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Kairos, The Heart of Night

In the dark depths of Malfeas, it is said that there is a great ashen plain, filled with lakes of molten fire and pits of eternally-burning flames, and that in its centre lies a mountain crowned with fire. That place is Kairos, the Heart of Night. Kairos was originally Tartaron, the Primordial that created the concept of death, but the twisting the Yozis endured warped it into the form of Kairos.

  • Tryphon, The One Who Watches, Fetich Soul of Kairos

Tryphon is a vast mountain, crowned with fire, and forms the Fetich Soul of Kairos. It constantly rumbles with anger and hatred at the Incarnae, and is sometimes known to unleash its cataclysmic rage upon what it considers to be its enemies. It is guarded by Second and First Circle Demons, but is a threat to them as well.

    • Valdorian, The Shadowed One, Warden Soul of Tryphon
