Porcelain Child/SessionOne

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The Legend of the Porcelain Child - Chapter One - Session 01

Aboard the Glitterstar
<onine> The Glitterstar grows ever closer to the Blessed Isle this evening. You can almost see the slight glitter of the city of Noble in the distance as the sunlight recedes and the orange sky is painted violet by the night
* Vana watches from the railing, pausing in her patrol.
<onine> "Well, there it is. Noble, our destination." says a rumbling voice behind you - the Magistrate
<onine> How frustrating that a man *that* big is allowed to be that quiet!
* Yengo leans against the railing, eyes scanning the horizon.
* Vana is by now used to his silent appearances, so doesn't jump. Much.
<Yengo> "Wonder if we'll get there tonight..."
<onine> "Mmmm, we will indeed Doctor. We are a lot closer than you think...are you prepared for the Isle again?"
<Yengo> "Probably not. But I don't think staying away will help me grow any more prepared."
<onine> "Certainly wise words. One does not grow stronger by avoiding that which vexes him... don't you agree Lookshy?"
<Vana> "Hm?" She looks up, roused out of her thoughts. "Oh, yes, sir."
<Magpie> After being scolded severely by the cook for shameless theft after she threw a rotten fruit at Yengo, Magpie has apparently forgiven those aboard the ship for having done exciting things without her- and she has been exiled from below deck on the cook's orders. She pipes up uninvited from behind them, "Well, if what vexes one is bigger and meaner, you don't get much stronger getting smushed, either. I saw a man get smushed one. He was trying to get this stupid ox to move. The ox won."
<onine> The magistrate looks around trying to make sense of the girl's words...children...
* Yengo chuckles shortly. "Well, I guess the question is, is that better or worse than never trying to move the ox in the first place?"
<Magpie> "Well, he broke his leg, so he couldn't work anymore. Couldn't afford to get it fixed right. He was eventually evicted from his corner at the marketplace, and that was the last anyone ever saw of him. Of course, the ox was slaughtered afterwards, so I suppose the ox didn't fare to well either, in the end..."
* Magpie shrugs, apparently having come to the end of her parable.
* Yengo scratches his beard, wondering if there's a point there. "I... see."
* Vana smiles a little, then goes back to looking at the distant port.
* Magpie pats Yengo on the arm. "But I'm sure you're much smarter than Joyful Oak. He was so stupid he once- " She launches into an incredibly involved, and incredibly dirty story about an affair between Oak, his brother's mistress, and a certain cobbler. It's clear she's spent time eavesdropping on the fishwives...
* Yengo is a little shocked. He doesn't know if he ever heard a tale that filthy in the Legion ...
<Yengo> "Well... er... that's certainly very interesting."
<Magpie> "But the best part was, when his brother came home to find them all, he wasn't mad at all, at least it didn't seem like he was- though he was the one who gave Dumb-as-Oak that nasty ox..."
* Magpie falls into contemplation of this new insight.
<Magpie> She rouses, having decided that maybe Solemn Oak was smarter than his brother. "Well, do you have any stories?" She looks innocently at them.
<Yengo> "Don't they... tell you kids stories about the dragons anymore?" Sustained Wisdom used to tell him those, in between his ranting about the Dynasty.
<Magpie> "Oh sure!" Magpie agrees enthusiastically. "I have lots of favorites like that. But everyone already knows them, and I like the stories about people you know, too."
* Magpie is apparently a born gossip.
<Yengo> "Well, Sustained Wisdom was a strange one, all right. He took me in as his assistant when I was young... he used to swear that he was a part of the Dynasty, of all things."
<Magpie> "Really? And a surgeon, too?"
<Yengo> "Yeah, sort of. He called himself an apothecary, but I don't think the man ever bothered to learn a proper ritual in his life. If he did he never taught me any. He knew medicines, though, and more that a little about surgery."
* Magpie makes a face. "Alchemy is gross. You're lucky no one ever made you mess around with rat guts." She speaks very feelingly about this. "So why was a Dynast being an 'apothecary'? " She speaks the term somewhat mockingly- as far as she was concerned, an apothecary was a hedgewitch with airs. "I thought Dynasts got to just...you know...do nothing and drink fruit juice."
<Yengo> "Well, he wasn't really a Dynast, I don't think. He'd always talk about it though." He leans a little closer, as if sharing some juicy secret. "He said he was the son of one of the Ledaals. A... a bastard. "
<Magpie> "Have you ever had fruit juice?" She asks suddenly.
* Yengo shakes his head. "Nope. Tara has, though."
<Magpie> "I wonder if it's good...I had some, but Immaculates stole it before I could drink any. Anyway, what's wrong with being a bastard. I mean, it's good, to be like part-Dragonblooded, right?"
<Yengo> "The Immaculates stole your fruit juice?" Well, that's a new one, he thinks. "There's nothing wrong with it, but he loved to rant on about how the Ledaals ignored him because his mother was a peasant. Now... if he'd taken the Second Breath, that would've been different."
<Yengo> "That makes... everything different."
<Magpie> " I guess so. You get to burn stuff, and whack things with superawesome magic weapons!" Magpie's voice is gleeful. "And no one can stop you, or steal things from you." Magpie scowls ferociously, remembering her fruit juice, and her jacket. "Anyway, it was stupid of them to ignore him. He was still family."
<Yengo> "Maybe so, but a lot of the Dynasty doesn't feel that way."
<Magpie> "Why not?"
<Yengo> "Because..." he's very conscious of the Magistrate's presence nearby, so he tries to be casual. "Mortals are a dime a dozen to a lot of them, especially the poor. Anyway, I don't even know if the story was true.... maybe he just made it up to pass the time."
* Magpie looks solemnly up at him. She chews her lip, hesitates. "In the Imperial City, I have to be real careful on the street. Horsemen come charging through all the time, and they never look where they're going. I got kicked into a wall by a crazy horse once, hurt my ribs real bad. The rider looked right through me, as if I didn't even exist. Like I was nothing. And I never really saw many Dragonblooded til recently."
* Yengo is silent for awhile, feeling sorry for the girl. "You should be more careful... those streets are really no place for someone your age, not alone, Dragonblooded or not."
<onine> The Magistrate seems to be merely listening in, well, you assume he is. His eyes.. well, his EYE seems to be locked on the city of Noble in the distance.
* Magpie flares up, "Well, it's not like I have a choice, do I?" She shakes herself. "And anyway, it's not so bad, usually. Ol Gibs let me stay in his house for a whole week after I hurt my ribs."
<Magpie> She seems to feel this is proof of something.
<Yengo> "A whole week, huh? Well, that's certainly... generous." The sad part is, considering the Imperial City, it actually is. That doesn't make him sound much less sarcastic, though.
<Magpie> "Mr. Gibs is good to me," Magpie agrees, not seeming to hear the bite in his voice.
* Yengo sighs, deciding to let her take that as she will. The man probably is particularly decent, considering the hardship in the city. "So, are you going to go back there to your.. generous boss?"
<Magpie> "He owes me some jade," Magpie answers him.
<onine> Diamandus gently rests a hand on Vana's shoulder. "Do you see that?"
* Vana has been looking at the water lap against the ship's side. She starts. "S-see what?"
<onine> He points. "Over there, on the east side of the city..."
* Vana rubs an eye quickly, and tries to see what he's indicating.
<onine> You can indeed see it in the encroaching darkness of night. There is a slight orange glow, and a trail of thick black smoke. It appears that a large portion of the town is on fire...
* Vana frowns a little. "What is that? A fire?"
<Yengo> "Well, you know, that's not the only way to earn-" he turns his head to look at Vana and the magistrate. "A fire?"
<Vana> "In the city." She points.
* Yengo turns to look, squinting his eyes.
* Magpie looks too, and flinches a little at the sight of the consuming flames.
<onine> You mortals can only barely see it, but Vana makes it out quite clearly. It looks like a large block is fully ablaze, and there are many smaller fires elsewhere in the city.
<Yengo> "I wonder... could the city be under attack?"
<Vana> "It... doesn't seem so. There's only one section on fire."
<onine> "Yes, I concur..."
<onine> "Indeed."
<Magpie> "How soon...are we going to get there?"
<onine> "I would say an hour, maybe two, we are quite close. I expect that Captain Theisloah will likely send us to shore on a landing boat as opposed to docking the ship at Noble."
* Magpie nods, and stares at the approaching fire, hugging herself tightly with her arms. For once, she doesn't seem to have anything to say.
<Yengo> "Who'll be going ashore?"
<onine> "Myself. And anyone else who wishes to disembark at Noble."
<Vana> "I will."
* Yengo nods. "I might as well set foot on the Isle sooner rather than later. Vana, Magpie, you coming?"
* Magpie just nods.
<onine> "Then it is settled. I suggest that you all retrieve your belongings and are ready to leave on time. We do not wish to delay the good captain any longer than is necessary."
* Vana heads back to her room and locates her armor, donning it in preparation for their departure.
* Magpie doesn't have anything but the clothes on her back (which are a little raggedy anyway), so she just swings legs over the railing to dangle her feet over the water, and waits.
* Yengo decides to go down and see if Tara's coming along or not. He might as well take his bag, too; with fires like that, there's bound to be injuries.
<onine> Tara has already begun packing bags. She smiles a little at you. "One of the sailors told me that we are approaching Noble soon..."
* Yengo smiles back. "Yes, we'll be there in an hour or two. There's a fire burning ashore... I'm going to go along with the magistrate to check on things."
<onine> "A fire... I see..." .she packs some extra water, not for extinguishing flames, but for cooling burns
* Yengo moves over to the other side of the cabin and begins buckling on his armor, checking the straps as he goes. "Do you want to come ashore with us?"
<onine> "Of course, the ship will sail for Arjuf when the boat returns... I don’t really want to go to Arjuf by myself."
<onine> She helps straighten a strap that you twisted the wrong way.
* Yengo smiles a bit. "Thanks."
<onine> "My pleasure."
* Yengo rotates his shoulders a bit, making sure he's comfortable, and begins carting the packs up to the deck.
