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Name: Eye of Wisdom
Caste: No Moon
Concept: Lazy sorceress
Motivation: Attain the Solar Circle
Anima: A quietly slumbering serpent
Tell: Some snake scales
Spirit Form: A giant green snake.
Factions: None
XP Left/Spent: 0/0 532/232/118/123

Strength ••••, Charisma ••••, Perception •••••
Dexterity •••••, Manipulation ••••, Intelligence •••••
Stamina ••••, Appearance •••••, Wits •••••

Athletics 1, Awareness 1, Craft 5, Dodge 5, Integrity 5, Investigation 5(Research +3), Linguistics 5, Lore 5, Martial Arts 5, Medicine 5, <b>Occult
5(Sorcery +5), Performance 5(Composing +3), Presence 5, Resistance 3, Socialize 5, Survival 3

Followers 3
Manse 3

••, Conviction •••, Temperance •••••, Valor •••
Virtue Flaw Curse of the Drunken Monkey
Willpower •••••••••
Essence •••••

Health Levels</b> 0*1, -1*2, -2*2, -4*1, Incapacitated

Appearance: Third Appearance Excellency(4m)
Charisma: Third Charisma Excellency(4m)
Dexterity: Third Dexterity Excellency(4m), Graceful Crane Stance(3m), Secure Cat Stepping(1m, F), Golden Tiger Stance(2m, F), Wary Swallow Method(1m), Wind-Dancing Method(3m), Flowing Body Evasion(4m), Twin-Fang Technique(5m), Octopus and Spider Barrage(6m, 1wp), Lightning Stroke Attack(7m)
Intelligence: First Intelligence Excellency(1m/die), Terrestial Circle Sorcery(1wp), Celestial Circle Sorcery(2wp), Luna's Blessed Hands*2, Form-Fixing Method, Circle Serpent Wisdom, Counting the Elephant's Wrinkles(1m), Inevitable Genius Insight
Knacks: Chaning Plumage Mastery, Hybrid Body Rearrangement, Internal Form Mastery, Deadly Beastman Transformation
Manipulation: Third Manipulation Excellency(4m)
Perception: Third Perception Excellency(4m), Eagle-Fish Transition Prophecy(12m, 2wp), Flaw-Finding Examination(8m), Eye of the Cat(6m, F), Devil-Restraining Grip(5m, 1wp), God-Cutting Essence(1m), Spirit-Maiming Attack(3m), Instinctive Essence Prediction(4m, F), All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight(6m), Sense-Borrowing Method(5m), Watchful Spider Stance(6m, 1wp), Grandfather Spider Majesty, Keen Smell and Taste Technique(3m), Keen Hearing and Touch Technique(3m), Heightened Smell and Taste Method(2m), Wyld-Sensing Instincts(3m, 1wp)
Stamina: Third Stamina Excellency(4m)
Strength: Third Strength Excellency(4m), Claws of the Silver Moon(4m, 1wp, G), Burrowing Devil Strike(2m, F)
Wits: Third Wits Excellency(4m), The Spider's Trap Door(4m), Thieving Magpie Prana(3m), Many-Pockets Meditation(2m), Secure Den Prana(4m, 1wp), Meerkat Alertness Practice(2m), Wasp Sting Blur(2m/tick, F), Furious Unhappy Recourse(6m), Hungry Eagle Method(5m), Predator and Prey Recognition(1m)


<b>Deadly Beastman Transformation</b> +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Stamina


<b>Join Battle
, Soak , Dodge DV , Fatigue , Mobility Penalty
Fist: Speed 5, Accuracy , Damage B, Parry DV , Rate 3, Tags N
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy , Damage B, Parry DV , Rate 2, Tags N
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy , Damage B, Parry DV -, Rate 1, Tags N, P, C

Spirit Form Combat</b>
<b>Join Battle
, Soak , Dodge DV , Fatigue , Mobility Penalty
Natural Attack Speed , Accuracy , Damage B, Parry DV , Rate , Tags N

DBT Combat</b>
<b>Join Battle
, Soak , Dodge , Fatigue , Mobility Penalty
Fist: Speed 5, Accuracy , Damage B, Parry DV , Rate 3, Tags N
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy , Damage B, Parry DV , Rate 2, Tags N
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy , Damage B, Parry DV -, Rate 1, Tags N, P, C

Social Combat</b>
<b>Join Debate
, Mental Dodge DV
Presence: Speed 4, Accuracy , Parry , Rate 2
Performance: Speed 6, Accuracy , Parry , Rate 1
Investigation: Speed 5, Accuracy , Parry , Rate 2

Her own pleasure, being flattered, relaxing, sorcery, her home



Plot Uses
Circle Serpent Wisdom lets her remember all her last life knew.
