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Felef Serol

Name: Felef Serol (formerly Amilar Hayan Serol)
Aspect: Earth
Nature: Savant
Concept: Stoic Lookshy Cook
House: None (Outcaste)
Anima: Dust rising from the ground, which thickens as his essence use increases. His totemic image is a great mountain, shaking as if from an avalanche.

Merits: Prodigy (Presence) (2), Tactical Instincts (3), Enchanting Feature (Commanding Tone) (2)
Flaws: Rival (2), Dying (4), Secrets (1)

Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2
Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3

Archery 2, Athletics 3, Awareness 2, Bureaucracy 1, Craft 4, Endurance 3, Investigation 1, Linguistics 3, Lore 3, Martial Arts 4 (Five Dragon Style +1), Medicine 1, Melee 2, Occult 1, Performance 1, Presence 4 (Steadying +1), Resistance 3, Ride 1, Socialize 1, Stealth 2, Survival 1

Allies 1, Artifact 2, Breeding 3, Manse 2, Reputation 1, Resources 3

Compassion 2, Conviction 2, Temperance 3, Valor 3

Willpower: 6
Health: -0,-1,-1,-1,-2,-2,-2,-4, Incapacitated
Essence: 2
Personal Essence: 11
Peripheral Essence: 13 (25)
Committed Essence: 12 (Armor 7, Spear 5)

Shaping Hand Style
Ox-Body Technique (-1, -2)
Unsleeping Earth Meditation
Wind-Carried Words Technique
Elemental Bolt Attack
Martial Arts
Five-Dragon Claw
Five-Dragon Force Blow
Five-Dragon Fortitude
Phantom Fire-Warrior Horde
Distracting Breeze Meditation

Equipment: White jade dire lance, Hollow Service; Most Resolute Armor of the Earth Dragon set with a Stone of Fog

Base Initiative: 7
Soak: 19L, 17B, 15A (Dragon Armor, Earth Anima)
Dodge: 6
Fist: Spd 7, Acc 11, Dmg 7B (3B), Def 12, Rate 5
Kick: Spd 4, Acc 11, Dmg 10B (6B), Def 7, Rate 3
Hollow Service: Spd 22, Acc 12, Dmg 16L (12L), Def 13, Rate 3

Current Banked XP: 5
Total Spent XP: 45
XP History: 50

Experience Usage: Appearance 2>3 (8), Martial Arts 4>5 (7), Presence 3>4 (4), Specialty (Presence) (3), Specialty (Martial Arts) (3), Charm: Five-Dragon Claw (10), Charm: Five-Dragon Force Blow

Character Description

(to be done)

Expanded Backgrounds

  • Allies

Serol’s sister, Amilar Hayan Asis, has always been more of a best friend than a sibling; she always managed to get the pair of them involved in all kinds of trouble as kids, though never so much that they were punished for it too harshly. A loud and charismatic Earth, in contrast to Serol’s quiet confidence, Asis nonetheless worries a great deal about her brother, and is considerably more perceptive than she first appears. When she found out that Serol had been poisoned, she almost immediately set out to kill the Wood Aspect responsible; her brother’s insistence that it remain secret was the only thing that held her back. She is currently serving in the Intelligence Directorate.

  • Artifact

(Dire lance, more to be done)

  • Breeding

Stronger than the average Lookshy Dragon-Blood, Serol’s bloodline is more a result of chance than a deliberate act. Though there has been some direction as to who his ancestors married, most of the strength has been simple good fortune, that the Dragon-Bloods with the strongest blood seemed to be the ones who ended up marrying.

  • Manse

(Fog / Cave Manse, more to be done)

  • Reputation

(to be done)

  • Resources

Though Serol keeps away from his family, the better to lessen their grief when he passes away, he still has access to the considerable resources that his relatives have made available to him. In addition, his years of service to the Legion have earned him a small stipend, which he has little need of but accepts nonetheless.

Merits and Flaws

  • Tactical Instincts

Serol has long been a master of strategic matters; his house pushed him hard to develop his innate potential, and the work has paid off. Even his superiors were impressed with the ease with which he understood their battleplans, and perhaps somewhat put out by the fact that his suggestions inevitably improved their plan’s effectiveness.

  • Prodigy (Presence), Enchanting Feature (Commanding Voice)

Supplementing his tactical ability, Serol’s even and measured tone helps convey orders effectively in even the most stressful conditions. His measured tone has helped calm many a panicked soldier in the heat of battle.

  • Rival

Serol’s half-noticed rival is Seris Laikin, a Wood Aspected Dragon-Blood of the Maheka Gens. Throughout his life, he has looked at the Earth Aspect with envy and hatred; Serol always seemed to be one step ahead of him each time he made progress, and it ate at Laikin like a cancer. His tactical abilities are superb, and his combat technique masterful, but in his mind he is weak and worthless compared to his hated foe. Serol, on the other hand, has barely taken note of him… he respects the Emerald Dragon’s abilities, but feels no need to make a competition out of it. This attitude has only antagonized Laikin, to the point that he acquired and used the vicious poison that afflicts Serol today, in an attempt to feel superior.

  • Dying

Whatever poison Laikin used on Serol, it was certainly effective; each day, he feels his strength fade even more, and not even his Exalted resistance is able to stop it. He has no intention of succumbing to the toxin, but neither does he wish to die in battle when men are under his command. Thus, he volunteered for this mission; a small group of Dragon-Bloods each capable of defending themselves, with no-one left helpless if Serol should die.

  • Secrets

Not wanting to concern his family, Serol has told no-one except his sister of his poisoning at the hands of Laikin. Knowing that the Wood Aspect would likely have made sure the poison was incurable, and that if his family found out he would be recalled from duty to undergo ineffectual treatment, Serol has kept the secret to himself so that he may serve the Legion until the day he dies; a day which is now not far off.