<onine> Tara helps with the lighter ones, and soon the entire supply is ready to leave.
<onine> The time comes and the boat is lowered into the splashing waves with its supplies, and rope ladders are lowered to allow you to climb off the Glitterstar.
<onine> The Magistrate shakes the captain's hand in a big meaty paw. "Thank you greatly Breen, I do hope you find what you are looking for."
<onine> "If it doesn't find me first of course, Diamandus." Both men nod solemnly to each other.
<onine> "Well then" Diamandus says to the rest of you. "Noble awaits."
* Vana is silent, looking rather impressive in her red jade armor. She has no gear other than that and her sword.
* Magpie curls up in a corner of the boat. Her anxious eyes are on the shore. She dredges up a smile from somewhere. "Yup. And dry land."
* Yengo carefully seats himself beside Tara in the boat, all too aware of his clumsy, heavy armor.
<onine> Yengo looks heavy, the Magistrate heavier. He now wears a heavy breastplate, grieves and plated gloves of white jade. He seats himself and a pair of sailors take you to the shore, they wave a cheery goodbye to you, and leave you on the docks.
<onine> The Magistrate kneels on the stonework and bows his head, you can see a joyous smile underneath the heavy moustache.
* Yengo can't quite muster the same sentiment, somehow.
* Vana is just scanning the distant flames.

Noble Dockside
* Magpie shakes off a somewhat dour mood to ask, "Happy to be back?" She stretches.
<onine> Even late in the evening, the city is still bustling.
<onine> "Yes, very much so... first things first, we must find a bed for the night, unless you would all prefer to 'rough' things?"
* Magpie shrugs. It's been a long time since she slept in a bed. Of course, she probably wasn't included in the invitation either.
<Yengo> "That sounds like a good idea to me... of course, that fire still troubles me."
<Vana> "I... would like to check the fire. It would be nice to know beforehand if there is something dangerous in the city."
<Yengo> "People may be injured, as well..."
<onine> "Indeed, you are thinking as Archons already, I am pleased."
<onine> You walk through the city, and Diamandus's face begins to darken when you see how run down the place has become, with abandoned streets, fallen down houses and garbage.
* Yengo looks around too. It doesn't seem so different, he thinks.
* Magpie doesn't seem to notice the grime of the place. She looks around curiously, but without dismay; alert for likely prospects for sneaking and scavenging.
<onine> Eventually you happen across a street with traders still working their stalls. A light haze of smoke is here and there from the fires. The Magistrate approaches one, who bows low when he realizes who and what he is speaking to.
<onine> He questions him and a few others about the fire, and soon learns some interesting facts.
<onine> "Well, as it would seem, an old Tepet mansion has been burnt to the ground by a clumsy Dragonblood... the exact reasons why are unknown for the moment."
* Yengo hmms softly, but doesn't say anything more. If the Dragonblooded want to burn down their own houses, he guesses that's their prerogative...
<onine> Most of the merchants seem quite relieved that there is a magistrate on the scene to take care of things, and even now they are spreading talk about him.
<onine> Diamandus however, ignores it and continues towards the east side of town, where the smoke grows thicker.
* Vana follows quietly, nervously fingering the hilt of her weapon.
<Magpie> "And it's okay for a Dragonblooded to set fire to half the city?" Magpie doesn't sound incredulous, or even critical; she is inquisitive.
<onine> "Not usually no, often they will get away with it however, unless it was property of another family or family member, which in this case I believe it was."
<onine> You round the corner and can see flames roaring over the walls of a mansion. Already half of it has collapsed, and the rest is still burning. For the most part, there is no one attempting to stop the fire, most are merely watching.
<Yengo> "I hope no one's still inside..."
* Magpie shifts uneasily. She hopes so too. She gets closer to the burning building.
<onine> "That we shall find out."
<onine> The magistrate begins to question some of the onlookers who are only too happy to help.
* Yengo mingles with the crowd, asking a few questions here and there. "Whose estate was that?" "Was anyone inside... servants, slaves?"
* Magpie tags along after Yengo, listening to the answers he gathers...
* Vana wonders if she should go in and take a look herself.
<onine> Yengo, through your questions, you hear that it is the old Luen estate, a Tepet Dragonblood that died many years ago, and when he died, it technically became property of Tepet Krennell, the man who is generally viewed to be 'in charge of the city'
<onine> It has been abandoned for many years, so there were no people inside, unless there were squatters living there, though few would brave it as it was a Dragonblood's house. Angry ghosts and all that if they intruded.
<onine> There was a fire and earth aspect seen leaving the scene, along with a water aspect and OH!
<onine> "The anathema hunter, Tepet Alphaeios was here! Do you suppose that there were demons involved?"
<onine> Also, the Fire aspect set fire to a few more buildings elsewhere too.
* Yengo nods, satisfied. If no one's inside, so much the better.
* Yengo begins moving towards those, asking more questions, keeping the rest of his group in sight as best he can through the crowd.
<onine> Most of the talk now Yengo, tends to be 'Is that a magistrate? oh he'll sort this whole mess out, hooray...'
* Yengo gives a few words of reassurance that yes, the magistrate will sort things out. Strange, he thinks. Less than half an hour on the isle and you're already telling the people the Dragonblooded will protect them again.
* Vana stays out of the way, for the most part. Crowds make her uncomfortable.
<onine> Magpie in the mean time, crow is scratching around at something on the road.
* Magpie stiffens when she hears the name, but is distracted by the crow. She goes to check out what he was fooling around with, determined to rescue any poor animal he might be tormenting.
<Magpie> "Crow, what are you...."
<onine> No animal that you can see, but a small bundle of about four white feathers, all crushed badly.
<onine> Each in its prime would probably have been about 7-8 inches long, and quite pretty, but now are frayed and tattered. Something on the shaft of the feather glints in the fire-light.
<Magpie> "Huh." Magpie glances at the crow. He was pretty smart. She crouches by the feathers, stirring them with her finger, watching the light catch on the feathers. She gathers them carefully into hand, and looks them over closely, turning the feathers to watch them shine.
<onine> As if engraved into them, the feathers' shafts each have little wispy lines of gold in them.
<Magpie> "Wow." Magpie sits back on her haunches, considering. At last, she stands, and seeing the Magistrate talking to someone nearby, she walks over to him and tugs on his sleeve. "Look at these..."
<onine> "Yes child what is it? Feathers?" He examines them carefully with his one eye. "Well isn't that strange?"
<Magpie> "They were lying in the road."
<onine> "Hmmm, I will have to examine these in better light... but, if it is what I think it is, there may be an explanation to all of this."
<Magpie> "A Dragonblooded was aiming at a magical bird, and missed?"
<onine> He chuckles, "Not exactly child..."
<Magpie> "What, then?"
<onine> "I am thinking more along the lines of (he says quietly) Anathema. It would explain the destruction, the Tepet scion and possibly the gold on these feathers you found, but there were no deaths reported.... interesting..."
<Magpie> " More Anathema?" Magpie says, equally quietly.
<Magpie> She sighs, and is silent thereafter...
<onine> "Maybe." He says standing up from where he was kneeling next to Magpie.
<onine> With the investigations finished at least for now, the group retires to an inn, which is all to happy to allow the magistrate and his Archons to stay... the morning however brings two very interesting visitors...

Morning at the Inn
<onine> The Magistrate is sitting in the common room of the inn enjoying a simple green tea when a well dressed young page enters and bows very low.
* Yengo turns to look at the young man as he enters, curious as to what's brought him here.
<onine> "My lord, Magistrate Diamandus, it is a true honor! And you sir, ma'am, honored Archons. I bid you welcome on behalf of Lord Tepet Krennell."
* Yengo inclines his head briefly.
<onine> "Krennell? The wily old fox is still alive." Diamandus chuckles. "Why on earth would he wish to see me?"
<onine> "I am unsure of the details Magistrate, but he wishes to ask a favor of you in person, one of great importance to say the least."
<onine> "Mmm, odd. Very well then. You may tell Krennell that I will see him today."
<onine> "As quickly as possible sir? Lord Krennell has indicated that it is quite urgent."
<onine> "Very well, tell him that we shall be along..."
<onine> The page bows very deeply and leaves. The magistrate turns to you. "Very odd indeed..."
<Yengo> "Maybe he just wants to talk about old times?" He trails off. "Not too likely, eh?"
<onine> "Indeed not, Tepet Krennell and I go back quite some time. When last we met, he was still quite a young man.. I had vexed him on some important little plot of his or some such, and he has been an adversary since. Some say had he succeeded he may be the head of the House, but I don’t believe any of that nonsense."
* Yengo nods. "Any idea what he might want from you?"
<onine> "None... though I would be a fool to not expect some sort of duplicity or hidden agenda..."
<Yengo> "Right. It is how the Houses do their business. For my part, I'll be on guard."
<onine> "Indeed, though I do believe he wishes to do just that - talk. I suppose that it is my own fault for landing the proverbial parlor of my particular spider nemesis?"
<Yengo> "Well... we had to land somewhere, I suppose. Someone I knew once said that finding a scheming Dynast on the Isle was about as hard as finding a raindrop in a downpour." He shrugs.
<onine> "Indeed." He finishes his tea. "Magpie, you will remain here. Yengo, go and fetch Vana will you. I would like her present as well."
* Yengo stands up and excuses himself, making his way to the rooms.
<onine> As you stand from the table you hear a shriek from upstairs, it sounds like it was Vana

Vana's Room at the Inn
<onine> The pain is unbearable, the fear, oh the fear! A woman's scream. All you can see are flashes and blurs of someone. The woman screams again.
<onine> Loud enough to wake you, and you become aware that the screaming is your own...
* Vana sits bolt upright, the scream fading away slowly as she clutches the sheets to her sweat-coated self.
<onine> The cool morning air graces your sweat covered skin, goosebumps cover your shoulders and arms... you become aware of another presence in the room...
* Vana turns her head, very, very slowly, to look at the intruder.
