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Name: Cathak Cinaed
Aspect: Fire
Anima: A burning owl rising above him.
Concept: An honest man searching for a noble truth.
Motivation: To discover a truth that he considers worth living for and dying in defense of. XP: Left/Total: 0/0


Strength: 4, Dexterity: 4, Stamina: 3
Charisma: 3, Manipulation: 2, Appearance: 2
Perception: 3, Intelligence: 3, Wits: 3


Archery: x, Athletics: x, Awareness: x, Brawl: x, Bureaucracy: x, Craft: x, Dodge: x, Endurance: x, Investigation: x,
Larceny: x, Linguistics: x, Lore: x, Martial Arts: x, Medicine: x, Melee: x, Occult: x, Performance: x, Presence: x,
Resistance: x, Ride: x, Sail: x, Socialise: x, Stealth: x, Survival: x, Thrown: x.


Artifact: x, Backing: House Cathak: 1, Breeding: 4, Familiar: 3, Manse: x, Resources: 3


Compassion: 3, Conviction: 2, Temperance: 3, Valor 2.

Willpower: 6
Essence: 2
Essence pool: xx Personal / xx Peripheral

Health Levels -0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap


Skill here
Charms here


Equipment here


Base init: x
Soak: xB/xL/xA
Dodge: x
Weapons here

Character Description

Grandson of Cathak Cainan himself, Cinaed is something of an odd duck as far as House Cathak is concerned. An extremely skilled swordsman, Cinaed has little interest in commanding men, leaving the House of Bells early to pursue his own interests despite the good marks he received from his instructors. At the same time, he is a member in good standing of the House, mainly because of his grandfather's faith that the young Dragon-Blooded serves the House loyally and well when called on, a faith that has been proven in the past. On an extended walkabout while he, in his own words, "discovers what I'm looking for", Cinaed's minor reputation as a wandering Cathak do-gooder has smoothed a few ruffled feathers in the East although it rarely actually helps him directly.

In person, Cinaed is tolerant and easy-going in general, not the seethingly dangerous person that many Fire Aspects seem to be, at least around people who don't offend his code of honor. Those who do, though, generally get informed of that in short order. His passions are based in his own beliefs of tolerance, self-discipline, and curiosity, not in desires and ambitions. Troubled by the Immaculate Philosophy's treatment of so-called 'lesser' beings, his sense of noblesse oblige runs as deep as his commitment to tolerance.

Cinaed's fears and troubles with the state of the world are leading him to question his own society. The answers he's finding aren't ones that the Realm considers acceptable, a fact that bothers him as much as the Realm's own flaws do. These answers led Cinaed to wander, searching for a real, noble truth that he can call his own. This truth may not be what he expects, however...

Expanded Backgrounds

Backing: House Cathak
This deserves some explanation. Cinaed's backing mainly comes from being a member in good standing and answering the occasional call of service from Cathak. He isn't a regular member of Cathak and, most of the time, is just a wandering Dragon-Blood. If, for some reason, he gets involved with officals of the Realm or the various satrapies, Cinaed's Backing kicks in. In his day-to-day life, though, it doesn't matter that much. The main effect of this in game is either when dealing with officials or to give the Storyteller something to jerk him around with since Cinaed does value his family's respect and will answer reasonable requests quite promptly. (Reasonable mainly means not against his moral code and not taking more than a few months to handle.) Thus, Cinaed is quite independent but still well-regarded; his Backing doesn't give him any real authority.

Cinaed's familiar is a tawny owl by the name of Athene. Athene's usual behavior is quite friendly and her cheerful, playful behavior masks the real intelligence lurking behind her golden eyes. Perceptive and stealthy, Athene normally sits on Cinaed's shoulder during the day, looking around and occasionally making an excited chirp if she sees something interesting or just dozing with her head tucked under her wing. At night, she perches in a tree or on a ledge above his sleeping form, keeping watch for much of the night.