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Wine Charms

Following the Red FlowSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>
<B>CostSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: 3 motes
<B>TypeSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: Simple
<B>DurationSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: One Scene
<B>Minimum TemperanceSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: 1
<B>Minimum EssenceSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: 2
<B>Prerequisite CharmsSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: None
Internalizing her own blood's currents with those of the ambience around her, Madali can attain knowledge of whom of those within (Essence * 10) yards of her has been imbibing (and has become drunk on) wine.
<B>Read the Influenced MindSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>
<B>CostSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: 4 motes
<B>TypeSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: Simple
<B>DurationSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: Instant
<B>Minimum TemperanceSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: 2
<B>Minimum EssenceSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: 3
<B>Prerequisite CharmsSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: Following the Red Flow
Once she knows who has imbibed her dilutted blood, she may also watch the currents within others, casting forth red and crystal tendrils of Essence and reaching within their drunken minds. When using this Charm, Madali can read the thoughts of those that have become drunk on red wine with a Perception + Temperance roll. One success reveals surface thoughts, while five successes reveals anything that they would never speak of, even while drunk.
<B>Insinuation of Drunken StupporSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>
<B>CostSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: 3 motes, 1 Willpower
<B>TypeSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: Simple
<B>DurationSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: One Scene
<B>Minimum TemperanceSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: 3
<B>Minimum EssenceSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: 3
<B>Prerequisite CharmsSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: Following the Red Flow
By tossing red wine in the direction of her intended target (Dexterity + Thrown or Athletics), she may cause drunkeness to come over the target. The liquid she sprays on the target dissolves in mid air, becoming Essence as it hits the intended victim. Mortal characters are automatically considered drunk for a scene. Exalted and other magical beings (or Heroic Mortals) may resist with a Stamina + Resistance roll (Difficulty 2, 3 for Heroic Mortals). Beings who can see Essence can attempt a dodge at normal difficulty.
<B>Riding Under the InfluenceSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>
<B>CostSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: 4 motes, 1 Willpower
<B>TypeSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: Simple
<B>DurationSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: One Scene
<B>Minimum TemperanceSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: 4
<B>Minimum EssenceSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: 4
<B>Prerequisite CharmsSeiraryu/MadaliCharms/B>: Read the Influenced Mind, Insinuation of Drunken Stuppor
Those under the influence of her element are perfect for the Mistress' control. By using this Charm she may gain control of the drunk's body without actually possessing the body. She must maintain a modicum of concentration to control her victim, but otherwise can do as she pleases and act individually. She may order the drunk to do anything she wishes, including battle, but may not force them to committ suicide (though it's just as easy to send them into a fight with someone that will surely kill them).
This Charm's mechanics are the same as Possession, only that she does not actually possess the target, and the victim must be drunk on wine.