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Mela's Daydreams (Artifact ***)

Mela's Daydreams are a pair of blue jade wind-fire wheels, crafted in the shape of spiked semicircles and inscribed with intricate geometric and other mathematical designs inlaid with white jade, with handgrips of river-dragon skin. Each of the wheels has one hearthstone setting of its own. Mela's Daydreams must be wielded paired for their magical powers to come into play; if wielded separately, each is a durable but not extraordinary wind-fire wheel.

The primary strength of Mela's Daydreams is that they are constructed with care to the principles of Essence flow through jade, creating a latticework of efficient Essence flows that minimize the wielder's commitment of Essence to attune to the weapon. Thus, while Mela's Daydreams are not overwhelmingly powerful, they take only three motes of Essence to attune, making them Essence-light enough for even a young Dragon-Blood to attune.

In combat, Mela's Daydreams are relatively light and agile weapons, yet still striking more powerfully than fists or mundane wind-fire wheels alone. They tend to be well-rounded weapons, suitable for fast attacks and for Martial Arts lethal parries.

Mela's Daydreams: +3 Speed, +4 Acc, Dam +4L, +3 Def, D3/MA3, Commit 3 motes