<onine> The intruder is a small oriental dragon with big wide eyes and colored butterfly wings. He hovers like a humming bird about a meter from your bed.
* Vana blinks at it from behind her messy hair, still quivering with cold fear.
<onine> It bows cutely. "Greetings. May I ask your name exalted lady?"
* Vana blinks again, then rubs her eyes with a hand, the sheet falling away slightly before she manages to catch it. "I-I'm V-Vana..."
<onine> "Marvelous. I bear tidings from Swordmaster Teresu Malthuesa. Do you wish to hear his message?"
<Vana> "Malthuesa?" She sits up a little at the name. "Y-yes, please."
<onine> "Very well." The little dragon bows and closes his eyes as if conjuring up a memory, then clears his throat deeply. The voice that issues forth from him (out of proportion to his size and cuteness) is none other than your old swordmaster.
<onine> "My greetings to you Vana, and I hope for the most part that you are safe and sound. Indeed, your actions have caused quite a stir within the ranks of the House, and Zaran is moving Malfeas and earth to have you tracked down and eliminated. I had a friend I trust send this message to you, so wherever you are, rest assured that you are safe at least for now..."
<onine> "...the other half of my tiding is regrettably bad. I sent this message as soon as I heard. At present the blood brothers three have been dispatched to find you and bring you to justice, be it their own weapons or Zaran himself."
* Vana looks surprised, very surprised. Especially that Maltheusa knew about Zaran... but she listens intently, deciding to follow this line of thought later.
<onine> "As you know, Viers will likely know where you are going, and so will Barton and Gren. They are likely en route to the Blessed Isle as you listen to this message."
<onine> "I hope that you stay safe. Be well Vana. We shall speak again soon."
<onine> The dragon opens his eyes fully. "That is all there is to the message. Thank you for receiving it. Good day."
<Vana> "Thank you."
<onine> He bows again and flits like lightning out the window, leaving a sparkling trail behind him.
* Vana sits in her bed, still cold. She ponders this message with considerable worry.
* Yengo rushes up the stairs, alarmed.
<onine> You burst into Vana's room...
* Vana is sitting up in bed, looking gray and drawn. She's covered in sweat, and looks like she's had a rather hard time of it.
<Yengo> "Vana!" He stops at the threshold, hands gripping the door frame. "Are you... all right?" That's an obvious no, but it's all he can think to ask.
* Vana looks up at him with worried eyes, then back down into her lap, hair falling back to cover her face. "I-I'm fine..."
<Yengo> "You... don't seem fine..." he trails off. "Nightmares?"
* Vana nods a little. "Mmm-hmm..."
<onine> Diamandus steps up behind Yengo
<Yengo> "I've had those..." Recurring, too. But not this bad, never this bad. "There is medicine that gives dreamless sleep, though I don't have any. Perhaps..." he trails off as Diamandus approaches.
<onine> "Is something wrong?"
<Yengo> "Vana had a nightmare."
<onine> "Mmmm, the curse of the virtuous."
<onine> "Perhaps we can go alone today Yengo...?"
<Yengo> "That... might be best."
<onine> "Very well."

The Tepet Manse
<onine> You and he suit up on his recommendations, and you make your way to the Krennell Manse... a huge multi story oriental estate. You wonder why there is a mote, which seems to only really be there so that there is a long bridge between the yards and the manse itself.
<onine> It looks as if it is there to humble someone and make Krennell seem larger, more powerful and more important.
<onine> The guardsmen usher you through quickly, and a servant leads you up, and up, and up to the top floor and into a lavishly appointed study, where an lanky gray-haired man sits behind a large marble desk, an Air aspect no doubt.
<onine> The room is massive with and arched ceiling, and the carpet is *extremely* thick.
<onine> The man stands as you and the Magistrate enter, and dips his head courteously.
<onine> "Magistrate Mnemon Diamandus..."
<onine> "Tepet Krennell... it has been quite some time."
<onine> "Indeed it has. And who is this?" Krennell looks at you.
* Yengo waits for the magistrate to answer. He might be used to Diamandus and Vana, but the Dragon-Blooded still unsettle him in ways he wouldn't like to admit. He's not even sure of the etiquette in this situation.
<onine> The Magistrate takes the cue from you. "This is Doctor Yengo, my Archon and surgeon."
<onine> "I see, I see, yes, I had heard that you had finally returned, how was the threshold?"
<onine> "Krennell, I understand your desire for expected pleasantries, but merely 'catching up' is not why you have called on me. Best you get to the point or Yengo and I will get to leaving."
<onine> Krennell glares icily at the Magistrate and you. "Very well then... Normally your Archons will be mortals, few Exalts want to serve in such a manner, isn't that right?"
<onine> "That is a common sentiment among the Dragonbloods yes. Exalted Archons are difficult to coerce."
<onine> "Then perhaps we are in a position to help each other?"
<onine> Diamandus narrows his eye. "Go on."
<onine> "I have a pair of promising young women who would be most interested in serving as Archons, to see the Isle, learn responsibility."
* Yengo grits his teeth and listens silently. Privilege for a mortal, shame for a Dragonblood.
<onine> "Most interested?"
<onine> "Very well, a punishment for the fires they started last night."
<onine> Diamandus grumbles a little, two Dragonblood Archons literally offered was very tempting indeed.
<onine> "Very well..."
<onine> Krennell smiles satisfied and calls to the servant at the door. "Send them in..."

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Tepet Manse...
<onine> After dressing, you are eventually met by Epheri in the foyer just outside Krennell's office. It's a large room with ornately carved green, blue and white marble stone flooring and jade pillars. There is a heavy white carpet in the center, and most of the walls are of murals depicting the Air dragon.
<onine> The huge green doors to Krennell's office is closed now, but you can hear faint voices within. At present, Epheri is resigned to her fate of severe punishment and is now sulking quietly on one of the benches.
<Anona> "Good morning, cousin."
<onine> She folds her arms and looks at the floor, uttering a somber 'Morning..." Clearly in something of a dour mood to say the least.
<Yengo> I'll get in costume here
<Anona> "Oh, come on, Epheri. It can't be *that* bad."
<onine> "Well it *is* bad Anona! We're back from the Heptagram less than a day, and *already* you've burned down one of Father's holdings - and I'm in trouble for it too!"
<Anona> "I guess I can see your end of it, but really - what can they do to us? I burned down what was, to Krennell, a worthless old house. He's just mad because, as far as he cares, it was *his*."
<onine> Epheri looks stumped. "I'm sure he'll figure *something* out... he always manages to..."
<Anona> "So do I, cousin, so do I."
<onine> Meanwhile, the conversation inside the room continues, and Epheri still sulks
* Anona sighs. "BO-ring..."
<onine> "Then go and entertain yourself...without setting fire to anything..."
<Anona> "Oh, no. I want to see what he has up his sleeve."
<onine> "Has what up his sleeve?" says a voice close behind you that just screams that the owner is grinning widely. Even Epheri looks up surprised to see the newcomer.
* Anona looks around.
<onine> Tany, the smug bastard, and he is definitely grinning widely. He waves a mock hello to you. "Ladies, how are you this fine morning?
<Anona> "Oh, forearm, elbow, and possibly, on special occasions, a shoulder."
<onine> He quirks an eyebrow at your statement and leans in bringing his face uncomfortably close to yours. "Hmm, that’s a nasty bruise you have their madam..."
<onine> His voice sort of purrs, he's very catlike.
<Anona> "Why, by all the Dragons, I DO! Thank you ever so much for pointing that out for me, I would have never known!"
<onine> He smiles graciously, "Think nothing of it Anona, it is the least I could do." He catches your sarcasm and passes it back nicely.
<Anona> "I take it you are speaking to Krennell as well?"
<onine> "Something like that yes..." he chuckles and wanders quietly up to the door, the 'slippers' on his feet emitting no sound as he walks. He presses his ear against the door, and moves, as if searching for the 'thinnest' part of the wood, for optimum listening.
* Anona is less shocked at his action than the fact that she didn't think of it first.
<onine> He seems to find the right spot and listens intently, a slight grin on his face. Epheri wanders up and observes from a short distance.
* Anona gets up and tries to find a good spot at the *other* door.
<onine> In Krennell's office you can hear three distinct voices, one being Krennell, one unknown voice that is quite deep, and an 'average' voice.
<onine> Krennell seems to be talking of 'Archons' which means that he's referring to a Magistrate. Unfortunately, the doors are very thick and you only catch snippets of the conversation, which don’t fit together well enough.
<onine> On the other door, that smug so-and-so Tany is grinning like he just won the lottery...
<Anona> Sitting back down with a scowl, since Tany got the best spot, Anona fumes. "I wonder what a Magistrate could have to do with anything..."
<onine> "Oh-ho... oh-ho indeed..." Tany starts snickering...
<Anona> "That's right, laughing boy. Have a good time. Say... aren't the sheets on your bed Southeastern silk? Or have you bought new ones?"
<onine> "Hmmm?" he straightens back up and rubs a finger in his ear.
<onine> "Uh no...?"
<Anona> "Oh, nothing, nothing. I just remember hearing that stuff is awfully flammable. Why, it'd be a shame if you were sleeping one night and a spark from your hearth landed on them, it'd go up like dry kindling. But, you know, bad luck happens to those who don't share their good fortune..."
<onine> "Ouch, that hurts my feelings Anona.... but still, you'd just *love* to know what’s going on in there wouldn’t you?"
<Anona> "I see you've learned how to read minds. Yes, of COURSE I do!"
<onine> "Anona..." Epheri chides.
<Anona> "What?"
<onine> "Must you...?"
<Anona> "Must what?"
<onine> "Oh never mind..." she shakes her head sadly, tired of arguing with a flaming brick wall.
<onine> "Oh its alright Epheri," Tany remarks smiling. "Young Anona here just wants to know what her awful fate will be, you know how it is."
<Anona> "Come on, I can't be the ONLY curious one."
<onine> Epheri retorts with a slightly smug voice. "Well, *I* wasn’t the one who burned down the house, if I remember correctly I saved *you*"
<Anona> "Saved me some trouble, maybe. I could have handled it."
