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Still polishing the backstory/description, not that it much matters for another week or three.

Name:   Flickering Claw      Concept:  Wandering Martial Artist
Player: Ketrus               Anima:  Clawstrider, not a squid, I promise
Caste:  Zenith               XP:  0/0
Motivation:  To spread his self-taught martial arts to all corners of the world!
(Physical)              (Social)                (Mental)
Strength      [XXX..]   Charisma      [XXX..]   Perception    [XXX..]
Dexterity     [XXXXX]   Manipulation  [X....]   Intelligence  [XXX..]
Stamina       [XXX..]   Appearance    [XXX..]   Wits          [XXX..]
                            (=Abilities=) 10
(Dawn)                  (Zenith)                (Twilight)
Archery       [.....]   .Integrity    [XXXX.]   Craft         [.....]
.Martial Arts [XXXXX]   .Perform      [X....]   Investigation [.....]
Melee         [.....]   .Presence     [X....]   .Lore         [X....]
Thrown        [.....]   .Resistance   [XXXXX]   Medicine      [XXX..]
.War          [X....]   .Survival     [XXX..]   Occult        [.....]
(Night)                 (Eclipse)               (Specialties)
.Athletics    [XXX..]   Bureaucracy   [.....]   MA: Fighting Unarmed +3
Awareness     [X....]   Linguistics   [X....]   Dodge: When Unarmed +3
.Dodge        [XXXXX]   Ride          [X....]   
Larceny       [.....]   Sail          [.....]
Stealth       [.....]   Socialize     [.....]
   (=Backgrounds=) 2                       (=Virtues=) 3
Artifact       [XX...]        Compassion [XXX..]    Temperance  [X....]
Artifact       [X....]        Conviction [X....]    Valor       [XXXXX]
Resources      [X....]        Virtue Flaw:  Berserk Anger
Manse          {XXXX.]        Condition:  Insulted, belittled, demeaned, or deliberately frustrated
Essence        [XX........]   Clinch:6 spd, 17 acc,  +5B dam, 1 rate                     
Willpower      [XXXXXXXX..]   Fist:  5 spd, 18 acc,  +5B dam, 3 rate, 8 PV
Limit          [.........!]   Kick:  5 spd, 17 acc,  +8B dam, 2 rate, 6 PV
                              DV: 9, Soak: 8/8 3/3, Join: 6, MDV: 7
Health Levels:                Personal Ess  14 / 14
-0:  [ ]                      Periph Ess    15 / 32
-1:  [ ] [ ]                  Committed      0 / 17
-2:  [ ] [ ]
-4:  [ ]
Incap[ ]
Graceful Crane Stance                         (3m, scene, ref) 1
  Diceless balance
Monkey Leap Technique                         (3m, scene, ref) 1
  Jump as a move action, x2 jumping distance
Shadow Over Water                             (1m, inst, ref) 3
  Ignore all penalties to Dodge DV
Reflexive Sidestep Technique                  (1m, inst, ref) 3
  Expect Unexpected Attack
Second Integrity Excellency                    (1m/d, inst, ref) 1
  +1 die/mote to Integrity check/DMDV
(Martial Arts)
First Martial Arts Excellency                 (1m/d, inst, ref) 1
  +1 die/mote to Martial Arts check/DV
Second Presence Excellency                     (1m/d, inst, ref) 1
Durability of Oak Meditation                  (3m, inst, ref) 2
  8 hardness v. one attack
Iron Skin Concentration                       (2m, inst, ref) 3
  (sta+res) v. attacker's ess, succ=nodamage, fail=+4/+8/+8 soak 
Hardship-Surviving Mendicant Spirit           (10m, indef, ref) 3
  No survival penalties for lousy locations
Orihalcum Hearthstone Bracers(Artifact 2)
Dodge +3, Damage +2
set with:  Seven Leaping Dragon Stone (Manse 4)
+4 MA attack dice
Orihalcum Chain Shirt (Artifact 1)
Soak 7/5 L/B, 3/3 Hardness, 0 mobility/fatigue