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The Perfect's Circle

And you thought he was a bad guy. This was, in part, sparked by a one-shot game I ran for Domino and a couple other friends of mine in August 2003 (Gentle Breeze was one of the main NPCs). It wasn't a great one-shot (I came up with the plot by pulling out a big piece of posterboard the night before, and feverishly marking it up with a brainstorming diagram. I successfully came up with a setting, a supporting cast, and a basic plotline, but didn't have the time to tighten it up to full one-shot spec), but it would have made a nice opener for a long-running story -- unfortunately, continuing it wasn't really an option, since I moved to Boston shortly afterward.

Pretty recent. Early or mid-November 2003

The Perfect of Paragon - still an autocratic despot, but retrofitted with an angsty backstory which somewhat explains why he acts like he does... and allows him to be "reformed" by love. It may be as simple as the old "gee, I feel fine, but my wife/friends/pets are all dying of old age" thing. The thing which makes Scarlet Whisper different from the hundreds of other lovers he's doubtless had throughout the centuries is that he can reasonably expect her to live as long as him.

I may reveal that the Perfect is the last scion of some destroyed Dynastic house. Manosque, for instance. I might even think up a way for this to impact the story (this would place him at at least 524 years old, which seems unlikely). Like, he aspires to fill the vacancy created by the Empress, or something. I dunno if I can actually make this work, or if I even WANT to.

Scarlet Whisper - as per CB: Eclipse. She brings in the artistic touch necessary to counteract the more soul-deadening aspects of the Perfect's rule.

Gentle Breeze - a glib-tongued Night Caste risk-taker.

Other members undefined, but should include a Zenith. If done properly, that will really add some kick to things.


It may be as simple as the old "gee, I feel fine, but my wife/friends/pets are all dying of old age" thing-- Oooh! Like Dorian Gray. Very cool way to think of the extended life. -MidKnight