Mandates Of Malfeasance

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         Welcome to the Mandates of Malfeasance!
 -What is it?

Mandates is a campaign I thought of for the wiki's format. Basically, everyone posts in one long Wiki thread. Secrets, sidequests, combats, etc are all linked from the main page. The goal is for anyone on the Wiki to come in, slap a bit of a story together, and wind up with a story we all worked together to create.

 -Why should I play?

For fun. Think of it as a creative writing exercise, set in Exalted. Help yourself out of writer's block. Get your small bit of gaming fix for the day. Look cool. Win friends and influence people. And because it's rather freeform, you can have a character be as cool as you want them to be.

For other Storytellers, it's useful for adventure seeds or oddities to throw into their campaigns if they so wish. If the Mandates state that all Solars are now blue-skinned and have 12 foot long vestigial batwings, and your Solar circle is trying to hide in the Blessed Isle, then our game just did the work of an adventure or five for you.

 -How do I play?

Simply make a Sidereal character. Put them on the Wiki. Slide a link to them in the PC section of the Mandates area. Then, once a day, you get to assign your character one action (though you get to react to everything directed specifically at your PC).

 -Are there rules?

Sure. A few.

  1. Keep it civil.
  2. You get one action a day for your character. That 'action' constitutes a scene in game. One scene and nothing more. So if you wish to start combat with some NPCs you made, that's your scene. Wish to talk, its your scene. If you interact with another PC, communicate with them on another page on the wiki then put the combined scene of it together on the Mandate's main page.
  3. You get 1 XP for each day you post something. That XP must be assigned to a skill you used. So if you engage in combat, and use swords while you do it, you get +1XP to Melee. When you earn enough MeleeXP, your Melee goes up.
  4. After you use the Mandates (see below) you lose them and can not touch them again for one RL week.
  5. All action must take place within Yu-Shan. Incarna level magics prevent the Mandates from entering Creation by the hands of a Sidereal, and only Sidereals may be used as PCs for the game. Also, any Sidereal that touches the Mandates has the magics rub off on them for a period of time.

 -What are the Mandates?

The Mandates are a minor item of Fate. It is what the Fates use to write their notes down. Yes, it's the notebooks of Fate. While they are a Minor item to the Ladies, they are a Legendary Artifact upon Creation. The Mandates could literally rewrite all of Creation. Whatever is written in them likely will happen soon. They USED to be held in Creation, guarded by a Major God of Safes and Security. However, lately that deity had been destroyed, and all the artifacts they had been guarding vanished to the shadows of the perpetrators. Including the Mandates, which have the power to change lives. The PCs learn of the Mandates vanishing somehow (it's up to each individual PC how) and seek them for their own goals.

 -Do the Mandates have their own rules?

Sure do. Only a few also.

  1. The Mandates can only hold 50 words. Each PC can only write up to that amount in it. Erasing the Mandates erases the entire thing so you got a blank slate on it.
  2. Erasing or Writing in the Mandates uses your action for that day. Both give you your choice of an XP point in Lore or Bureaucracy.
  3. You cannot hold the Mandates for more than 2 days. That means you can Erase on one day, and Write on another. But on day 3, if you did nothing, the Mandates vanish and are placed in some random location in Yu-Shan (to be chosen by the next PC that obtains the Mandates)
  4. The Mandates can never bring harm or ruin specifically to a PC. NPCs are fair game though. The Mandates also cannot lower any dice pool by more than -2.
  5. All NPCs are susceptible to the Mandates' words -- everything from Sun down to the bootlickers of Nexus. This means that if you write in the Mandates that She Who Lives In Her Name is free on Creation, then She Who Lives In her Name is free to roam around all over Creation until someone Erases the Mandates or Writes in something contradictory. Yes, the Mandates can trump anything set down in the Exalted books.
  6. The Mandates cannot bring the future to the present. The future changes. So no, you can't bring Vampires to Creation. You can't state how you want Creation's next Age to start. The Mandates, however, -can- bring what has happened back again. It can resurrect the dead by stating they live again. It can return the Shogunate by stating the Shogunate is back. It can state the Dragon Kings rule all of Creation by changing all humans to the Kings.
  7. The items written down in the official Exalted books are what is Creation's 'natural' state. The Yozis and Malfeans being tossed from Creation is natural. Fair Folk living in the Wyld is natural. If something is written down that is unnatural, that exists -only- as it stays in the Mandates (see Mandate rule 5). So if it's written that the Fair Folk live on the Blessed Isle, they do -- until the Mandate is Erased; then the FF live back in the Wyld as is natural.
  8. The Sidereals that touch the Mandates have a certain immunity to it. Negative (and positive) aspects of the newly written Mandates can be ignored by the Touched. It's up to the choice of the PC whether or not the effects work on their character. However, it's an all or nothing affair. And you can't choose to ignore things that don't affect you directly. So you can ignore rules that state that Melee is harder for people to use, but you can't ignore the fact that the Fair Folk live on the Blessed Isle.

  • Writings of the Mandates - This page is for the current (and old for archival and fun) rules as written into the Mandates. Go here to read the Mandates now, or if you have them in game to Write or Erase them.
  • Chosen of the Mandates - Put your PCs here; link to your PCs from here. Update your character's stats for the XP you earn here. Check out other PCs here. It's the PC area.
  • Adventures for the Mandates - Slide in your scene of the day here; this is the IC section of the Mandates campaign. Write in whatever your PC does here -- whatever you run with on that day.
  • Mandates OOC - OOC section for the Mandates campaign. Go here to talk to other players, to write notes down if you want, to hash out the details of the scene you make with other PCs -- anything that doesn't actually involve being IC but actually helps the game out goes here.