<Anona> "Not that I'm not grateful, mind you."
<onine> "Not from what I saw... and you're welcome-"
<onine> Tany interrupts. "Wuh?! Here they come."
<onine> As if on cue, the great green doors open and Krennell's aid steps outside, bowing low. "Miss Epheri, Miss Anona? Master Krennell will see you now... er, Ledaal Tany? We were not expecting you today..."
* Anona hurries to look as if she had been sitting quietly all this time.
<onine> "Don’t worry about me." he claps the mortal on the shoulder. "I'm here to give whatever aid I can to Master Krennell."
<onine> "Er...very well sir." The mortal does not disobey the Dragonblood and gestures at you. "Please, come inside."
* Anona goes inside.
<onine> Epheri and Tany follow, and the aid closes the doors behind you.
<onine> Krennell once again stands behind his large desk, and is speaking to two men. One is large - very large - around 6.5 feet tall. He is an older man, wearing a burgundy cloak, yellow markings on one shoulder display the Mnemon banner. He has a heavy dark gray moustache and long gray hair.
<onine> He has a large scar that obscures his right eye, but the one diamond gray that remains is twice as alert to make up for it.
<onine> On his temples you can see many multicolored crystalline growths, almost the same way that fingernails grow from the tips of your fingers, marking him clearly as an Earth aspect.
<onine> The other man, smaller, but large all the same looks like....
* Yengo is a fairly tall man, though not as tall as the magistrate. He's also quite broad and bulky, and most of it appears to be muscle. His dark hair falls to his shoulders and he has a small, neat beard. He's not a particularly remarkable looking man, all things considered.
* Yengo wears plain, rough gear - a tunic, pants, and a set of rather battered-looking Lamellar armor.
<onine> Yengo, you and the Magistrate turn to see the newcomers. The one in the lead, a fire aspect through and through...
* Anona is a slender woman slightly below average height. Her hair is perfectly flame-red, and her skin, while pale, has traces of the distinctive coloring of a fire-aspect. Her dress is approximately the same shade as her hair, with shades of orange and blue worked into the design.
<onine> There are two following, an Earth aspect, pretty, not especially, but pretty enough, with obsidian black hair and fine angled features. She wears a flowing white gown, and is looking most sullen today.
<onine> The other, a blue-clad water aspect wearing a self-satisfied grin, follows last. His hair of deep blue moves as if here were submerged in water constantly, and his skin is the pale pinky-blue hue of a cave-fish. Around him is draped a silken blue fabric that seems to have no purpose. It is coiled bizarrely like a snake around his arm and torso.
<onine> "Epheri...Anona...." Krennell greets. "And Tany? What on earth are you doing here, I assumed you had returned to the Imperial City with Tepet Juno?"
<onine> Tany answers. "Indeed I was Lord Krennell, however, Master Juno insisted that I stay behind to offer you my expertise in regards to your recent 'property loss'."
<onine> "Anona, Epheri..." he pauses. "Tany. This is Magistrate Mnemon Diamandus, and his First Archon, Yengo."
<onine> Krennell gestures to the strangers with his hand.
* Yengo nods briefly in greeting.
* Anona bows courteously.
* Epheri bows at the strangers
<onine> The name Mnemon Diamandus rings a bell to both of you. You each know him as one of the sons of Mnemon herself, albeit somewhat estranged to say the least. He is a somewhat famed Magistrate, one of the oldest and most experienced in the land....he disappeared five years ago, and most thought him dead.
<onine> "This is my daughter Epheri, and Niece, Anona... a troublesome niece I might add. These were the ones I informed you about."
<onine> Tany at this stage is wearing a particularly large smile.
<onine> "I see...." The large earth aspect murmurs.
<onine> "Both are graduates of the Heptagram academy, and talented sorcerers in their own right."
<onine> "You still haven't told me why, Krennell."
<onine> "It's very simple. Anona, you had best pack your bags. You need to learn some stability and restraint, and the Magistrate here is going to see to that."
<Anona> "Could you explain further?"
<Epheri> "You’re taking her away from me?"
<onine> Krennell glares at Epheri for interrupting. "Don't be daft girl. You serve him now. As his Archon."
<onine> Now this is *bad* news. Archonship is a job for Mortals, not the princes of the earth.
<onine> And you damn well know it. You hear a snort from behind. Tany is trying not to laugh. Krennell seems satisfied with the reaction As well.
* Yengo masks a frown. The fact that these Dragonbloods consider the highest office he's ever held in his life a position of humiliation can't help but rankle a bit, but he remains silent.
* Anona considers the options. Serving as an Archon is quite a lowly job, but it probably offers many opportunities to righteously smite wrong-doers. Or other people. I'd better *act* distressed, just to be safe.
<Anona> "That's a... novel punishment, uncle. I didn't think you had it in you."
* Epheri tries to stifle a laugh
<onine> He holds up a warning finger, "Don’t condescend to me, girl. I may be old, but I am not stupid. You just consider yourself lucky that you are too valuable to the house right now to punish in the proper fashion."
<onine> "And YOU Epheri. You get to go with her."
<Epheri> Epheri thinks to herself... "Oh joy, another baby sitting job."
<onine> "Maybe you'll learn a thing or two yourself..."
<onine> "Some time in the comparative wilderness will do wonders for you attitude I hope, Anona... now then, what was it you wanted Tany?"
<onine> "Lord, I wonder if I may be able to assist in the clearing up and investigation of the Luen estate, after all, an Anathema was involved, perhaps my investigative skills may be useful?"
<onine> Krennell looks displeased. "I can assure you, you will find nothing of value in the rubble... but go ahead anyway... I suppose I trust you better than that loose canon Alphaeios after all."
<Anona> "Comparative wilderness...? Where exactly do you intend to send me, uncle?"
<onine> Tany scoots out, and Krennell watches him leave with a concerned expression before addressing you again. "That is a question for you to ask the Magistrate, not I."
<onine> "You effectively belong to him now."
<Epheri> "He.... he has ownership of her??"
<Anona> (dejectedly) "Goody."
* Yengo wonders idly if that means he does, too. No, he thinks. I chose this, that's different... isn't it?
<onine> "At least try and look halfway grateful, Diamandus here is doing you quite a service." Krennell scolds. "Well now, I hope they can prove useful to you old friend."
<onine> "Indeed..." the Magistrate replies. "I am unsure whether I should thank you for this, Krennell, so instead I shall bid you farewell."
<onine> Krennell smiles. This has been a good day. Ridding himself of two thorns in his side, and spiting an old enemy in the poorly veiled guise of doing him a service. Both he and the Magistrate knew what the other was thinking, and both accepted it...
<onine> "Well, Yengo, let us be off. Come along then you two..."
<onine> The Magistrate turns his back on the wily Krennell and exits to the main foyer.
<Anona> "Very well." Anona follows the magistrate.
* Epheri trudges off behind the Magistrate
* Yengo follows along, shaking his head a little as he goes. This is certainly unexpected.
<onine> The Magistrate stops in the foyer and waits for the large green doors to close behind you.
<onine> "Anona. Epheri." He nods at each of you.
<onine> As Krennell said, I am Magistrate Mnemon Diamandus, and this is Yengo, the first of my Archons. He pats the doctor on the shoulder.”
<Anona> "Pleased to meet you. As pleased as circumstances permit, anyway."
<onine> "Mmm-hmm. I have heard about you Anona, and how I run things is simple. You show respect to me. You show respect to the other Archons."
<onine> "Yengo is my first Archon, so he will effectively have seniority. You will show him the same respect you show me. Is that understood?"
<onine> It is more of a statement than a question really...
<Epheri> "Yes sir"
<Anona> "Understood, yes sir."
* Yengo is a little shocked by this revelation, but tries not to stammer too much as he decides to take the polite tack. "It's an honor to be working with you two... regardless of whether you feel the same way." He smiles a bit.
<onine> "Good. If you do well, act virtuously and nobly, you will find me a very easy man to get along with. If you are selfish, crude and blunt, you will find that I am not.... a very easy man to get along with."
<Anona> "I will try to present myself in the best possible fashion, sir."
<onine> "Good, good. Now then, the other three should be waiting for us. Shall we?"
<Anona> "Please, I'm anxious to meet the others I shall be working with."
<Yengo> "Ready when you are, magistrate."
<Epheri> "Lead the way sir"
<onine> "Good." He and Yengo lead you out. As you walk through the manse, a fair few of the other family members, Exalted and patrician alike, snicker and converse, looking in your direction. No doubt Tany has told everyone he could find, and now the peanut gallery gathers...
* Anona walks on as if she found nothing amiss about her situation, head held high.
* Yengo grins a bit at the expression on Anona's face. Maybe this she won't be so bad... as long as she doesn't burn down half the town again...

Vana's Bedroom at the Inn
<onine> You are left sitting in the room with the covers pooled around your waist. You can still see little sparkles where the messenger left littering the floor slowly fading. Diamandus and Yengo have left somewhere, and Magpie tends to do her own thing most of the time...
* Vana lies back in bed after a few moments, looking at the ceiling as she tries to both forget the dream, and consider the message.
<onine> Indeed, the news is very interesting indeed, the three dispatched to retrieve you... an odd choice in a way. Granted they would know you better than anyone else, but they are also friends and may not wish to fight you.
* Vana realizes this, and is rather worried about it. Because if they do try and take her, chances are she won't be able to fight back. Friends are rare, and she does not want to hurt the few she has.
<onine> That is true, alone, you only really would fear Gren, he would be the better of the three. However, even though Viers probably isn't as strong battle-wise... fighting him would be difficult for other reasons.
* Vana closes her eyes and rolls onto her side, pulling the covers up over herself again. She doesn't want to think about that.
<onine> Barton, you have always defeated in sparring, but that is because he is more a Martial Artist, and can barely use a sword to save his life. Unarmed he would likely throw you around like a rag-doll...but you don’t really intend to face them unarmed...
<onine> You hear a quiet knock at the door.
