' in "flute" (American pronunciation) or 'oo' in "woo" (British) BUT after q, j, x and y, as a German umlauted u

h a gutteral, as in the Scottish "loch"

So, Y,u,ch,ay. That's a bit unpronounceable to me!

Artisan Caste Loreseeker.

  • Born... hatched... er... carved... about 30 years ago Nope, still too old... shit... maybe 6 years ago???
  • Bit of a bully as a child, nope, no 'childhood', maybe young'un perhaps?
    • Freshly hatched Artisans are 'adopted' out to other Artisans for a year, before entering the big Artisan college.
  • After graduating school entered the Conclave.
    • As per every other Artisan.
  • As Artisan and Conclave member, had many various servants and lived in comparative ease.
    • With small number of elder Artisans (not uncommon to form small pseudo families like this).
    • 'Family' Estate beneath the Realm.
    • Urvar.
  • Had an Enlightened Warrior (Damok of Lutar) as a friend... as much as they could be, with the societal restrictions.
    • Not actually many societal restrictions...
  • Damok commanded Jade Wisdom's personal guard.
  • Uncovered suspicious activity by another Conclave member, Immanent Avalanche.
    • Maybe this guy on the road to Chaos Seer?
    • Making deals with others to gain more power in the Conclave...
    • Making deals with things to eventually gain access to the surface lands?
  • Series of cunning investigations proved Immanent Avalanche to be consorting with... someone, or something unnatural.
    • I'm picturing something Abyssally, green flame,skull motif. Tricksy, subtle and cunning.
    • I leave up to the GM what it actually is.
  • Attempted to reveal this unwholesome partnership to the local Conclave but got laughed out of court, so to speak.
    • Politically outmanoeuvred with ease by Immanent Avalanche and his supporters, friends, allies.
  • Forced into exile.
    • Took his home guard and a contingent of workers to the surface and tried hurriedly to gain permission from an Exalt to stave off the Geas.
  • Sold the services of his followers to a couple of Terrestrial Exalts for small skirmishes within the Hundred Kingdoms.
    • Save the village of Three-Gates from undead attack
    • Campaigned for a month against the kingdom of Rose-Essence, which had been aggressively encroaching upon its neighbouring kingdoms.
    • Campaigned with the forces of King Ling of the Whispering Protectorate.
    • Took part in the Battle of Nine Horses.
  • His warriors were led by the very capable Damok.
    • Which was good, as Jade Wisdom has few martial skills.
  • Jade Wisdom spent majority of his time with the commanders.
    • Reading treatises, studying, analysing intelligence.
  • Some attrition was caused by night attacks upon the Kingdom's forces - including the Jadeborn.
    • I dare say the worst attacks were by undead forces.
  • Within 2 seasons, most Workers had been slain, and about a third of the Warriors.
    • One final night of terror wiped out the entire force - Jadeborn, Dragon-Bloods and mortals.
    • Something big and impressive, but left to the GM. :)
    • Jade Wisdom was one of only a handful who survived.
      • He managed to retreat into a river and hide underwater for a very long time.
      • His retreat was covered by Damok, who was eventually slain.
  • After their DB employer was slain, Jade Wisdom was forced to look for another Exalt willing to take his service.
  • He was found by a small Lookshy force, and pledged service to the Dragon Blooded commander Karal Fortunate-Serpent.
    • Fortunate Serpent is a middle-aged Sorcerer Engineer who was using the scouting mission to look for relics etc for use and study by Lookshy.
  • He travelled with the Lookshy force for another season, primarily offering advice and knowledge, occasionally scouting and skirmishing.
    • Studied available scrolls and books voraciously whenever he could.
  • The Dragon-Bloods honoured his service, and the tale of Damok, by implanting the Aegis-Implants.
  • The Lookshy force was stationed in a redoubt.
    • I'm picturing north of Greyfalls, east of Sijan. But could be anywhere the GM wishes.
  • Befriended a Lookshy Immaculate of Pasiap, Resolute Ox of Gens Yan-Tu.
    • Jade Wisdom learned of the supernatural Martial Arts from Resolute Ox.
    • Resolute Ox is a few years younger than Fortunate Snake.
      • Knows Jade Mountain Style (all) and Earth Dragon Style (to Weapon Breaking Defence)
    • Jade Wisdom learned a great deal of patience and indeed, wisdom, from Resolute Ox.
    • Jade Wisdom has taken to emulating the forms and katas of those styles
      • one day... sigh. :)
  • At the end of that season, the troops were heading back to Lookshy.
    • Another ambush by unknowns saw the small force broken and fleeing.
      • This attack included demons and ninjas.
        • And an explosion. :)
  • Jade Wisdom got separated from the Dragon-Bloods, and is unsure of their fate.
  • At a loss of how to find them, he has walked for three weeks through the Scavenger lands, asking for the fastest way to Lookshy.
  • Most who answered stated River Travel as the fastest way, and so he headed to Nexus.
  • Arrived at Nexus about a week ago.
    • Staying at Madame Wu's Tea-House of Excellent Courage
  • Enjoying Nexus' hustle and bustle and crowded streets.
  • His available savings have dwindled to next to nothing.
    • Was en-route to the Nexus docks to get passage to Lookshy when game starts.

