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Caste: Zenith
Concept: Roguish Swordsman
Nature: Rebel

Age: 19
Apparent age: 16
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 135 Ibs.
Hair Color: Blue
Eye Color: Red
Skin Tone: Gold
Vice: Pride
Virtue: Hope
Ethnic Group: Alarzi tribe
Mother: Palaro 40, disappointed that her son doesn’t accept his place but supportive nonetheless
Father: Hezondo 65, Tribe leader, is ashamed that Roland refuses to follow in his footsteps
Siblings: ten sisters, six older, four younger


Strength 4 Dexterity 5 Stamina 3
Charisma 3 Manipulation 2 Appearance 2
Perception 2 Intelligence 2 Wits 4


Compassion 2 Conviction 3 Temperance 1 Valor 3


Athletics 5* Dodge 3* Endurance 3* Melee 5* Occult 1* Performance 3* Presence 2* Resistance 3* ride 1* Survival 3*

Caste and favored are indicated by *

Virtue Flaw

Unquenchable Thirst for Vengeance
The character burns with the desire to enact vengeance upon someone or something which has wronged him. He will use all available resources, and any means necessary, to hunt down the offending party (or parties) and punish them. If his friends do not immediately commit themselves to helping him, he will strike off on his own, or even accuse them of being in league with his nemesis. The character will wish to deal with the wrongdoer in the most direct way possible, and is far more likely to just barge into her house and issue a challenge to single combat than to formulate a cunning long-term scheme of revenge. This limit break lasts a number of days equal to Conviction, or until the villain gets her comeuppance (whichever comes first).

Trigger: A person or group wrongs the character or repeatedly thwarts his plans.


Artifact 5
Shishi-o, the sword of Orlando has been passed down from father to son within the Alarzi tribe since the fall of their patron. Though none have wielded it since that age it is still seen as the ancient symbol of the tribe and is kept for the one who will lead the tribe into greatness once again. The blade is made gloriously wrought of fine polished Orichulcam, and curves slightly back giving almost giving it the look of a scimitar. It is inlaid with black and red jade running up and down its length, giving it a very striking look and a brilliant sheen. Its cross-tree is made of Moonsilver and is in the shape of a woman’s face facing outward. At the cost of 5 motes the wielder can manipulate the face, channeling his voice through it, making it louder and more frightening, giving him a +2 bonus on intimidation rolls. The sword also has a limited intelligence, and a great sense of independence much to the chagrin of its wielder. It doesn’t like to be wielded by anyone but Orlando, though it has made an exception (with much coaxing from Orlando) for Roland. It refuses to even be picked up by any who is not an Alarzi, and would never kill an Alarzi; it would destroy itself before it would ever do that. Mechanically it provides just like a normal grand Daiklave. Besides the bonuses it supplies it also has several special abilities

  • Mortals attempting to face the wielder must make a valor check (similar to a Dawn caste anima) or be unable to look directly at the character or strongly oppose him subtracting 2 dice from all attempts to attack the wielder.
  • the sword allows the wielder to see the intimate flow of magic. For a cost of 10 motes the wielder will see immaterialized spirits and ghosts, tell whether a creature is an essence-wielder, and perceive nearby Manses and Demesnes.
  • the final and most awesome power of Shishi-o allows the wielder to make either one unstoppable blow or block an attack even if it was normally unblockable, at the cost of 30 motes and 2 willpower

Allies 3
Prince Talmed, the wandering noble of the Hundred kingdoms, a Terrestrial outcaste of the Wood aspect, was said to be the greatest swordsman in the east even before his exaltation. He has made many friends (and numerous enemies) over the years, and he counts Roland, as one of his greater friends.

Talmed was always a friend of the Alarzi tribe, and the tribe’s chief and Roland’s father, Hezondo and would visit every few years, watching as the chiefs only son grew up. He took over Roland’s training, teaching him to be a spectacular swordsman, and the kind-hearted old man has claimed from time to time that the boy has surpassed even his mighty skill.

It was when Roland exalted though, that their friendship truly began. Prince Talmed had journeyed throughout creation, and seen many things, and wasn’t about to be dissuaded from his friendship just because of a solar exaltation. He took young Roland under his wing, showing him how to manipulate his essence and to channel it through charms.

Though he has not seen Talmed for quite a while, Roland can always rest assured that if he ever has need, he has a friend wandering out there somewhere

Mentor 4
Orlando, the lion master, was once a great hero, both of the Solar Deliberative and his children, the Alarzi tribe. Now he wallows in self-pity, mourning his glory days. He is still loved, at least by his people, and receives a great deal of worship, perhaps an inordinate amount, considering the tyrant he became near the end of his life.

Openly he seems to forgotten his old habits, claiming that he was the greatest warrior of the east, the last solar to fall before the cursed usurper Dragon-blooded (he wasn’t), or some other silly lie. In reality he secretly regrets his action and has been trying to make amends with his people for years, looking desperately for a way to return them to the glory that they so deserve, but thus far to no avail

In Roland he had assumed he had found his heir, a young solar ready to take his people into freedom and, perhaps to ascend back to their rightful place as rulers of the east. When Orlando heard the news of the boy’s exaltation he was nearly sent into lethe, such was his joy.