* Vana looks at it over the thick blankets. "Come in..."
<onine> The door opens quietly and Tara pads in with her usual silence, carrying a tray of steaming cups. "Good morning miss Vana." She bows her head respectfully. "Doctor Yengo told me you were feeling a little under-the-weather this morning, and I thought that you may like some tea."
<onine> 'Under the weather...'
<onine> Hmmm.
* Vana moves a pillow, and leans against it a little. "Thank you, Tara... that would be nice."
<onine> Tara sets the tray down and prepares the tea, handing one to you and taking one herself, sitting down on the chair next to the bed.
* Vana sips hers gingerly, waiting for it to cool a little.
<onine> Tara presses the back of her hand to your forehead and neck.
* Vana shivers a little, still not over the memory of flesh pressed to flesh.
<onine> "Oh... I'm sorry, were my hands cold?" Tara rubs them together self-consciously.
<Vana> "N-No... you're fine." She brushes her hair back a little, and tries to calm down once more. "Just bad dreams."
<onine> "Oh...oh I see... Doctor Yengo said you were ill...."
<Vana> "Not ill... just tired." She tries a smile, mostly for Tara's benefit.
<onine> "Oh well, that’s better news. I know that they say that dreams aren't anything, and not to worry about them... but its easier said than done."
<Vana> "Very true." She again sips the now-cool tea.
<onine> Tara sips as well and stares out the window. "Well, I expect that the others will return shortly. The Magistrate has Magpie doing a small job for him which is keeping her occupied. For now..."
* Vana smiles, for real this time. "She's certainly a handful, isn't she?"
<onine> Tara smiles as well. "She is... I remember I was that young and innocent once... it seems sad that the harsh reality of the world will be forced on her."
<Vana> "I think it has already... she's just adapted to it."
<onine> "A rare and enviable talent...."
<Vana> "Mmm..." She looks into her tea for a while, before finishing the last of it, and placing the empty cup back on the tray. "Thank you... that was just what I needed."
<onine> "A nice tea is always what a person needs to start the day, my father used to say that."
<Vana> "That sounds about right." She stretches a bit, working out the tension her fear created.
<onine> Tara takes the tray back downstairs, leaving you to your thoughts at least for the moment.
* Magpie bangs loudly on the door.
* Vana stirs. "Come in."
* Magpie slips into the room. She hops onto a chair. "Say, Vana..."
* Vana is sitting up in bed, still a little gray. "Yes?"
<Magpie> "Wanna go exploring? Yengo and the Magistrate are off somewhere doing something boring- " Magpie looks disgusted, and it's pretty clear she resents being left behind - "So I figure this is a good time to...get know the place. You know, if we're stuck here awhile."
<Magpie> She adds coaxingly, "Come on, it'll be fun."
* Vana smiles a little. "If you insist. Just give me a minute to get dressed." She doesn't seem entirely enthused with the idea, but it's better than just sitting in bed all day.
* Magpie beams at her. "Great! I'll meet you downstairs." Magpie jumps down off the chair, and scrambles away.
<Magpie> As she waits for Vana, Magpie decides that, since she has virtuously suborned Vana into accompanying her, she isn't really skipping out, plops down in a chair next to Tara, and watches what's she's doing.
<Magpie> Magpie twiddles her thumbs. She fidgets. She steals tools when Tara glances away, and as she searches for them, looking harassed, Magpie slips them back to their original position. When Tara catches on, Magpie giggles, and promises meekly to be good. At which point she enlists the crow into the enterprise...
* Vana comes out after a while, wearing her armor's undersuit, as always. She raises her eyebrow at the crow hopping around on the chair behind Tara, scalpel held in beak, but she says nothing.
<onine> Tara is presently stirring a thick greenish soup that looks somewhat 'unpalatable'. She is eyeing you suspiciously, she knows you're up to something... she just cant tell what.
<onine> She seems to (for now) have given up trying to stop you taking her medical tools... you put them back at least...
<Magpie> "You're ready? Good! Let's go!" Magpie says to Vana, dashing off. The crow flaps after her. Still carrying the scalpel. Once outside, Magpie pauses, to close her eyes and breath in deeply in the smell of the city...dung, sweat, and dirt.
<onine> "Go?!"
<Magpie> But Magpie is already gone.
<onine> "Go where? My scalpel?! Miss Vana!"
* Tara stands at the door looking forlorn... .the scalpel is the surgeon's most important tool...
* Vana looks apologetic as she leaves. "Sorry... Magpie wants to explore. I'll try and get the scalpel back."
<onine> Tara cradles her head in her hands and returns inside.
<onine> Now then, the town is *busy* during the day, on the streets that *aren't* deserted, markets and merchants buzz around with freshly imported supplies from the Threshold. Though Noble is not as busy in this regard as Arjuf, it does certainly leave the 'Merchant stronghold' in the dust when it comes to military supplies
<onine> Just about anything military can be found here if its not in Arjuf. A great deal of the goods are army related, strange blades imported from creation's furthest reaches. Odd toy soldiers, weird hats, paintings...
* Vana looks at a few weapons in a nearby stall, then moves back to Magpie. "So... where did you want to go?"
* Magpie grins engagingly. "Well...I thought we could start with those burned ruins..."
<Magpie> She grabs Vana's hand. "Come on! It'll be fun!"
<Vana> "Seems as good as any other place. Sure."
<Magpie> "Great!" Dragging Vana behind her- as much as she is able - Magpie darts between horses, over apple carts, and through dingy alleyways, to the burned estate. She seems to have an excellent sense of direction.

The Streets of Noble
<onine> Well, to cut a long story short, the Magistrate leads you all back to an Inn near the docks and into the dining room, where a young sullen looking woman with long blonde hair sits, stirring cold soup absent-mindedly.
<Anona> "Is this another associate of yours, magistrate?"
<onine> "Oh... oh, I'm so sorry Magistrate, Yengo, I tried to stop her!"
<onine> She stops halfway to you. "Oh... newcomers?"
* Yengo furrows his brown in concern. "You tried to stop who?" Though he obviously has his suspicions. Yes.
<onine> "Oh, oh, yes, Magpie has dragged poor Vana off into the city to do Dragons-knows-what!"
<onine> "And that bird of hers took my scalpel!"
<onine> The Magistrate grumbles.... "The girl..."
* Yengo chuckles a bit. "Well... I'm sure Vana will keep her in line..." As if anyone could.
<Anona> "Magpie? Vana?"
<Yengo> "That would be the others you'll be working with."
<onine> "With all due respect to Miss Vana and all, but I don’t even think she could keep a kitten in line, let alone and eleven year old girl of Magpie's disposition."
* Epheri starts to get the impression that this Magpie is in fact like Anona
<Anona> "Please tell me the statement 'eleven year old girl' is metaphorical..."
<onine> "No, no." The Magistrate says. "Quite the reality actually."
* Yengo chews his lip a little, agreeing with Tara but not quite rude enough to say so. "Well... did they say where they were going?"
<onine> "No..." Tara sags forlornly. "She just ran out, dragging Miss Vana behind her - and my scalpel!"
<Yengo> "Ah. Hope she doesn't try to stab anyone with it..."
<onine> "I don’t think so, but I do think she's likely to blunt it thoughtlessly!"
* Yengo fumbles at the pouches on his belt, pulls out a spare scalpel, and hands it over. You know. Just in case.
<onine> "Oh... thanks."
<Anona> "If you don't mind me saying so, isn't a child a somewhat unusual person to have tagging along in this kind of thing?" Handily ignoring that Anona and Epheri are, themselves, rather unusual.
<onine> The Magistrate clears his throat. "We'll merely take her home to the Imperial City. All the same we had best go and find her. I do not wish to leave here without Vana."
13:48 «Anona» *sigh*... Not the most auspicious beginning, thinks Anona...
<Yengo> "Yes, we should probably track them down before they get into trouble of some sort." He speaks now as if it's practically a certainty.
<oni-sama> The Magistrate smiles, amused. "Now Doctor, if you were an eleven year old girl with a penchant for exploration, where would you be today, given current events?"
<Yengo> "I think I'd be tempted to check out what's left of that house. Of course, I haven't been eleven in a long time, but I don't think I've forgotten that much of what it was like."
<oni-sama> "I am inclined to agree. An accurate deduction."
<Yengo> "Maybe we should go there with our new Archons. They..." and he casts a glance over at the pair of them. "Probably know the place fairly well."
<Anona> "Do you refer to the house that was tragically burned down last night?"
<Yengo> "Yes, in fact."
<oni-sama> "Indeed we do Anona"
<Anona> "Then yes, I would know the place very well. Having lived there much of my childhood. And I'm sure you know of the night's events."
<oni-sama> "Of course. Let us set out then."
* Anona prepares to set out.
* Yengo gives Tara a quick goodbye and prepares himself as well.
<oni-sama> Epheri chooses to stay behind for this trip, making it an Anona/ Diamandus Porcelain_Child/SessionOne/Yengo team.
<oni-sama> Diamandus sets out in the lead, the massive mace over his shoulder. Passers-by stay well clear and comment amongst themselves when they see the Magistracy pendant on his cloak
* Yengo follows after, looking about on the odd chance that Vana and Magpie are still in the city somewhere.
* Anona is, for the moment, trailing the other two. For some reason, passerby are quite intent on giving her a wide berth as well.

The Luen Estate
<onine> The estate is mostly burnt down, the entire main entrance and northern wing are nothing but charred supports and a few still-supported floors. Through the wreckage you can see another building in the courtyard.
<onine> The ruin *still* smokes idly in the morning chill.
<onine> |_|
<onine> That’s the shape it used to be
<onine> |
<onine> That’s what’s still untouched. At the top of the 'U' is the second building, most likely a family shrine or some-such.
* Vana brushes hay out of her hair as she looks up at the ruin, vaguely wondering if Magpie jumped into that cart on purpose.
<onine> A lot of the trees are burnt leafless, but the gardens are still overgrown with charred shrubbery... when you come out you will be covered in soot.
* Magpie wades determinedly into the ashes, digging curiously through the wreckage.
