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Back to the age of Bagrash Kol

The Southern Convention of the Bureau of Destiny

Life is hard for the Southern Convention, as it is hard everywhere - but perhaps less harsh than in most domains. The Bureau here does not need to oversee the vast array of Essence-users that propagate across the Blessed Isle and the East, nor do they suffer from the chronic underfunding of the West. In fact, since the rise of Bagrash Kol, it has been generally agreed that assignment to the South is the closest thing that young Sidereals can have to an easy job - not as lush as those who spend their lives in the hustle of the Realm, of course, but not as harried either.

Events here proceed in a slow, measured progression. The heat of the South lingers in every god and elemental of the region, in the people and the destinies that coil lazily around the land. In the South, too much motion is not advisable - there are times when the world here simply rests, lest it burn itself to ashes. The Bureau tries to avoid letting this attitude infect them, but it can't be argued that there is a more relaxed attitude towards investigations, a trend to let events unfold and see when the right instant of action will undo years of action by the enemy.

Leaders of the Southern Convention

Gannelan Ikelle, Convention Chair of the South

Elder Sidereal, Chosen of Serenity

The leader of the Convention of the South was born over eight hundred years before the Usurpation, in the shining city of High Nyunda. Flying above the world, she watched the Solars rule, and saw as it fell into ruin. With a heavy heart, she sided with the Bronze Faction of the Great Prophecy, and put all of her efforts towards overcoming them. This culminated in the battle of High Nyumba, when according to official reports Ikelle destroyed the city rather than let Virtuous Jacinth, the city's elder ruler, drive it into the Last Supplicant.

This reputation has dogged her for over seven hundred years - her softness and the seeming ease with which she grants requests and dodges politics disguises a will of absolute steel. Only the foolish assume that she is not managing her domain carefully, or that her honesty is a sign of weakness. Ikelle has risen steadfastedly through the ranks to command the fate of the South, and she pays very close attention to what goes on, even when she does not take action.

Shan Mar

Elder Sidereal, Chosen of Battles

Emerald Swan

Master Sidereal, Chosen of Secrets


Veteran Sidereal, Chosen of Endings

Young Agents of the Southern Convention

  • 10 Neonates
  • 4 PCs