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[hide]Enduring Oak
Enduring Oak, son of Enduring Stone (highly respected member of the local council), and Illandra (former servant of Stone's father). Oak grew up in a town at the edge of the River Province, known to some as Namutae. Namutea was a quiet as towns go; with nothing for Oak to do aside from play, watch his mother and sister (Dream) tend house, and hear his father's diatribes to the Council about the betterment of all citizens. Life was good for Oak and his family.
Very often children grow to emulate their parents. Unfortunately and despite Stone's best efforts, Oak became a problem child. Known as a bully and a thug throughout town, Oak used his physical prowess he gained to force his "views" on anyone who gave him trouble. Time and time again, Stone attempted to impress in his son the importance of respecting his fellow man. Time and time again, Oak ignored him and bullied others in town...until Oak picked a fight with the wrong person; a martial arts master who was known only as "The Traveler." This Traveler (actually an outcaste Terrestrial), fought Oak off with no effort. Humbled by his defeat, Oak begged the martial artist to teach him how to fight. Reluctant, but determined to keep secret his identity, Traveler traded his techniques for Oak's secrecy. Years passed, and Oak grew under his Sifu's tutalage. Through sheer force of will, Traveler had done what Stone had not; impressed a sense of virtue upon Oak. His side of the bargain fulfilled, Traveler parted with Oak.
After Traveler's departure, Oak was uncertain how to procede with the rest of his life. Confused, he traveled the land in search of an answer. And so it was that one day he ran into a familiar monk (formerly from his home town) being attacked by bandits. This particular monk had been the brunt of many of Oak's jokes and harrassments, eventually leaving the city because of them. As soon as Oak realized what was going on he rushed to the Monk's aid and soundly thrashed the bandits and sent them fleeing for the forest. It was at that moment he realized what he must do; track down those whom he wronged and set things right. He returned home to bid his goodbye to his family, and embarked on his quest. All around the River Province he searched, while at the same time creating a reputation for himself as a skilled martial artist. After years of struggle, Oak, finally having made ammends with his past, returned home.
As Oak crossed the hill overlooking the town of Namutae, he heard the sounds of battle. His heart stoppped when he looked upon the invaders--the walking dead! This was not the homecoming he has expected! Oak ran into the street and attempted to fight his way to his father's house. Soon, after wave after wave of undead approached him, he realized the only safe place was up. Running upon burning and crumbling rooftops, Oak reached his family's home--just in time to see his mother run through by a deathknight. His heart, already heavy from the circumstances of the battle, exploded at the sight of the deathknight lopping off his mother's head. Oak lunged at the wretched creature, but was batted aside and knocked to his chest. Then, as the deathknight approached him to deliver the final blow, Oak felt his body explode with power. The room lit up brighter than the sun as Oak heard the voice of the Unconquered Sun from within his soul. "Enduring Oak, you are Chosen by my will. You are Exalted among men. Return rightousness and light to this world." Oak saw the four-armed figured standing before him as the Abyssal Exalt rushed to slay his hated foe. Oak immediately flipped to his feet, narrowly dodging the killing bow. "You are guilty of crimes against the forces of life death-creature. You shall harm no more innocents as long as I draw breath." The words poured out of Oak's mouth from a place he knew not where. The fel creature attacked once more, but Oak parried the deadly blade and delivered his own attack...burning the damned creature into dust with a single blow. Oak then turned the bodies of his dead parents to ash, then proceded to join the battle with the undead of the streets. In the end, though the battle was still lost, Oak retreated from the town after rescuing a number of townsfolk.
Secrets of the Past:
After making sure the survivors were cared for in a nearby town, Oak left to figure out what had happened to him. Wandering the land once again, and mourning his parents while simultaneously searching for his sister, Oak came upon a place that seemed...familiar...a large ornate tomb. Following his strange memories, he came across a large anti-chamber with an odd symbol (a Zenith Caste Mark) upon a stone sarcophagus. Opening the tomb, he was shocked to find a spendidly made breastplate...being worn by a hungry ghost! The hungry ghost grasped for Oak, and in a lengthy battle, was dispatched by the power of the Unconquered Sun. Also inside were a number of dreamstones from Enduring Oak's First Age incarnation, which told him of a history he never imagined.
