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Vital Statistics

Name: Nellens Korina
Aspect: Fire
Profession: "Jade Sniffer"
Anima: Complex looking bursts of Fireworks
Current Age: 28
Apparent Age: 18
Hair: Dark Red
Eyes: Warm Blue
Skin: Deep Reddish Tan
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 124 lbs.
Sex: Female


As she was an An-Teng street rat before she Exalted and was adopted into House Nellens, Korina has, metaphorically speaking, developed a rather tough shell around her heart. The twin social problems of being a Nellens and an adopted Dynast further drove home the lesson that she can only trust herself and, to a lesser extent, her House. Though it is generally thought that, if the shell could be penetrated, that she would become a very devoted and passionate friend. She is thought to have a crush on Winglord Sesus Mesu.


Korina spent six years as a legionnaire before transferring to the Humble and Honest Assessors of the Imperial Tax, Illegal Jade Discovery Division. While not the best bureaucrat, she has a keen sense of where criminals tend to hide things and the skill at arms to back up her discoveries. She is quite skilled with both Sword and Firewand, familiar with the basics of Golden Exhalation Style as well as a number of native Melee charms. She has a suit of Red Jade lamellar armor, her Chain Daiklave "Fire Snake," and her Plasma Tongue Repeater "Flame Duck."