  • Ascending Fire Unit 17 was recovered from the slain form of Damok.
  • Resolute Denial comes from his estates. Heirloom of sorts, granted to the house-protector (in this case, Damok).
  • Witty Retort was also a gift to Damok from the house estate.
  • Rumour of Glory is white and blue silken armour. Given to Jade Wisdom upon his graduation from the Academy.
    • White trousers and shirt with sky blue tunic. Intricate designs of gears on gears on gears are subtly embroidered into the tunic. The white silk has amazingly intricate designs (representative of Creation) in fine silver thread. At eight points within the design there are faint coglike designs.
    • Handed down from incarnation to incarnation.
  • Gem of the White Jade Tree comes from an ancestral (so to speak) manse within his estate.
  • Gem of Mobility originates from a Solar Manse on the side of Mount Meru. Long forgotten.
    • Jade Wisdom stumbled across it during a school excursion.
  • Skin Mount Amulets implanted in his solar plexus and belly chakra by his request prior to entering exile.
    • Figured he would need the extra essence to survive the wilderness.
  • Ally 1
    • Karal Fortunate-Serpent
      • Air Aspect Sorcerer Technician
      • Essence 4-5
  • Ally 2
    • Yan-Tu Resolute Ox
      • Earth Aspect Lookshy Immaculate
      • Essence 4
  • Contact 1
    • Lookshy Military

Name:    Jade Wisdom
Caste:   Artisan
Motivation:  Break the Great Geas?
Anima:   none at all
Concept: Mercenary Savant
XP: Left/Total: 0/53


Strength: 3, Dexterity: 7, Stamina: 4
Charisma: 6, Manipulation: 6, Appearance: 4
Perception: 6, Intelligence: 6, Wits: 7


Athletics: 3, +2 Hearthstone (1/2 Temperance)
Archery: 1+1[2xp],
Awareness: 3, +2 Visor
Bureaucracy: 2,
Craft (Earth): 1,
Craft (Magitech): 1+1[1xp],
Craft (Water): 1[1xp],
Dodge: 1+1[xp],
Integrity: 1,
Investigation: 3+1[6xp]
Larceny: -,
Linguistics: 3, High Realm, Old Realm, Riverspeak
Lore: 3,
History: 1,
Solars: 1,
Martial Arts: 1+1[1xp],
Medicine: 1,
Melee: 1+1[1xp],
Occult: 3+1[5xp],
Essence: 1,
Charms: 1,
Performance: -
Presence: 1,
Resistance: 1,
Ride: -,
Sail: -,
Socialise: 2,
Stealth: 3, +4 Charm (+Temperance)
Thrown: 1,
War: -,


Artifact: 5, Manse 4, Allies 2, Contacts 1


Compassion: 2, Conviction: 5, Temperance: 4, Valor 2.

Willpower: 9
Essence: 2
Essence pool: 20 Personal +10 Skin Mount + 6 Skin Mount = 36

Health Levels -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incap


Universal Pattern
Pebble-Among-Boulders Stance (+Temperance to Stealth)
Worker Pattern
Warrior Pattern
Temperance-Bolstering Meditation (...?)
Black-Jade Transformation (Soak Lethal with Full Stamina, Parry Lethal with bare hands, +1 Dex, -Tmp to Mobility penalty)
Compassion-Bolstering Meditation (...?) [12xp]
Green Jade Transformation (Regen 1 bashing hl / 10 ticks and 1 lethal per hour)[12xp]
Conviction-Bolstering Meditation (...?) [12xp]
Artisan Pattern
Unfolding-Pattern Intuition
Artificer's Insight [10xp]
Great Maker's Grasp [10xp]
Living Earth Meditation
Enlightened Pattern
Glorious Prodigy Lesson


Ascending Fire Unit 17
Myrmidon Plate (+8L/+8B Soak, 4L/4B Hardness -0, 0, 6 commit, Artifact 4)
Inbuilt Visor (+2 Awareness, See Immaterial, See in total darkness and through Fog/Smoke/undergrowth)
Inbuilt Respirator (+2 Presence when intimidating)
Inbuilt Echo Jewel (Communicate with other Echo Jewels)
Speed Enhancement (+3 Move, +6 Dash)
Strength Enhancement (+2)
No Maintenance required
Rumour of Glory
Silken Armour (+5L/+3B Soak, 0L/0B Hardness, -0, 0, 2 commit, Artifact 2)
Resolute Denial
Jade Thunderbolt Shield (+2L/+2B Soak, +2DDV/+2PDV, 5 commit, Artifact 3)
Witty Retort
Jade Goremaul (Spd:4, Acc:+1, Dam:+16B/4, Def:+1, Rate 2, Overwhelming(4), Piercing, 5 commit, Artifact 2)
Dakura's Green Jade Short Powerbow (to be named)
Aegis Implants (Mote cost of all armour commitment reduced by 2 (minimum of 1))
Skin Mount Amulet (Double Hearthstone Rating in extra essence to personal Mote Pool)
Skin Mount Amulet (Double Hearthstone Rating in extra essence to personal Mote Pool)
Gemstone of Perfect Mobility
Speed of all Actions halved (round up)
Double Movement
Gemstone of White Jade Tree
All post-Soak damage taken halved (round up)
Halve Movement (round down)
Eye of the First Goat
+(half Temperance (round up)) to Athletics pool
+1 Accuracy to blunt weapons


Join Battle: ???
Natural: 4B/2L/0A
Full Armour: 17B/17L/15A, 5L/5B Hardness, Halve Post-Soak Damage
Dodge DV: 5 (7 with Shield)
Parry DV: 5 (7 with Shield)
Witty Retort
Spd: 2 Acc: 10 Dam: 22B/4 Def: 5 Rate: 2

Character Description

Light yellow-brown skin, bald, but with mustache and beard of red hair. I'm picturing Li Mu Bai, but with red facial hair.

Expanded Backgrounds

More details about backgrounds here.