The Living Flame:
At this point, Oak knew what he must do: Release Thorns from the curse of death that has infected it. Thanks to his findings in his former incarnation's tomb, he believed he had found a way. He settled in the town of Varsi and opened a dojo which he named The Living Flame. It was here he began to teach those who shared his vision how to defeat those beings who would make men their slaves. It was here he has created his cadre of warriors of the light, who he hopes will one day aid him in proving the forces of life can overcome the forces of death.
Enduring Oak, Zenith Caste Chosen of the Unconquered Sun!
Miscellaneous Info
The enlightened mortal members of The Living Flame are all aware of Oak's Exalted status, having learned of it prior to Oak unlocking their ability to percieve essence. All enlightened mortals are supernatural martial artists, skilled in use of the Golden Janissary Style.
Info about Oak's rival can be found here: Stalwart Soul
Description & Personality
Description: 6', Bright orange eyes, Short peach hair, strong build, and a contemplative disposition with loose fitting robes. When armored, the symbol of his dojo (The Living Flame) is prominantly displayed on his breastplate.
Personality: Oak is generally a pleasant fellow, tends to keep knowledge quiet until the proper time, and often offers obviously simple (but often overlooked) answers to difficult problems.
Name: Enduring Oak
Caste: Zenith
Concept: Enemy of the Underworld
Motivation: Liberate Thorns from the UW
Anima: Gold & white outline of a crow
Current Age: 26
Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4x
Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 2
Athletics 2, Awareness 3, Integrity 3, Lore 4, Martial Arts 5 (Instruction +1), Medicine 2, Occult 2, Performance 3 (Conversion +1), Presence 3 (Conversion +1), Resistance 2, Socialize 3, Survival 2, War 3,
Face 3 (Master MA'ist and creator of The Living Flame), Followers 2 (10 Enlightened Mortals), Resources 2 (Donations)
Compassion 3, Conviction 2, Temperance 3, Valor 2
Limit Break: Contempt of the Virtuous
Willpower: 5
Health: -0,-1,-1,-2,-2,-4,Incap
Essence: 4
Essence pool: 17/43
- Rising Sun Soul
Martial Arts:
- 1st Martial Arts Excellency
- Martial Arts Essence Flow
- Fire Style Formulation
- Golden Janissary Style (All Charms):
- Cleaning Flame Strike
- Rotten Leaf Arrested
- Where is Doom Inquisition
- Golden Janissary Form
- Light-on-Dark Shield
- Paralyzing Combustion Imbuement
- Lone Spark Lights the Conflagration
- Cleaning Flame Strike
- Righteous Paladin Style:
- Rapid Redemption Method
- Rapid Redemption Method
- Essence Lending Method
- Soul-Enlightening Benefience
- 2nd Performance Excellency
- 2nd Presence Excellency
- Hypnotic Tongue Technique
- Enemy Castigating Solar Judgment
- 2nd Socialize Excellency
- Socialize Essence Flow
- Wise-Eyed Courtier Method
- 2nd War Excellency
Irresistable Suggestion Technique: Hypnotic Tongue Technique, 2nd Presence Excellency
Equipment: Short Spear (Sp 5, Acc +2, Dam +4L, Def +1, Rate 2), Spear (Sp 5, Acc +1, Dam +4L, Def +2, Rate 2), Exceptional Breastplate (Soak 4L/2B)
Join Battle: 5
Soak: 8B/4L/2A
Dodge DV: 3
Parry DV (MA, Unarmed): 4
Mental Dodge DV: 5
Short Spear: Sp 5, Acc 9, Dam 8L, PDV 5, Rate 2
Spear: Sp 5, Acc 8, Dam 8L/11L PDV 5, Rate 2
Intimacies: The Living Flame (Dojo), Raven Firemane, Creatures of Darkness (negative)
Notes: When deploying members of The Living Flame against the forces of the underworld, Oak focus on small unit tactics to ensure the survivability of his fellows. In combat, he usually activates Light-on-Dark Shield first, followed by Golden Janissary Form.