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What if... the Neverborn aren't really dead? ...the Yozis aren't really imprisoned? ...and the Incarnae and their Primordial patrons aren't really at war with their supposed enemies?

This is a very weird alteration to the setting. Creation isn't actually the big prize, neither is Yu-Shan. Instead, they're... entertainment. The Games of Divinity are a convenient short-hand among the Incarnae and Primordials for the ongoing show that is the whole of Creation, including the Exalted, the gods, the Deathlords, and even the Fair Folk. They still aren't the lives of individual mortals; instead, the Games are the grand manipulation of destiny at the highest level and the subtle moves of Exalted and other Essence wielders. It's a form of art, really, one that the Incarnae are the reigning masters of. But they aren't competing. Instead, the Incarnae and the Primordials are cooperating to produce a mutual entertainment. It's shared storytelling on a grand scale.

Welcome to the story.