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Constellation of the Mast

Outrunning Destiny Method
Cost: 3m; Mins: Resistance 3, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None

No one can actually outrun their destiny but still some things the Viziers just don't have time to deal with that moment. So they put it off until later. A Sidereal who has caught a Sickness effect can spend and commit 3m to putting the disease on hold. They do not suffer its effects, they can't transmit it to others but neither does it get better while its put on hold. Ending the committment causes the disease to continue to affect them as normal. The Sidereal can use this charm against multiple diseases.

Outpaced Destiny Method
Cost: 3m; Mins: Resistance 3, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None

It is said that the most common phrase regarding Mercury is 'Sorry, you just missed her.'. This is true in many ways for the Vizier's as well. Things they don't want to have happen to them have to play catchup to them. When about to suffer damage from a poison the Sidereal can spend 3m. This puts the poison on delay until she no longer commits the motes. It doesn't cure the poison it merely makes her have to deal with the penalties and damage later. The Sidereal can use this charm against multiple poisonings.

No-Time-to-Die Technique
Cost: 5m/wound; Mins: Resistance 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Indefinite
Prerquisite Charms: Outrunning Destiny Method, Outpaced Destiny Method

More then the Solars, more then the Lunars, the Sidereals are the most harried of all the Celestial exalted. There is only 100 of them afterall. And they definitly don't have time to go getting hurt and spending weeks in bed. So they just put it off until they get their sabbaticle and deal with it then. This charm is activated before damage is rolled. The damage is still rolled but marked seperately. Until the Sidereal uncommitts the motes the damage doesn't happen. Charm that would be caused by a damaging effect will also be put on hold until this charm is uncommitted. The Sidereal can use this charm against multiple blows.

Terms of Survival Method
Cost: -; Mins: Resistance 5, Essence 4, House of Journeys 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: College
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: No-Time-to-Die Technique

Having put off disease, poison and maybe even death from wounds the Viziers have no reason to put off treatment. Any effect the Sidereal has delayed with Outrunning Destiny Method, Outpaced Destiny Method or No-Time-to-Die Technique can now receive medical treatment. The difficulty of such rolls for treatment is increased by one. Only with medical treatment will they get better without the Sidereal uncommitting the motes and taking the damage. For the time it takes to cure wounds assume that half the dice would come up as damage. Only a single wound can be treated at a time though doctors can treat any and all diseases and poisons as well as that one wound.

Ready For the World Preperation
Cost: 4m; Mins: Resistance 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None

When bad weather calls the hurried Chosen of the Maiden's don't have time to waste getting dressed. They have to be ready now and on their way. Luckily with a few motes of starlight they can quickly dress themselves in the finest silks, the sturdiest wilderness wear or even armor for battle. Used outside of battle the Sidereal can get dressed in an instant if they have clothes nearby for it. Used in battle or where complicated garments are involved the character suffers a DV penalty equal to the armor's or clothing's Mobility Penalty until her DV refreshes once.

Armor Donner, instant but DV pen = to mob pen until action refreshes(1b)

Elsewhere storer, can carry multiple armor & outfits(2b), connects to 1b.

Ox-Body Technique(1c). Options are 1*-0 or 2*-1 or 3*-2.

Any Res Ex(1d)

Specific task based fatigue and sleep and food ignorer(2d), connects from 1d. Soak Booster, +essence to soaks(3d), connects from 1d.

Armor Maker(4d), connects from 3d. Hardness charm(5d), constellation charm, connects to 3d.

College, sets base damage of attacks against sid equal to a virtue sid chooses during charm activation.
