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Malic's Astrology

Malic arrives at Osprey's Manse sometime after both have returned from meeting with their other Circlemates. Forge has accompanied Malic this time, leaving Ember alone at the Bazaar. Malic decided the girl should get used to it, since he'll need Forge to run errands more and more often. Once a servant has lead the Southron to Osprey's presence..."Osprey, I need you to help me with something."

Osprey finishes the letter he is writing, carefully blots the paper, and only then looks up. "And what would that something be, brother Malic?"

"Just some astrology work. With what Arkandi told us about that disguisting little pustule that ran the brothel, I think a little meddling is justified. And you're better at the paper work then I am."

Osprey nods, rolling up the papyrus and tying it off with a blue string.

"I think we'll need two destinies," says Malic. "One for the little maggot-chasing smutmonger and one for the girls. The Ship's Wheel should fit."

"I reported the prostitution ring's infernal dealings to the proper authorities not long ago," Osprey informs him, "so I do not imagine that our superiors will be opposed to us hindering Alisair with astrology."

Malic settles down next to Osprey and taking a bag from Forge, containing several items Malic brought for sacrifices. Incense, of course, a small brazier to burn it in, spices and oils, several Ambrosia coins, rolled and sealed bits of parchment and some scraps of demon-skin that Malic took from a Blood Ape he killed a few months back when it escaped. Osprey sorts through his rack of brushes, looking for the best one.

"Probably won't," says Malic. "They shouldn't object for other reasons, but that'll do, I guess."

"It would also not displease me to see the innocents in this situation escape harm." Osprey looks at Malic's satchel of ritual accoutrements. "Have you brought appropriate stationery?"

Malic also produces two gold rings that he snitched from Spring Snow's room at the brothel, as well as the silver used to pay for the visit with her. Nodding to Osprey, Malic hands over his "astrology paper", fine stuff made in Great Forks and purchased from his connections in the South. Osprey inspects the paper critically, running fingers over it to check its texture and holding it up to the light to look for irregularities in thickness. He appears satisfied; he spreads the paper out on the low table behind which he sits cross-legged.

"Ink?" asks Osprey.

Malic slides an inkwell over to Osprey. The ink is amber-colored, mixed by a man in Chiaroscuro who claimed to have discovered recipes for First Age Inks in one of the old glass towers. The truth or not, Malic thinks it is, the ink is of the highest quality.

Osprey's brush hovers above the inkwell. "I assume the traditional forms will do? Have you any particular flourishes you would like added?"

Malic considers for a few moments. "I think a note about the importance of the curse upon the cankerous mass of bile will do. reminding the spiders about the trouble he will cause them if left unattended to, with his infernal dealings. And, for the women, a similar note about their good fortune reducing the liklihood of further infernalism."

"So you intend for your prayer to be fairly direct, then? It would be best if it, and the petition, were similar in tone."

Malic nods.

Osprey closes his eyes; his brow furrows slightly as he thinks of his friend's distinctive idiom and manner, and how to best translate it into writing. After brief contemplation, he dips the brush into the ink. Utilizing the Five Harmonious Angles style of calligraphy, Osprey swiftly scribes the petition.

Malic makes occasional suggestions as Osprey writes, but mostly he lets the other man handle this part. While Osprey brushes down the caligraphy, Malic sketches out destiny plans. After both are done, they switch and proofread. Osprey, of course, has *far* more to fix then Malic, who does nothing but nod approvingly and wonderingly.

Osprey scrutinizes Malic's plans carefully. As expected, he needs to fill in a few blanks; the Southron's tendency to rely on enthusiasm and quick thinking to carry him through is not something which is likely to impress the pattern spiders.

Malic pulls out the sheaf of horoscopes he compleated earlier. In fact, he had set to work on them as soon as he returned to Yu-Shan, having Ember fetch books and charts for him for most of the night. The horoscopes are stained with his sweat and the occasional drop of blood where he stabbed himself with something to keep awake to finish it, or stabbed himself with the sharp end of his compass while finding an arc on a starchar

"I think that's the paperwork for the first one...will you draft the second petition while I talk with the spiders?"

Osprey inclines his head in agreement; he takes the second piece of paper, and the other necessary equipment, into another room so that Malic's prayer will not be disturbed. Malic is left alone in the sparsely-decorated room.

Malic gathers the bucket of festering camel dung's horoscope, the petition and the signed forms in front of himself. Forge, sitting across from him, lights the braziure. A stick of incense smelling of salt, storms, rope, sweat and blood ignites into a grey cloud over the braizure as Malic carefully sets each paper alight, letting the heavy smoke carry their careful work to the Spiders.

"The Coefficient of Rejoinders, Malic of the Del'Zahn Horde, petitions the Pattern Spiders of the Division of Journeys, Weavers of the Tapestry of Stars for the College of the Ship's Wheel to grant my request. I humbly entreat the Spiders to take into their ill graces the star of Alisair Gebhard. He who has trucked with demons for personal gain, snarled the weave of Fate, and indirectly collaborated with the Forces of Oblivion. I ask that when faced with hardship, he falter. When he falters, that he not rise to try again. And that his failure and fall be final and complete. I offer these gifts to the Spiders, to repay the work that must be done to bring this criminal to justice under the Auspices of Heaven"

Malic carefully slices the gold foil from several ambrosia coins, allowing the pure prayer to drip into the fire. The gold goes next, slowly starting to melt in the fire. He adds the coins slowly and carefully, repeating his prayer and entreaties as Osprey works on the next set of papers. It takes Malic three full hours to complete his task. Not unsurprising given his lack of skill.
