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Name: Cecilia Concept: Kung Fu Detective

Player: Rutee >.> <.< Nature: Bureaucrat

Caste: Twilight Anima Banner: A pair of swinging handcuffs

(Physical)              (Social)                (Mental)
Strength      [000..]   Charisma      [000..]   Perception    [0000.]
Dexterity     [0000.]   Manipulation  [0....]   Intelligence  [0000.]
Stamina       [00...]   Appearance    [000..]   Wits          [000..]
                            (=Abilities=) 7
(Dawn)                  (Zenith)                (Twilight)
Archery       [.....]   Endurance     [.....] Craft         [0....]
Brawl         [.....]   Perform       [.....] Investigation [00000]
Martial Arts  [.....]   Presence      [.....] Lore          [000..]
Melee         [.....]   .Resistance   [000..] Medicine      [0....]
.Thrown       [00000]   Survival      [.....] Occult        [000..]
(Night)                 (Eclipse)
Athletics    [.....]    Bureaucracy   [0....]
.Awareness   [0000.]    Linguistics   [.....]
.Dodge       [000..]    Ride          [.....]
.Larceny     [00...]    Sail          [.....]
Stealth      [.....]    Socialize     [.....]

Languages: ???


Larceny: +2 Finding Bolt Holes


(Throwing) Precision of the Striking Raptor (1m/2d, instant, ref) Dice Adder Joint Wounding Attack (3m, instant, ref) For every Health Level of damage, -1 Die Penalty to all actions.


Ox Body Technique -1/-2/-2


Durability of Oak Meditation: (1m/2B, scene, simple) Adds to Bashing Soak Ironskin Concentration: (3m, instant, ref) Attacker deals Min. damage.


Sensory Acuity Prana (5m, scene, simple) Add Ess in Autosuccesses to all Awareness checks


Reed in the Wind (1m/2d, instant, ref) Dice Adding ^.^


10 Magistrate Eyes (3m, scene, supplemental) Add Ess in Autosuccesses to all Investigation checks

Crafty Observation Method (5m, instant, simple) Any observation of physical evidence will reveal what caused said evidence. Requires significant evidence, and will not see through fake evidence.

Judge's Ear Technique (6m, scene, ref) Can not be consciously lied to


Body Mending Meditation (10m, day, simple)

Heal 10x faster then normal


Terrestrial Circle Sorcery (1w, instant, simple) Allows the casting of a Terrestrial Circle ranked spell


Hound of the Five Winds Cost 15 motes

Creates a Hound out of pure elemental energy. The hound is NOT an elemental, and isn't part of the Celestial Bureaucracy, so they won't bitch you out for calling it; It is an Automaton. The Hound never tires and is prenaturally good at tracking prey; Tracking Mortal Prey or Exalted prey escaping mundanely will always succeed, and the Hound can foil magical means of escape by rolling a Survival + Perception roll with difficulty equal to the prey's essence, unless the method of hiding says otherwise. Magical Methods that completely ruin mundane tracking, such as Sound and Scent Banishing Attitude do confuse the Hound. Even then, if the charm or Magical Effect wears off within 100 miles of the hound, it will pick the scent back up and begin the chase anew. To track, a tiny bit of material from the prey is needed. The hound does serve without question, so it can also be used during combat; One can only Counter the hound during casting, and must kill or banish it afterwards.

(Physical)              (Social)                (Mental)
Strength      [00000]   Charisma      [0....]   Perception    [00000]
Dexterity     [000000]  Manipulation  [0....]   Intelligence  [000..]
Stamina       [00000]   Appearance    [00...]   Wits          [000..]

                           (=Abilities=) 7

(Abilities) Awareness [000..] Brawl [00000] Dodge [000..] Endurance [000..] Presence [00000] Resistance [00...] Stealth [00...] Survival [000..]


