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Framework for my Game Bible

  • This is kinda like open source, just like the whole Wiki. Please, write suggestions for names, mechanics, flavor text, balancing, ideas for the world, interesting places, orginizations, Jutsu, Bloodlines, and anything else you can think of. If you have a good system you would like implemented in this world, that you think would benefit the game, then please, suggest it at the bootom of this page or any of the sub pages, and i will happily see about implementing it. Any suggestions you have would be greatly apreciated. =)


  • World Notes and info on the world. Any suggestions you ahve coudl greatly influence the game world.


  • Character Generation Stats


  • General Rules


  • Jutsu Activations, uses per turn, cost, type, duration...



  • Certian Elements are better at things than others. Here is a list of those things. (In theory, any element can do any thing, just not as well as others can.)


  • Jutsu that have been playtested and revised.


  • Jutsu's that are ready to be playtested and revised.


  • Jutsu that have mechanics but still need to be made pretty. Please suggest any names or flavor text you can think of, because i suck at them.


  • Quick outlines of what i want a jutsu tree to do. Feel Free to suggest mechanics, names, and flavor text, balance issues, etc...


  • Another naruto inspired idea, specific clans with special powers not attainable through normal Jutsu. More costly and more powerful than normal Jutsu.

  • Griffon: Are you trying make our heads hurt with this, Brendan?