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Ashmere, our little Addict-Zenith

Ashmere Raven-Silas		Explorer			Zenith
Driven Defender			Varang District, Rohan Empire	Blazing Phoenix

Strength	3		Charisma	3		Perception	3
Dexterity	5		Manipulation	3		Intelligence	2
Stamina		3		Appearance	3		Wits		3

DAWN			[[CrownedSun/Ashmere/ZENITH]]/			TWILIGHT
Archery		**		Endurance	**		Craft		
Brawl				Performance	**	[[CrownedSun/Ashmere/Investigation]]/	***
Martial Arts			Presence	***		Lore		*
[[CrownedSun/Ashmere/Melee]]/		***		Resistance			Medicine	
Thrown		**		Survival	**	[[CrownedSun/Ashmere/Occult]]/	***

Athletics	***		Bureaucracy	**		
[[CrownedSun/Ashmere/Awareness]]/	****		Linguistics	*	
Dodge		***		Ride		*	
Larceny				Sail			
Stealth			[[CrownedSun/Ashmere/Socialize]]/	**	

Linguistics:	Varang; Rohan.
Willpower	6		Personal:	15		Compassion	***
x x x x x | x - - - -		XXxxxxx				Conviction	*
				Periphereal:	30	
Limit Break			Committed:			Temperance	**
x - - - - | - - - - - 		0/15 Pers; 0/36 Peri		Valor		***

Virtue Flaw: Imprudent Infatuation (Compassion)
Trigger:  The character witnesses someone attractive in peril or duress (even if the character himself is the cause of that duress).

Inituative:	8			Soak (L/B):	(1/3)	Mobility:	-2
ARMOR:	Reinforced Buff Jacket			w/Armor	(6/9)	Fatigue:	2

HEALTH LEVELS	0	1		2		4	Incapacitated
  ((/*xX))	x	xxx		xxxx		/	/
Daiklaive		8L (+5L)	+2 (10)	+2 (10)		11 (+3)

Throwing Knives		5L(+2L)		7(+0)	15		3
Self Bow				7(+0)	150		2
	Broadhead	5L(+2)
	Frog Crotch	7L(+4) - Double Soak
	Target		3L(+0) - Half Soak

Charms					page #	type		cost (Duration)
Golden Essence Block			pg.166	Reflexive	1 mote/2 dice
Ox-Body Technique			pg.170	Special		N/A
Essence-Gathering Temper		pg.171	Reflexive	1 mote
Harmonious Presence Meditation		pg.175	Simple		6 motes (One Hour)
Friendship with Animals Approach	pg.179	Simple		3 motes (One Scene)
Ten Magistrate Eyes			pg.185	Supplemental	3 motes (One Scene)
Crafty Observation Method		pg.185	Simple		5 motes
Graceful Crane Stance			pg.193	Reflexive	3 motes (One Scene)
Sensory Acuity Prana			pg.196	Simple		5 motes (One Scene)
Reed in the Wind			pg.197	Reflexive	1 mote/2 dice
Sagacious Reading of Intent		pg.207	Simple		6 motes
Wise-Eyed Courtier Method		pg.211	Simple		3 motes

BACKGROUNDS		value	notes
Influence		**	As one of the first members of the Silas and now one of their "leaders" along with the rest of her
				Circle, Ashmere has a decent amount of clout in the empire.
Allies			***	Ashmere has made some headway into a "friendship" with Gray River Shallows, thusfar the only Abyssal
				to come to Deliberative meetings. He keeps her supplied with Ghost Flower. She also has made ties
				with Embers of Dawn, as she begins to work on figuring out how Spirit Courts function. (1 undefined).
Manse			***	Ashmere has claimed several Manses, most notably the Shrine of the Inconquerable Maiden(Level 3
				Water), the House of Eternal Flame(Level 1 Fire), and the Tomb of the Shrouded One(Level
				2 Earth), and claimed the Hearthstones from each. 
Backing			**	Though no longer functioning in official capacity, Ashmere is still registered among the Grim
				Legions, Bloody Brand -hai, Kolmar's -kai, Jucin -tet.  She is thus a member of the Rohan Legion.
Artifacts		***	Ashmere carries a small flower crafted of bone and silver, a warding charm against the Hungry Dead, a
				hearthstone amulet in the shape of a tiger's jaws, and a short Orichalcum Daiklave.
Resources		**	While the Silas aren't as rich as some families, they do have a healthy budget, out of which stipends
				are paid to those involved in their activities.

	Ashmere's Hearthstone Amulet is simple in design - a stylized tiger flashing it's teeth, in between which rests the setting for a single
stone.  Popular stories claim that the amulet also gives the bearer the courage of the animal it depicts.
	(+1 die to valor rolls in combat).

	She has a simply made Orichalcum Daiklave, with no name, history, or anything spectacular attached to it.  It was forged for her by the
Larisian Smith, Esemith, and is excellently balanced.  She hopes to, one day, make a name for it worthy of legend.

(Hearthstones and Manses)
	The Tomb of the Shrouded (Level 2, Earth Manse) is located near Gem, and is one of a handful of Manses within the Empire that existed prior
to the rush of building undertaken by the Orile in NRY 26.  The origin of it's name is unclear, as it does not seem to actually be a tomb of any
sort.  Previously buried under mounds of Earth, the Manse was partially uncovered by the traitorous Earth Aspect Merkan, and later unveiled entirely
by the Orile and explored by the Silas.
	The Salt-Gem of the Spirit's Eye makes it difficult for unmanifested spirits to see or harm Ashmere, requiring a Perception + Alertness roll
to spot her, at +1 difficulty if using Stealth. The attempts of unmanifested spirits to attack her are at -2 dice.

	House of Eternal Flame (Level 1, Fire Manse), nestled quietly within Nei`Roh itself, is named for it's eternally burning Flame of Essence in
the core of the building.  A fairly meager building, it has more than enough room for Ashmere and is quite comfortable to boot -- given to her as a
home by the Deliberative shortly after her Exalted, she keeps it as her residence for the occasions in which she is in Nei`Roh.  More often than
not, however, she is elsewhere.
	The Gem of the Calm Heart allows Ashmere to chose rational thought over blind emotion. When the stone is activated, she may increase the
difficulty of a Valor roll, to make it more likely to fail, thus allowing her to chose what she will do.

	Shrine of the Inconquerable Maiden (Level 3, Water Manse), named for the Spirit who inhabited the Demense before it was purchased by the
Orile, was built in the manner of a Temple and Place of Worship, with a solid foundation allowing it to function as a fortification in time of need
and enough living space for an Exalt, his or her family, and other such things.  Located just a bit outside of Ursonti, it had to be rebuild
somewhat after Ma-Ha-Suchi's most recent raid -- it now functions as Ashmere's home away from home whenever she is in the Eastern Reaches of the
	The Stone of Freedom prevents Ashmere from being physically restrained or confined.  Ropes untie themselves, manacles simply fall off, doors
open, and clinches, holds and the like automatically fail. It is currently mounted in her Daiklave.

	In addition to her artifacts, Ashmere has a reinforced buff jacket emblazoned with the sigils of House Silas and the Bloody Brand Urdo, a
handful of throwing daggers, a well-crafted short bow with numerous sorts of arrows, and a number of maps and journal entries scavenged from
assorted manses, tombs and abandoned settlements.