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Sesus Chenow Teal

Teal is the rose of House Sesus, and sharp are her thorns. She was nearly the ideal young Dynast: brash, confident, utterly competent, and charismatic. She distinguished herself aboard the Imperial bireme Impetuous Silver in hunting the Lintha, dealing with a Second Circle Demon, and participating in the blockade of Thorns...

...where things went to hell.

On an unnaturally stormy night, a sleek black ship shot past Impetuous Silver as the storm sucked her away from the fleet. Determined, Teal ordered the chase. Aboard were the deathknights Jubilant Overseer of Evisceration and Mistress of the Ivory Talon. Through clever sorcery, determination, and the righteous power of the Dragons, Teal and her crew prevailed - but during the battle, Teal lost a good deal of the right side of her body as the Overseer's grand grimcleaver removed her shoulder, cutting from collarbone to floating rib. Teal survived only because of the ministrations of three sesseljae and the sorcerous medicine of Peleps Darin, her ally and kubernetes.

Teal is now recovering from her injury on Storm's Rest, while Darin, who feels responsible for her injury, is attempting to craft her a replacement arm of red jade.

Due to a bargain made to save Impetuous Silver from sinking, Teal has a Ring Grace which is owned by a noble of the Pearl Court.


Teal is a PC from the last game I ran who's making a cameo appearance in this one, along withKurulham/SesusChenowTeal/NellensSeshon, her proreus.