* Vana is rather less inquisitive, just looking around. "Are you sure we're allowed here?"
<Magpie> As if as an afterthought, Magpie reaches under shirt, and tosses Vana an apple she had hidden there, biting into the other herself as searches. Juice dribbles down her chin. "Of course!" Magpie lies glibly, as she munches the apple. It comes out more like "ob ore!"
<onine> There is a lot of ash, but nothing or particular note, especially in the burned down sections.
* Vana grins, then nibbles on her own piece of fruit. "If you say so."
<onine> You see 'it' but you are not fast enough to get away in time. As you round one of the less 'ruined' sections, a blue blur sweeps you off your feet and has you on your back in the ash, and then it is upon you about to strike.
<onine> Vana, you hear Magpie cry out from within a burnt but still standing section, then a thump and a whoosh.
<onine> As quickly as the blur seizes you, you are released... then a familiar voice asks: "Small fry?"
* Magpie blinks, and rubs her eyes, looking at the no-longer-blue-blur...is it that stupid Immaculate Tany?
<onine> It is that stupid immaculate Tany. He stands above you with a bemused expression on his face, the long blue silken fabric swirling around him like water before quickly wrapping itself around his body again. He holds out a hand to help you up.
* Magpie takes the hand, complaining as she does, "You made me drop my apple!" She looks around on the ground for this piece of fruit. It wasn't often she got fruit, after all.
<onine> "Oh... sorry about that kiddo..."
* Vana locates them after a few moments, daiklave drawn. "Magpie? Is everything ok?"
<onine> "Woah!"
<Magpie> Magpie finds the fruit at last, rubs it off on her (as always, disgustingly dirty) pants to little apparent effect, examines it, and philosophically takes a bite. "Yeah. Mostly. Unless you're going to traitorously turn me over to the stupid Immaculates again," Magpie adds with a certain amount of bitterness to Tany.
<onine> Tany leaps back into a low Martial Arts stance, the blue fabric once again swirling around him as if suspended in water. The man Magpie has encountered is thin, but fit looking. He has deep blue eyes, and similar colored hair that swims around as if he is under water. His skin is the pale pinkish blue of a cave-fish. Definitely Water aspect.
* Vana looks between them for a moment, not yet moving in response to his stance. "You know this man?"
<Magpie> "He kidnapped me. Or helped, anyway." Magpie takes another bite of her apple. "He's an Immaculate," she adds for Vana's information.
* Vana scans him quickly. "An Immaculate."
<onine> "Not entirely accurate small-fry... I just worked for them and learned from them... you know how it is. Why buy and orange when you can pinch it from the farmer's orchid...guess that’s why they don’t like me that much.”
<onine> He still hasn't 'moved' from his stance, he still eyes Reprisal with some degree of concern.
* Magpie nods. This, she did understand. Even if he did kidnap her, and even if he did make her drop her apple. "Are you going to kidnap me again?" Magpie asks bluntly, just so it's out there in the open...
<onine> "Of course not, its not my job..."
<onine> "If that bunch of self absorbed religious kooks want you they can find you themselves."
<onine> "I'm actually more curious as to why you are here..."
* Vana sheathes her blade slowly, as Magpie doesn't seem worried about him.
<Magpie> "We're exploring," Magpie explains sunnily, her animosity apparently vanished...
<onine> The swirling length of silken fabric slowly wraps around him once again as Reprisal 'disappears'
<Magpie> "What does that do?" Magpie asks curiously, pointing at the fabric.
<onine> "Well, you shouldn't be here, this place is private property, you *are* effectively trespassing."
<onine> "This? Oh nothing, just makes me look good." (which it does)
* Magpie gives him the I'm-not-stupid look. "Do you live here?"
<onine> "No, no one does now. But this place belongs to Tepet Krennell...what’s left of it anyway."
<Magpie> "So what does it matter?"
<onine> Tany rubs his forehead. "This is - was - a building that belonged to him, and still does, including anything here that was not damaged, you aren't allowed here, because well, we don’t like people 'taking stuff;"
<Magpie> "It's pretty much just dust and ashes." Magpie gives the place a critical once-over. "Probably looters'll swarm over it tonight, unless there are guards posted, and there aren't now. And anyway, I don't want to take anything, I just want to look."
* Vana just leans against a burnt wall, watching the pair of them.
<onine> Tany gives Vana the 'do you get this at all?' look.
* Vana offers a half-smile in return.
<onine> "Well, there really isn't a lot to see... this place has been abandoned ever since Tepet Greiha died oh - I cant remember how many years ago, 12-ish? Its been a dump for while before that too, because of Lord Luen's...hobbies..."
<Magpie> "What hobbies?"
<onine> "Oh, he just liked to collect things... information, items. Spent his money a bit unwisely, and ruined his branch of the family. I'd hate to be the daughter." He snickers a little
<onine> "Her family went mad and fell to bits, then she burned this place down. Her uncle, Lord Krennell has now stuck her in the position of Archon with a Magistrate that's in town!"
<onine> Tany laughs, he finds it all terribly amusing, but stops and looks deep in thought when he realizes its not terribly amusing at all to have your parents go mad and destroy your hopes and dreams...
* Vana looks a little alarmed. "A Magistrate? His name isn't Diamandus by any chance, is it?"
<Magpie> "Really?" Magpie feels a bit uneasy. "What's she like? Crazy? Cause, it didn't seem reasonable to burn down half the town."
<onine> "Oh, she's not so much crazy as she is careless and prone to force as opposed to finesse."
<Magpie> "Huh." Magpie considers her toes. "Well, since there's basically nothing here, can I please look at it anyway? I've never been anywhere a Dragonblooded used to live- except that stupid abbey- plus, it's burned down and a crazy guy lived here so it's extra interesting."
* Vana is silent now, considering.
<onine> "Well.... not for too long, Krennell's men will be here shortly, and I want all of us gone by then. Okay?"
<Magpie> "Thank you!" Magpie gives him a hug, which probably does not please him, grubby as she is, and then she dashes off to explore the less-burned areas of the estate, keeping an eye on the crow in case he spotted anything interesting.
<onine> Strangely, none of the soot seems to rub off onto him. He sidles up to Vana.
<onine> "Well hello pretty lady, who might you be?"
* Vana eyes him carefully, after noting the direction Magpie went. "Sou Vana, of the Teresu line."
<onine> "Ohh, a Lookshy! The pleasure is indeed mine!" He bows low, the fabric swirls around him a little as he does so. "Ledaal Tany, at your service. And believe me, I am."
* Vana tries to smile again, rather put off. "Nice to meet you."
<onine> "So what brings you to our cozy little island, Teresu Sou Vana?"
<Vana> "I'm here with the Magistrate, assuming you meant Diamandus."
<onine> Realization dawns on him. "The very same that has just taken in Anona and Epheri, what a small world!"
<Vana> "Indeed."
<Vana> <Vana> "I'm here with the Magistrate, assuming you meant Diamandus."
<Vana> <Vana> "Indeed."
<oni-sama> "Mmmm." He says. "So er, is 'she' in charge?" He nods at the exploring Magpie
<Vana> "In charge?"
<oni-sama> "Well ah, it seems to be, that she is the boss here." He smiles.
<Vana> "Oh... I suppose so. She just wanted to explore."
* Magpie is the process of entering the intact portion of the house.
<oni-sama> The intact portion of the house is spooky - the paper screens are all torn, and look like gaping mouths and evil eyes. The wind blowing through them makes and uncomfortable rustling noise.
* Magpie is thrilled. This was what she had come for, after all. She pokes her head into rooms, wondering if the Anathema had searched here, wondering if this-or-that statue was collected by the Mad Dragonblooded...Or the madman who was probably a Dragonblooded, anyway. The crow has landed on her shoulder, and makes the occasional raucous cry.
<oni-sama> Tany follows quietly at a slight distance. Unsure as to whether he wants to follow Magpie, or speak to the beautiful Teresu Sou Vana outside...
* Vana breathes a sigh of relief when he goes.
<oni-sama> Magpie, you find yourself amongst halls with many rooms on either side, none have anything of note beyond badly decaying floormats, old furniture and rodents. The place smells largely musty. Unfortunately, because the main hall is now gone, access to the upper levels is somewhat restricted.
<Magpie> Not for Magpie it isn't. Second-floor entry had been something of a specialty, back home. Starting from the ledge of a first-floor window, she leaps, and catches onto a stone drainpipe, and, taking a deep breath to prepare herself, she attempts to vault into the window above.
<oni-sama> Soot makes the drain pipe unbelievably slippery, and you are already sliding down it before you are a meter up, landing painfully (but with no adverse affects beyond embarrassment) on your behind.

The Streets of Noble
<oni-sama> After a while of walking you find your way to the Luen estate. In the daylight, and half burnt down, it looks far less impressive than ever before.
<oni-sama> The courtyard, shrine and southern wing are largely intact, but the rest is charred and collapsed. Some sections are still standing, silent blackened witnesses to the night's events.
* Yengo pulls up a little short at the sight of the impressively destroyed estate. He turns to Anona, "You grew up here, eh?"
<Anona> "Well, it looked different then. That sort of thing happens when your parents go insane and fritter money away."
<Yengo> "Ah. I suppose... it does, at that."
* Yengo shrugs a little uncomfortably and moves on into the estate.
<oni-sama> You can see Vana standing there, trying to NOT look interesting enough to warrant the attention of Ledaal Tany
<oni-sama> Magpie you see off to the side slide down a stone drainage pipe and land on her butt. The crow nearby caws loudly as if laughing
* Magpie scowls. The house was mocking her, she knew and she wasn't going to take that standing down- present behavior excepted. Teeth bared, she forgoes the acrobatics and settles for merely climbing, with the aid of a rough stone wall and the edge of a windowframe.
<oni-sama> "Hello.... the Magistrate..." Tany remarks, looking to his right.
* Yengo moves up to stand beside Vana. "Well, I guess I know how you got here." He inclines his head toward the clambering Magpie.
