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Back to Blueglass Springs

Survivors of the Great Contagion

The Blueglass Springs Council

  • Mayor Amilis Ghava: (Fire-Aspected) The former Ministry Liason is now a fairly competent mayor, who leans heavily on the rest of her council as a part of her decision-making.
  • Director Takeshi Daialla: (Earth-Aspected, Player Character) Leader of the Scholars of Mela, Daialla is dedicated to preserving the Shogunate's memory.
  • Director Colbey Veran: (Air-Aspected, Player Character) Leader of the Craftsmen of Pasiap, Veran is becoming a powerful economic force in the area and a secret power.
  • Magistrate Joshai Fuego: (Fire-Aspected, Player Character) Leader of the Arbiters of Heshiesh, Fuego is a spiritual and devout member of the council.
  • Shozei Shusei Alara of the First Scale: (Earth-Aspected) Promoted following the death of Kazei Passan, she hasn't changed much. Alara is still slow to form opinions, preferring to see every side of a situation, but is nearly unshakable once such an opinion has been put together. Alara has not yet caught the plague.
  • Kazei Joshai Larei: (Wood Aspect) Former leader of the Hawks of Mela in the city, Larei has become paranoid and defense-minded after the trials that have destroyed most of his friends and families.
  • Melaeus Tor: (Fire Aspect) A general from Shalaia, Melaeus Tor has joined Blueglass Springs and added his massive military might to the city.

Dragon-Blooded of Blueglass Springs

  • Doctor Kyril Aurum: (Wood-Aspected, Player Character) The oldest living Dragon-Blood in the city, Doctor Aurum has been badly shaken by the events of the plague, and is increasingly dedicated to reinforcing the world.
  • Director Lamar Asani, Craftsmen of Pasiap: (Air-Aspected) Foolish and easily swayed, Asani has been shaken but unbroken by the Contagion's grip. She still depends on her superiors.
  • Shozei Khoris Balar of the Second Scale: (Wood-Aspected) Balar is still ambitious and prone to short-sighted conspiracies, but he has become far more bitter and suspicious since the plague. He is loosely allied with Melaeus Tor, seeing the Shalaian commander as a useful patron.
  • Srat Hedodath: (Earth-Aspected) The lowest-ranked Dragon-Blood in the city, Srat recently became very wealthy in totally non-suspicious ways.
  • Shozei Amilis Tamoko (Water-Aspected) An ally of Daialla, Tamoko is a cocky and cheerful military officer who has joined the city's defenses.
  • Director Lakan Lessandra (Air-Aspected) A temperate scholar, Lessandra is another ally of Daialla who has joined the city's forces.
  • Hierago Aileth (Fire-Aspected) A local base commander, Aileth has fallen back to Blueglass in order to join its defenses. She is a staunch ally of Kyril Aurum.
  • Khoris Serevol (Water-Aspected) – This Craftsman has become borderline suicidally depressive due to not having caught the plague yet. He barely takes part in city operations.

Dragon-Blooded of Melaeus Tor's Army

  • Zhian Cho (Air-Aspected) - Melaeus Tor's sorcerous second-in-command is haughty but not aggressively so.
  • Melaeus Tatia (Earth-Aspected) Melaeus Tor's sister is a skilled warrior, but far less experienced than her brother.
  • Rume Davaji (Wood-Aspected) Chief doctor of the armies, Davaji is a gregarious soul who respects Aurum's capabilities.
  • Melaeus Tor has sixteen other Dragon-Blooded soldiers of varying degrees of skill.

Mortals of Blueglass Springs

Scholars of Mela

  • Director Kirigami Ikela, Division of Acceptable Priesthoods: Suffering from advanced degrees of survivors' guilt, Ikela has thrown herself into her work, working to the bone to try and mitigate the damage of the Contagion.
  • Director Khoris Hatori, Division of Acceptable Rituals: A skilled mortal thaumaturge, Hatori has risen to his position of thaumaturgical affairs through a combination of good-natured politicking and extensive family connections.

Craftsmen of Pasiap
