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Personal Data

Name: Jan'dal Kerat
Caste: Twilight
Player: Lance			Origin: Coral Arch
Chronicle: KETRUS		Nature: Hedonist


(Physical)              (Social)                (Mental)
Strength      [XX...]   Charisma      [XXXX.]   Perception    [XXX..]
Dexterity     [XX...]   Manipulation  [XX...]   Intelligence  [XXXX.]
Stamina       [XXX..]   Appearance    [XXX..]   Wits          [XXXX.]


(Dawn)                  (Zenith)                (Twilight)
 Archery       [.....]   Integrity     [X....]   *Craft         [.....]
 Martial Arts  [.....]   Perform       [.....]   *Investigation [X....]
*Melee         [XXX..]   *Presence     [XXX..]   *Lore          [XXXB.]
 Thrown        [.....]   Resistance    [.....]   *Medicine      [.....]
*War           [XXX..]   Survival      [.....]   *Occult        [XXXB.]
(Night)                 (Eclipse)               (Specialties)
 Athletics     [X....]   Bureaucracy   [.....] +3 Melee (Wavecleaver)  
 Awareness     [XX...]   Linguistics   [X....] +2 Occult (Sorcery)
 Dodge         [.....]   Ride          [.....] +1 Lore (Gateway)
 Larceny       [.....]   *Sail         [XXX..]
 Stealth       [.....]   *Socialize    [XX...]
Languages: Riverspeak, Seatongue, Old Realm

Backgrounds, Virtues, Physical Combat

   (=Backgrounds=)                        (=Virtues=)
Artifact       [XX...]        Compassion [XX...]    Temperance  [XXX..]
Manse          [XXX..]	       Conviction [XX...]    Valor       [XX...]
Resources      [X....]        Virtue Flaw: Foolhardy Contempt  
Contacts	[X....]        Condition: Observing corrupt officials without correcting them.
Essence        [XXB.......]   Join Battle: 6
Willpower      [WWWWW.....]   AV (Wavecleaver): 12, 9L/(O)3L
Limit          [..........]   DV (Dodge): 5
                              DV (Parry)L 9


Tactial Instincts (Int+Lore, Diff 3. On success, great tactical insights. Mandatory for any respectable Solar army-leader.)


Personal Essence: 14/14		Peripheral Essence: 31/35 (4 Committed)


-First Melee Excellency
-Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
-First Presence Excellency
-Hypnotic Tongue Technique
-First Sailing Excellency
-Salty Dog Method
-Mob Dispersing Rebuke
-Fury Inciting Gesture
Combos: None

Items Worth Note

- Orichalcum Wavecleaver (Speed 5, Acc 4, Def 2, Rate 3, +7L/Minimum 3L)
- Gem of Grace (Manse 3, Celestial, +2 to all Charisma/Manipulation skills)


Health Levels:
[ ] -0
[ ] -1
[ ] -1
[ ] -1
[ ] -2
[ ] -2	
[ ] -4	
[ ] Incapacitated

Social Combat

Intimacies: -Free travel on the sea -His appearance

Charisma (4[+2]), Manip (2[+2]), App (3) Pres (3), Social (3), Invest (2), Ling (1)

Dodge MDV: 9 Parry MDV: (Probably Charisma/Pres, or 9)

Add diff in appearance to both MDVs.

General Background

Background and Goals

Full Background

Note: The last one of these I did was 11,042 words. Do you really want all that to read? I didn't think so.

XP Expenditure