<Vana> "Yeah... I thought that I'd better keep an eye on her."
<Yengo> "Probably a good idea."
<oni-sama> Magpie in the mean time crashes down into a prickly bush.
* Vana stifles a laugh.
* Magpie goes "AAARGH!" and kicks a stone in the general direction of the house. Then, with a set expression, she begins to climb a tree...
<Yengo> "Yes, definitely a good idea."
<oni-sama> "Doctor Yengo, hello." Tany greets you. "I see you are minus one member. Did Anona lose Epheri already?"
<Yengo> "Ledaal Tany," he returns the greeting. "Epheri decided to remain at the inn."
<oni-sama> Tany "Always a 'stick-in-the-mud' that Epheri..."
* Yengo shrugs. "I don't really know her, so I couldn't say."
* Anona is strangely nervous, looking around the ruined land. It's a bit like visiting a grave.
<oni-sama> The Magistrate stands next to Anona. "Are you alright?"
<Anona> "I will be fine. I believe I will be. Just... nothing."
<oni-sama> Diamandus: "If you wish to leave as quickly as possible, it can be done."
<oni-sama> Tany perks up. "Leave? Leave! Yes, that is a good idea, Magistracy or not, you *are* all trespassing here, and well, I'm supposed to evict any that are not supposed to be here, ie: all of you."
<Anona> "The magistrate was merely collecting two members of his troupe, Tany. As I know the town best, I was helping them. Krennell doesn't need to worry, we'll be gone soon enough."
<oni-sama> Tany just sighs sadly, unable to win...
* Vana wanders over to the tree Magpie is determinedly climbing. "Need a hand?"
* Magpie looks down at Vana. "If you could just give me a boost..."
* Vana climbs up a little, bracing herself, then carefully pushes Magpie a little bit further up the tree.
<oni-sama> With Vana's help, you are able to squeeze yourself into a second floor window from an overhanging branch.
<Magpie> "Aha! Thank you!"
* Magpie proceeds to carefully examine what she can of this floor, satisfied to have proved a point to the house.
<oni-sama> Tany in the mean time, similarly makes his way towards the house, and climbs - gracefully - to the second floor, with considerably more success than Magpie's attempts.
* Magpie gives him a dirty look as she investigates. Stupid Dragonblooded.
* Vana swings herself up to the branch and peers inside the building.
<Anona> "Hey, you... uh... Magpie, right? Be careful up there. There ought to be a hole oh, ten feet or so to your... ah... i think it would be your left. Don't fall in."
* Yengo moves to stand with Anona and the Magistrate, not considering himself much of a climber.
<oni-sama> You find yourself in what would easily be called 'a master bedroom'. Large, high ceilinged, with furniture covered in fabric, except the massive bed, that if it weren't covered in dust and blown soot looks as if someone clambered out of it just this morning.
<oni-sama> The Magistrate comments. "The delights of the young."
* Yengo nods absently, taking in the scene around him. There is something strange and haunting about it, he thinks. Dragons only know what it must look like to Anona.
<oni-sama> "Ledaal Tany seems rather anxious to have us away from here."
<Yengo> "Yes. I'm not sure why, this place looks to have been deserted for quite some time."
<oni-sama> "I think there may be more to this than meets the eye. Who does young Tany work for Anona?"
<Anona> "As I recall, he works for my uncle. My uncle owns this estate. Owned, really, as it was my parents', and I was to retain ownership once I was an adult."
<Anona> "Tany is also quite the pain."
<oni-sama> "I recall the name Tepet Juno from the conversation with Krennell, does that mean anything to you?"
<oni-sama> (Tepet Juno was the dark-haired man bidding against you at the auction - and along with you was soundly beaten by 'The Dark Wanderer' :P)
<Anona> "There was an auction held by the Ledaal last night. Juno was bidding against me on a certain item. That is all I know of him, really."
<Yengo> "What... kind of item, if you don't mind me asking?"
<oni-sama> "Hrmmmm..." He rubs a gloved paw over his moustache. "And then we have the mystery of the Anathema's presence here as well. I think... that we are in dire need of a pooling of facts..."
<oni-sama> "Yes, the item, excellent question Yengo."
<Anona> "The item was a sword-hilt. No sword. Large enough for a daiklaive.
<Anona> "I am told it possesses a name, as well."
<onine> "Oh?"
<Anona> "ah... let me think... Irezua, or something like that. Ever hear of a weapon by that name?"
* Yengo shrugs. "I haven't."
<onine> The Magistrate tilts his head up to the sky and closes his eye thinking. "No... I have never heard of a weapon by that name, and the word means nothing to any of the languages I know, even the old tongue... Are you certain you heard correctly?"
<Anona> "Well, I was being told the fact in passing by a strange woman I found to be Anathema soon thereafter, it is *possible* I did not hear correctly."
<onine> "Oh so the Anathema told you this? Most curious... did she say much else of value?"
* Anona thinks about it.
<onine> "Perhaps it would be best to pool our knowledge together, hmm?"
<Anona> "Her words... not to mention actions... implied her actions were on the behalf someone, be it lover, father, or friend I could not say. She also made the standard threats about it not being the last time I would be seeing this Irezua."
<onine> "Yes... they do tend to do that..." He turns to Yengo. "Such is the life of the Magistrates and their Archons, scarcely a day and we already have a mystery to be solved. Stimulates the mind, no?"
<Yengo> "Who can say for certain? The Anathema are mad, after all."
<Yengo> "Indeed it does."
<onine> "You will find my good Doctor, that some Anathema are not as mad as the legends say... but some are madder."
* Yengo nods, unsure if that comment should comfort him or not.
<onine> "Well... we need to find out just what this 'Irezua' is, who wants it, and of course 'when' it is coming back to doom us all.... plus any other facts that have not been covered already."
<Anona> "All I can say is the Anathema is one of the reasons this house was burned. The other, of course, being my attempt to not be killed by her."
<onine> "You are still alive and none worse for wear, you should count yourself lucky, most who face the Anathema bear scars, or do not walk away at all..." He peers over to the section of the house that Tany and Magpie disappeared into.
<onine> "Then of course we have Tany's involvement, and Tepet Juno as well..."
<Anona> "Shouldn't we see about getting that girl out?"
<onine> "Indeed... I am certain that Tany can oblige..."
* Magpie has been investigating the upper floors of the house pretty thoroughly, poking into corners, and wrinkling her nose. She even scrupulously checks under every bed she comes across, in case any looters came early. The incongruity of this escapes her.
<onine> Unfortunately there is nothing of interest...except...
<onine> In one of the rooms, Crow is pecking at the sheet covering one of the items of furniture.
<Magpie> With a grand gesture- Magpie is rather fond of grand gestures- Magpie sweeps the sheet the crow was pecking at from the furniture. She gave him fair warning. His outraged squawking was unjustified. Plus, he had laughed at her earlier.
<oni-sama> Flapping to one of the upper support beams, crow observes the item you uncovered. A crib. Clearly this room was some sort of nursery.
<oni-sama> The crib itself is actually quite large, the kind you would expect for two children. For one it is wastefully large.
<Magpie> Huh. Maybe that new Dragonblooded she'd caught a glimpse of- it had to be her, right? - had slept here. She rocks the cradle, wondering if the Dragonblooded - even the children of Dragonblooded- got extra room when they were babies, or if Anona had been a twin. She could ask, she supposed....
* Magpie leans out a nearby window. "Hey, Anona!" she shouts.
<Magpie> "I found your cradle. I think. It's huge. Definitely could fit two babies in there. Were you huge?"
<Magpie> This all, of course, at the top of her lungs.
* Yengo chuckles softly, deciding not to comment.
<Anona> "Only in my talent!"
<Magpie> "Oh. Really? Did you have a twin, then?"
<Anona> "Not to my knowledge." She's not about to shout her dying mother's madness to the whole town.
<Magpie> " 'Cause this thing...." Magpie makes big sweeping motions with her arms, half hanging out the window. "You should see it!"
* Yengo is laughing outright now, trying to keep from being too loud about it.
<Anona> *to Yengo* "Is she going to stay up there all day?"
<Yengo> "It's entirely possible. I assume she'll get hungry
<Anona> "I could persuade her."
* Magpie retreats, and begins poking around the nursery. Maybe should could find something really embarrassing, so if the Dragonblooded decided to burn down the town again, Magpie could blackmail her not to...
<oni-sama> "Most interesting...." Tany quietly says from the door, his usual childish manner gone. "Most interesting indeed. Now then, it is time for you to go Magpie." eventually..."
<Magpie> "Do I have to? This is so fun. And maybe I can find, like, a painting of Anona as a baby. Maybe she was huge..."
<oni-sama> "Come now." Tany says.
* Magpie gives him an evaluating look. Does he look like he means it?
<oni-sama> He does look like he means it.
<Anona> "Tany, you're no good with children. Want me to try?"
* Magpie seems to consider. On the one hand, he had been good enough to let her explore for a while, and he had warned her that real guards would be coming...
<Magpie> ...but on the other hand, Magpie is utterly mortified that he caught her the first time. Adults never catch Magpie. She needs to retrieve her honor.
<Magpie> Some of this is crossing over her face. Magpie is generally pretty transparent. At last, however she decides, reluctantly, to permit him escort her downstairs. She feels this to be extremely generous of her.
<oni-sama> Tany seems a little relieved that he does not need to perspire this morning, and brings you outside to the others.
* Vana is, presumably, just waiting with the others, after leaping down from the tree.
<oni-sama> "Thank you...." He says with no small amount of sarcasm in his voice. "Now will you all please leave, I don’t want to have to explain to Krennell why I allowed a Magistracy team to crawl over his property - such as it is...?"
<oni-sama> "Of course, of course. Thank you for retrieving this child for us..." Diamandus spears you with a glare Magpie.
* Yengo shrugs and holds his hands out. It wasn't his intention to come here in the first place, though it did spark some interesting discussion.
<Magpie> "I was exploring!" Magpie protests.
<Anona> "I'm sure you were."
<oni-sama> "And exploring can get you into danger."
