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Stillblooded Dragons

In life, their hearts beat with the blood of the Elemental Dragons. That same blood still pools in their veins, but their hearts no longer beat. At the moment of death, these Terrestrials were offered the chance to keep their power and influence a bit longer, and in their acceptance they became Labyrinthians.


Breath (Air)

The first piece of life to leave a dying body is the final breath as its lungs collapse. Its warmth quickly gives way to cold wind, its moisture turning to fog and then ice under the sunless skies of the Underworld. The Breath Aspect are the scholars and spies of the underworld, moving whispered secrets on the unseen breeze.

Blood (Water)

As the body slips fully from life into death, the heart stops beating and its blood stops flowing. It pools in the veins, draining away where it can and congealing where it cannot. Blood is about flow and connection, transferring energy and binding ties. The Blood Aspect are the politicians and mob bosses of the Underworld, making and enforcing contracts and overseeing trade in goods and services.

Flesh (Wood)

As the corpse moves from death into decay, the flesh begins to rot. Organs and entrails become vectors for disease; entire ecosystems of filth and rot thrive on the carrion. This connection to the guts of nature at its most visceral is embodied by the Flesh Aspect. They reap the foul harvest of decomposition and spread its fetid gifts to a rotting world.

Bone (Earth)

The last of the body to rot away is the bone. Bone is the solid foundation on which the rest of the body is built and nourished, the bedrock that reinforces and endures. The Bone Aspect are the generals and enforcers of the Underworld, weathering every storm and trial through to the end.

Spirit (Fire)

And finally, when even the bones have crumbled to dust with age, the Spirit yet remains. That pulsing energy, that burning flame, that will to go on. This, too, must be broken. The Spirit Aspect specialize in the breaking of will, through intimidation or persuasion or battlefield attrition, Creation's fire of life will eventually, inevitably, succumb to the spirit of the Void.