Endurance Running +2, Survival Tracking +2

Bite: Sp 9, Acc 12, Damage: 7L, Defense: 9, Rate: 4 Dodge Pool: 9 Soak: 7L/7B Will: N/A

Health Levels: 0/0/1/1/2/2/4/Incap

Spy that Walks in the Shadows; Cost; 15 motes (committed), 5 motes to possess. Must be cast at midnight with a full view of the casters shadow, and an assistant paints a black clay paste while the caster chants. After the shadow is filled in with paste, they keep working til the Sorc tosses in powders that cost [Resources 2]. It lasts for Int + Occult rating in days, and can be almost impossible to see among shadows. The Sorc has no shadow during the duration. It has it's own pool of Charms and essence, and during possession, can only use these, or the Caster's Sorceries that aren't rituals (Though Sorceries use the Caster's essence). Stats: Sidebar on page 120 of Savant and Sorcery

Peacock Shadow Eyes Cost; 10 Motes Contested Willpower + Occult rolls. If Ces wins, she has 5 minutes to make undeniable suggestions to her target that are taken as true. The only way to disprove it is to provide Irrefutable Evidence and make an Int + Bureaucracy Roll with Diff 3

   (=Backgrounds=) 5                      (=Virtues=) 6
Artifact       [0000.]        Compassion [00...]    Temperance  [0000.]
Familiar       [000..]        Conviction [0000.]    Valor       [0....]
Resources      [000..]        Virtue Flaw:  Contempt of the Virtuous
Mentor         [0....]        Condition:  Anytime she is hinderred by self-indulgent and intemperate natures                                                     
Essence        [000.......]   Assassins' Bane Dagger: 11 acc, +8L dam, def 6, 4 rate, Range 50
Willpower      [00000000..]   Dodge: 10, Soak: 11/11, B.Init: 8
Limit          [......!]   

Personal Ess: 17/17, 5/5 (Hound of the Flawless Star) Peripheral Ess: 32/40 (8 committed)

Health Levels -0 [] -1 [] [] [] -2 [] [] [] [] -4 [] Incap []

Backgrounds: Cecilia found her artifacts, the Assassins' Bane and Law's Ward, on a long sojourn in pursuit of a particularly vicious, and as it turned out, Abyssal, suspect. Said suspect bolted to an ancient First Age ruin, and was pursued by Ces and her hound; During the chase, her soul shard tugged at her, pulling her to the time-worn remains of an Exalt who carried a sheath, and was still armored. While she instinctively took the goods, she later returned to the corpse and examined it (long after apprehending and slaying the Abyssal; After all, only the Realm is set up to handle one, and she'd have to explain how she caught him), deducing that the person, despite all appearances, died out of combat, and in all probability, due to the Great Contagion. She named both because she knew if she left it for Glass and Ore Scholar again, the names would be longer then she could care to remember.

Cecilia's thoughts on her dog: New Exalts + Puppies = Bad. For the Exalt. Hound of the Flawless Star (Note to self: NEVER let people with long names name my pets again) loves being smarter then most people, and Cecilia's more then happy to brag about it's skill as a tracker anyway. That was the whole point behind getting a bloodhound, right? Not loneliness, nope. Not to mask the fact that I never go out to have fun. STOP JUDGING ME!

Cecilia's thoughts on her tutor, Glass and Ore Scholar: Who names their kid, "Glass and Ore Scholar"? It's not like they knew he'd grow up to be a genius, one smarter then even... anyway, he taught me all the book knowledge I know, and he's supposedly got connections with lots of other scholars. Haven't heard from him in a while, but I've been travelling, so that doesn't surprise me. I'd like to see him again, just to see how he's holding up. He took me becoming an 'Anathema' pretty well though. Wish he'd stop calling me "Thrice Named Champion of Cities" though..

Merits Acute Senses (Sight/Sound): (2 BP) Eidetic Recall (Sight/Sound): (2 BP)

Flaws Unbidden Oracle (1 BP) Wanted by The Guild (3 BP) Greater Curse (3 BP)