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Dawn Caste Solar. Varian was originally born to a patrician family in the Realm, though you'd never get him to admit it. He was a problem child and any hopes his parents might have had of him marrying into one of the Great Houses were soon dashed. Irresponsible, prone to recklessness and rebelliousness, and a poor student, when Varian reached adulthood his family arranged to have him sent to "look after their interests in Threshold" with no small amount of relief. What they never expected was for him to drop off the map almost as soon as he got there.

Varian spent a number of years working for Mastema Fangborn, the mob boss of the Green Fire Syndicate. He was the "face" who went along with Mastema's bullyboys to convince reluctant shopowners and farmers that it would really be in their best interest if they paid up. After doing this for some time, however, it began to chafe, and he started entertaining ideas of leaving. It was on his last job when he was sent - along with Mastema's oldest son - to retrieve a pair of First Age artifacts from a mining outpost that had unearthed them that things suddenly changed. After getting in a disagreement with the other members of the gang about their rough treatment of one of the locals, Varian abruptly drew his Second Breath. In the ensuing chaos, Mastema's son died and Varian ran for the hills.

Generally a good-for-nothing deadbeat, Varian has a streak of nobility that has become more and more prevalent since his Exaltation - much to his dismay. He carries the paired Plasma Tongue Repeaters (Salvation and Perdition) claimed during his Exaltation and travels contantly throughout Barony, using sympathetic contacts from his Syndicate days to stay one step ahead of the hired killers Mastema has on his tail. He'd like to leave the region entirely, but hasn't figured out how to get around the Syndicate stranglehold on travel routes leading out of Barony.

Varian is a practitioner of the Righteous Devil Style of Martial Arts and a skilled swordsman and barehanded fighter. He typically dresses in browns and blacks, wears a buff jacket, and a broad-brimmed, crowned hat, with a straight sword in a sheath across his back and his guns tucked behind his hips and out of sight. He enjoys drinking, carousing, and telling an exaggerated story, but is a sucker for a pretty face and hates to see innocents hurt. He's belligerent and rarely backs down from a fight.