He has since come to realize he was wrong… dead wrong.

It quickly became obvious that Roland was not in fact Orlando Reborn. While an excellent fighter, he cares far too little to fight against the Dari, and he spends most of his time attempting to woo the young ladies (usually failing to do so).

But not all hope is lost. The boy, an idiot though he is, has proven time after time that he is courageous, an uncompromising hero and has that very rare and very special knack for snatching the victory out of the jaws of defeat.

In the mean time Orlando watches over the boy, looking after him even when he can not physically be there. Who knows, maybe someday he will return from his escapades and lead his people into freedom.

A ghost can dream, can’t he?


Graceful Crane Stance, Increasing Strength Exercise
Reed in the Wind, Shadow over Water
Ox-body Technique
Excellent Strike, One Weapon Two blows, Peony Blossom Attack
Harmonious Presence Meditation
Whirlwind Armor-donning Prana

Combat Statistics

Base Initiative: 9
Punch: Spd 9 Acc 5 Dmg 4B Pry 5
Kick: Spd 6 Acc 4 Dmg 6B Pry 4
Grand Daiklave (Shishi-o): Spd 6 Acc 12 Dmg 15L Pry 10
Dodge Pool: 8 Soak: 3B/1L
Willpower: 6 Health levels -0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap
Essence: 3
Personal Essence: 15 Peripheral Essence: 26(10) Committed Essence: 10


Being of the Alarzi tribe, Roland has the blue hair, red eyes, and golden skin that mark his ancestry. He often wears the black and red kimono of an untested Alarzi warrior, though occasionally he will shed it and go bare-chested (especially to show off to the ladies ^_^). He eschews Alarzi tradition and he keeps his hair long, almost shoulder length, often tying it back in a pony-tail. He wears a bandana around his forehead, though this is less of a fashion statement then it is a desire to hide the caste mark now permanently affixed to his forehead. Short, as is the Alarzi norm, and thin, Roland, despite this is very muscular and his body is quite capable of great feats of athleticism


Unusual appearance 2
Roland’s golden skin, blue hair and red eyes can often be very off-putting to people not usually associated with Alarzi.

Permanent Caste mark 2
Roland has no idea why his Caste mark refuses to fade. He speculates that perhaps the Unconquered Sun wants his chosen warrior-priest to be revealed to the world, and not hidden from it (Orlando, though, has a differing view, that perhaps the Sun regretted his decision and displays his proof so the Wyld hunt will destroy the boy that much sooner)

Known Anathema 3
The Leaders of Greyfalls have spies everywhere in the Alarzi tribe and an Anathema within its midst would certainly draw both their attention and their troops. Roland must be very careful, for he must tread warily whenever he enters a Realm territory, for his face is well known among the troops of the Wyld Hunt.

Throwback 3
There is another lurking within the mind of Roland. It calls itself Sertak, on though it hates Roland, it hates the Terrestrials more, wishing to see them suffer for what they did to it millennia ago, and has no compunctions sending Roland into harms way to exact its revenge.

Description =

For years the people of the Alarzi tribe have suffered under the heel of the Dari of Greyfalls and their Dragon-blooded masters. Once the Alarzi were the rulers of Greyfalls, the Golden children of Orlando, the Lion master, and now they are outcastes, pariah in the land they once ruled. For years they prayed for someone to take up the mangle of Orlando, a hero to deliver them from the shackles of slavery

What they got was Roland.

Roland seemed destined to be a great leader. He was born under an auspicious star, a comet passed over at the moment of his birth, and the setting sun was the color of blood, all important signs in Alarzi custom. He was raised as a chieftain’s son should be raised, was taught all the proper ways of the sword, and even passed the test of manhood. But always he shirked his responsibilities as a leader, setting out his own to find adventures and scuffling with the older boys. Roland’s parents knew of only one way to tame him, and ancient rite of the Alarzi tribe: summon their progenitor and Roland’s namesake, Orlando, the Lion master.

Thus Orlando was brought from the underworld to pass his wisdom unto his children. Orlando looked the boy over, and for several hours they both sat in silence, eyeing each other up, neither speaking, neither moving. Finally Orlando opened his mouth to speak but before he could utter word a most amazing thing happened: he exalted.

Everyone was surprised (not the least of which was Orlando) to see him standing there in the blazing glory of the sun, but they also rejoiced for now that a solar was once again in their midst they would be able to throw off the shackles of slavery and take back there rightful place as rulers of the east. Long and joyous was their celebration, and much Alarzi beer flowed.

Not all were happy though.

Roland never wanted to be a leader, he just wanted live his life, have fun, and make love to many lovely ladies, and not even his exaltation would stop him from his dream. After the celebration, when most people were either drunk or asleep, he crept into his father’s room, took the ancient sword Shishi-O, and ran away from his people, his family, and his life.

Before he could leave Orlando stopped him. Orlando remembered when he exalted, the fear he felt, the frustration of being chosen, and he assumed (mistakenly) that Roland was going through the same, so he allowed him to leave, telling him to seek out whatever he needed to find, though he didn’t tell him that he would also be followed.

So Roland made his way the greatest city in creation and now sits, deep in his cups in the worst bar in Nexus, waiting for his next adventure.