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Lotan is the great serpent of the Sea of Chaos. His pearl is a deep aquamarine. When summoned, the air itself seems to quiver as the pearl brightly flashes once. All of the dew on the grass, the puddles on the ground, and the sweat on the characters’ brows begin to drift towards a central point in the sky, where they begin to coalesce into a watery shape. If summoned in a desert or dry climate, clouds begin to swirl overhead and fog drifts down from the heavens to form the miasma. The shape begins to take a snake-like form and then, with another quick bright flash, the form becomes solid. Lotan is a 60-foot long serpent. His scales are blue-green and his fins are light purple. He has no eyes, and his many-toothed mouth is incredibly long and wide, like an alligator’s. He makes no noise except the sound of rapidly flowing water when he moves and strikes.


Attributes\\ Strength 15 (0), Dex 5 (12), Stamina 12 (6), Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4, Perception 6, Intelligence 4, Wits 4

Virtues\\ Comp 2, Conviction 4, Temperance 4, Valor 3

Abilities\\ Archery 5 (breath) Awareness 5, Brawl 5 (+2 bite), Dodge 3 (+5 liquid), Endurance 5, Presence 4, Resistance 7 (+5 water)

Base Initiative: 9\\ Dodge Pool: 8 (20 when liquid)\\ Soak: 22L/32B (Serpent scales, 16L/20B)\\ Willpower: 7\\ Health Levels (23): -0(8) / -1(7) / -2(6) / -4 / Incap


  • Body clinch: Spd 9, Acc 10, Dmg 15L, Dfs 10
  • Bite: Spd 6, Acc 9, Dmg 22L, Dfs 8
  • Icy Breath: Spd 9, Acc 10, Dmg 17L, Rate 1, Range 30 yards, cone spreads out about 3x5 yards)
  • Liquid clinch: Spd 16, Acc 15, Dmg 0*\\

*-1 action penalty + disarm

Charms: CrashingBreakerAttack, ShiftingSurfaceOfEntropy, VortexOfEmptiness

Other Notes

Essence: 5\\ Essence Pool: 50

Lotan always floats in midair, but due to his massive size is usually in hand-to-hand range. His bite attack cannot be parried without a stunt since his mouth is so large.

For 4 motes, Lotan can reflexively become liquid (or solid) at any time in the round, even before his initiative. When this happens, his body flashes brightly and hovering instead of a solid form of a serpent is a long tube of water with two glowing green orbs where his (nonexistant) eyes should have been in solid form. He can switch forms once per turn. Lotan in liquid form has the following physical attributes:\\ Strength 0, Dex 12, Stamina 6.\\ His dodge pool becomes 20. Soak is 3L/6B. He is invulnerable to attacks by edged weapons (therefore reflexively switching to liquid form is a perfect defense against attacks by swords, lances, and other such weapons).

Lotan can rearrange himself while in liquid form. For example, if he shifts to liquid form at the end of one round, he can make his head become his tail and become solid on his initiative the next round to bite the person hiding behind him. Note that it also costs Lotan 4 motes to change back to solid form as well.

The only way to damage Lotan in liquid form is to attack the eyes with a flat weapon. Edged weapons will divide the liquid form and slip past the eyes even if they are on target as if they were cutting through a gaseous miasma, while fists, staffs and hammers (and all weapons that do bashing damage) will plunge into the miasma and strike the targets. Attacking the eyes yields a +2 difficulty due to their small size. If a character is only armed with a sword or an edged weapon, he can use the flat of the blade to attack but loses specialty dice and must hit at a +3 difficulty (and only does bashing damage). Goremauls and any other similar flat weapons will function normally and still do lethal damage, however. When the eyes are struck, one hears a violent hissing sound like water falling on hot coals.

Lotan cannot attack while he is in liquid form. However, he can attempt to envelop and drown an opponent by putting him in a clinch (Acc 15). He can split this action to drown multiple opponents. Characters immersed in the form of liquid Lotan take no damage, but they must make Stamina+Resistance rolls at diff 4 to not avoid dropping their weapons. If they botch, they take a health level of lethal damage from inhaling Lotan’s water. If Lotan remains in liquid form and maintains the clinch, trapped characters must make this roll every turn. In addition, anyone who is clinched (even if they succeed on their stamina roll) suffers a -1 action penalty per round they are held in the watery chaos of Lotan’s body. I.e. if someone is clinched for 3 rounds and escapes, they suffer a -3 action penalty. This penalty lasts for the scene. This clinch attack can only be dodged, not parried. Lotan must release his victims in liquid form if he wants to shift to solid form.

When his last health level is depleted, Lotan’s form shimmers and then, in a final flash of light, explodes in a surge of water that covers the entire landscape. Small trees, animals and mortals will undoubtably be swept off their feet in the deluge. The water surges towards the pearl which summoned Lotan, which quickly swirls it up efficiently in an upside-down funnel.

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