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The Real Deal

Most beings in Creation who know of the Infernal Exalted -- and even many Infernals themselves -- assume them to be the lynchpin of the Yozis' escape plan. This is, in fact, completely false. Infernals are decoys, existing almost solely to keep Creation's defenders divided and off-balance. Most of their actions amount to political agitation or terrorist attacks against the Realm, Silver Pact, or Celestial Bureaucracy. Even if unsuccessful, they still serve the Yozi design: by behaving in ways expected of wicked Anathema, the Infernal Exalted ensure that the group most capable of effectively opposing the Yozis -- the newly-returned Solars -- remains isolated and hunted.

Some Yozis would like to use Infernal Exalted to assist their escape more directly, but they don't do it because of their distrust for each other. As soon as one Yozi starts using Infernals to directly prosecute his or her personal agenda in Creation (or worse, to attack other Yozis and demons), all of them will, and they are all justifiably paranoid of what kind of secret plans their brothers and sisters may have; many also suspect that the Ebon Dragon wants them to fall to fighting among themselves. For this reason, the Yozis tacitly adhere to the doctrine that Infernal Exalted should be relegated to a peripheral role in any escape plan.

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