<oni-sama> "Isn't that correct Anona?"
<oni-sama> He seems to be alluding to the 'anathema incident' of the previous evening...
* Magpie makes a face. "I haven't found that to be the case."
* Vana feels a little guilty for agreeing to come along.
<Anona> "Well, sometimes."
<oni-sama> He grumbles a little. "Alright, lets go. We have much to discuss...
* Anona is still refusing to admit she was in any danger she couldn't handle.
<oni-sama> On the way the Magistrate inquires as to whether you have scraped the gold off the feathers for him, Magpie.
<Magpie> "Of course! I left them with Tara."
<oni-sama> "Good, good," he says.
<oni-sama> "I shall see you again Teresu Sou Vana, it was a pleasure meeting you." Tany calls, bowing to Vana as you all leave.
* Vana smiles uneasily at him.
<oni-sama> Yes, Vana, Tany is a sleaze, he'll be best friends with the prettiest thing he can find, which was Anona up until you showed up...
* Yengo pokes Magpie in the shoulder softly. "Tara says you took her scalpel."
* Magpie looks outraged. "I didn't! The crow did! I had nothing to do with it! And I took it back from him when he was trying to poke that stupid merchant with it..."
<Magpie> She feels around in her clothes for it.
<Magpie> "Umm..."
<Magpie> "Uh...."
* Vana produces said scalpel from a sleeve, and passes it to Magpie surreptitiously.
* Magpie takes it, palms it, and presents it to Yengo proudly.
<oni-sama> "Craw"
* Yengo takes the scalpel back. "Thank you. You know, we have plenty of these lying around if you w-" Why am I about to give an eleven year old girl a knife?
<Magpie> "Really?" Magpie's eyes shines. "Thanks! That would be so great!"
<Magpie> Impulsively, she hugs him. She smells.
* Yengo absently pats her head. "Yes... well... just... doing my part..." To arm the youth...
* Magpie chatters on the way back to the inn. "I had to make do with a big shard of glass before, and then they took that-" Magpie scowls broodingly "-and these sharp knife thingies are so cool!"
<oni-sama> After you return to the Inn, Diamandus gives you all time for lunch before he requests that you all be at the Inn's courtyard for a 'pooling' of facts pertaining to the current situation.

The Inn's Kitchen
<Magpie> During the 'lunch break', Magpie slips in to see Tara, and attempt to weasel her way back into Tara's good graces. Rather sheepishly, she presents the scalpel.
<oni-sama> She accepts it back quietly, with a slight nod, and begins to wash it 'thoroughly'. "Please do not play with the medical tools Magpie. They need to be kept very clean."
<Magpie> "It was the crow -" Magpie begins. She shuts up when she sees Tara's face.
<oni-sama> "Go play." She says. " And be good!"
* Magpie creeps a little closer. Ingratiatingly, she asks, "You're not mad, are you?"
<oni-sama> She puts the scalpel down and sighs, closing her eyes to regain a little patience. "No. No I'm not. Just don't do it again. Okay?"
<Magpie> "It was crow who-" Magpie shuts up again. She sits down on a little kitchen stool, and glances around. When she doesn't see anyone else, she begins tentatively "Say, Tara..."
<oni-sama> "Yes...?"
<Magpie> "Are you in love with Yengo?"
<Magpie> It was something Magpie had been wondering about for a little while now, and since they were alone, and Tara wasn't mad...
<oni-sama> Tara stops and stares out the kitchen window at the trees outside. "You know, I'm not sure... I never am anymore..." She returns to her cleaning.
<Magpie> "Anymore?"
<oni-sama> She nods.
<Magpie> "You guys have been through a lot together, I think....and you're here, right?"
<oni-sama> "Well...there is a sense of loyalty. Yengo has always taken care of me. Always. Even at considerable risk to himself."
<Magpie> "Really? How'd you guys meet?" Magpie settles herself more comfortably.
<oni-sama> "Have you ever been called 'nosy' before?"
<Magpie> "All the time."
<oni-sama> "Does that ever bother you?"
<Magpie> "Not much, no."
<oni-sama> "Well... I used to help an old medicine man in the North. I suppose he was 'our' medicine man, even though he lived far away from the town in the mountains. I fetched him water and milk. Occasionally some other supplies. He taught me things. Lancing boils, preventing gangrene, treating illness. And of course cleaning..."
<oni-sama> "Then...then the legions came. It was a turning point I suppose... if they hadn't, my life would have been very, very different."
* Magpie nods sympathetically. She done a lot of cleaning herself, in her grandmother's shop. Though she didn't miss it. "Yengo was a legion surgeon, right?"
<oni-sama> "That’s right. By that time Yengo had already picked up many assistants from all over, but at the time, Yengo was treating the worst cases and the rest of the teams were flat out with the less serious maladies of battle and nature. I helped Yengo... and he asked if I wanted to stay on."
<oni-sama> "I think he feels guilty... taking my life away from me like that."
<Magpie> " 'Taking your life away?' But you said yes, didn't you? Wasn't it more of a ..." Magpie struggles for a moment, "...a gift, then?"
<oni-sama> She shrugs half-heartedly
<Magpie> "So what happened then?"
<oni-sama> "We came here."
* Magpie looks at her skeptically. "You skipped things! I bet you guys have been together a lot longer than that!"
<oni-sama> "nine years...its a long time."
<Magpie> "So what did you skip? What were the Legions like?"
<oni-sama> "Not nice."
<oni-sama> "What about you hmmm?" she asks, eager to change the subject. "I'll bet *you* have some tales."
<Magpie> "I've barely lived nine years."
<oni-sama> "Fair's fair. I don't like talking about... those times. They weren't nice for me, nor for Yengo."
<Magpie> "So why did you stay?"
<oni-sama> "Loyalty." she decides
* Magpie nods. "When did you two join up with the Magistrate?"
<oni-sama> "Well, only a month or so ago I would say... we met him while traveling with some very nice people."
<Magpie> "Really? Who?"
<oni-sama> "A man named Master Cenotaph. He runs the most amazing caravan - literally a sailing ship on wheels, pulled along by giant yeddims."
<Magpie> "Really?"
<oni-sama> "Really."
<Magpie> "Awesome! I always heard the Threshold was really weird but I never believed it...what else have you seen?"
<oni-sama> "Yengo and I were traveling south when we came across a beautiful glade in the forest. It was filled with little colored dancing lights - they didn’t like Yengo much for some reason. They led us to where a wounded girl...what was her name... Saika, had been washed down the river."
* Magpie leans on the edge of her stool, apparently absorbed in the tale.
<oni-sama> Strangely, the name Saika sounds familiar, but you have no idea why. Its something you *think* you know, but don’t really know if you know. You never would have thought of it until it was mentioned.
<Magpie> "Huh. Who was Saika?"
<oni-sama> The glade was large, very large, with a still freshwater lake in the center, with many moss covered rocks like stepping stones in it. Little mushrooms sprouted up here and there with all different colors."
<Magpie> It sounds like her little garden, Magpie thinks wistfully. Like home. Beautiful. "What were the lights like?"
<oni-sama> "Saika? Hmm...she was...um. Well, I don’t really know. One of Master Cenotaph's people, but I don’t remember what she did... hmmm...." Tara thinks...
<oni-sama> "Oh the lights!"
<oni-sama> "They were many different colors, orange, red, blue, purple, but mostly green.. mostly green. The green ones were the biggest, the size of your fist some of them."
<oni-sama> All of the dancing lights in your garden are white.
<oni-sama> "There was so much magic in that place..."
<Magpie> "It sounds wonderful."
<oni-sama> She means magic in the metaphorical sense, not the literal sense.
<oni-sama> "It was..."
<Magpie> "So why did you decide to join the Magistrate?"
<oni-sama> "Oh, well uh." she returns to reality. "It was Yengo's choice really. It was something he had to do, for himself."
<Magpie> "Why? Didn't he want to ....sail on a ship with Yeddims!" Magpie sounds like she really loves the yeddim-ship.
<oni-sama> "Its not that he didn’t want to. Its more that he wanted this more I think."
<oni-sama> Tara has been cleaning the same scalpel ever since the conversation started you've noticed.
<Magpie> "To be an Archon?" She hesitates. "I think that scalpel's clean, now..."
<oni-sama> "Oh... oh yes..." She slips it back into her tool pouch.
<Magpie> "Do you like it here? In the Realm, I mean."
<oni-sama> "Well, I've only spent a day here."
* Magpie blinks. "Oh, I guess that's true..."
<oni-sama> She ties the securing strap around her small surgical kit and sits down at the table and starts slicing some bread and cheese. She offers some to Magpie
<oni-sama> "Here. You've been climbing around all morning on an empty stomach."
* Magpie takes munches on the bread and cheese. "You get to be an Archon, though!" Magpie sounds frankly envious.
<onine> "Well, I don’t think I'm an Archon"
<Magpie> "You're not?" Magpie frowns. "But don't you travel around with the Magistrate and everything? Isn't that what Archons are?"
<onine> "Well... I'm an Archon's assistant."
<Magpie> "Oh. So you're the Archon’s Archon!"
<onine> She laughs, "Yes I suppose I am."
* Magpie mulls this over. "I wonder if I could be an Archon’s Archon..."
<onine> "Mmm, what do you mean?"
<onine> Crow pecks at crumbs, catching the 'if you touch the loaf you become stew' look in Tara's eyes
* Magpie shifts uncomfortably, and shakes her head. "Well...I can't hang around forever, I guess." She swallows a big lump of cheese. "Thanks for the food!" Magpie leaves her stool, and lingers for a moment in the doorway.
<Magpie> "Tara...have you ever had fruit juice?"
<onine> "Yes. Peach. Why?"
<Magpie> "Was it good?"
<onine> "Yes, it was very nice." she answers.
* Magpie sighs despondently. Somehow, the answer depressed the girl. "Well....bye Archon's Archon Tara!" Magpie turns to head out the door.
<onine> "Bye-bye Magpie..." Tara watches the 'pesky black varmint' flap out after the girl.