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The Juggernaut Caste

As the Reclamation wore on, the Green Sun Princes found themselves with opportunities to capture Solars and bring them back to the Demon City alive. The Yozis, knowing opportunity when it knocked, wasted no time in killing those Exalts they could not corrupt, capturing their shards, and performing some creative engineering. From this they shaped a small number of two new castes for two of the more helpful junior partners in the Reclamation; Kimbery and Isidoros. Three captured Zenith Shards were modified to become the Juggernauts, Children of the Black Boar.
Cecelyne despaired at the loss, for she believed the new caste worse than useless; the Juggernauts are beasts. They redefine the world they rampage through without goal, affecting events by their very existence to a greater degree than other Green Sun Princes, very much like their master. Mighty in battle they are without question, but the true strength of a Juggernaut is in their will. As they smash through the Heart-less scenery of Creation, so much weaker than the glory of Malfeas' city-jouten, the ruins (of buildings, of people, and of dreams) that they leave in their wake can offer no resistance to the righteous crusade of the Yozis.
Juggernaut Exaltations seek out those who live a life defined by desire, generally base desire. A life of indulgence is not uncommon among potential Juggernauts. Indeed, it is universal. Deep down, every Juggernaut knows on an instinctual level that they are the greatest; that their so-called "flaws" are irrelevant, that the only requirement upon them for glory is to exist, unchanging and resolute. They do not care about others, about their opinions (of the Juggernaut, let alone anything else), their hopes and dreams, their lives. All the world is scenery to a Juggernaut, and not a one of them suffers the slightest compunction in rolling right over it.
Anima Banner: The Juggernaut caste mark is the cloven hoofprint of their patron, bruise-black upon their brow. Juggernaut anima banners often resemble flying wreckage or the eerie foliage of Hrotsvitha, and are alarming storms of vitriol-green and threatening black-red. Totems often resemble demons descended from Isidoros, if not the great boar himself.
Anima Effects: Like their master, the Sky-Twisters will suffer no obstacle to stand. Juggernauts can spend 10m to lower the target number of their damage rolls to 6 for the scene. This effect automatically activates at no cost once the Infernal has spent 11+ motes of Peripheral Essence.
Caste Abilities: Isidoros is tireless and unstoppable, and his heart is untouchable, even for a Yozi. Curiously, his intense self-absorption gives him great faculty with the true nature of things. His Exalts have an affinity for the Abilities of Integrity, Athletics, Presence, Resistance, and Occult.
Associations: Boars, soil, the season of Wood, the color black, all demons that descend from Isidoros.
Sobriquets: Children of the Black Boar that Twists the Skies, Sky-Twisters, Black Boars, Chariots of Hell
Concepts: Cruel giant, debauched party-circuit regular, power-hungry tyrant

The Charms of Isidoros