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Character Sheet

Name:   Unwelcome Grin       Concept: Thief, Streetrat, All Around Pain in the Ass
Player: Ketrus               Nature:  Survivor
Caste:  Night                Anima:   Cackling Hyenas
(Physical)              (Social)                (Mental)
Strength     [XXXX.]    Charisma     [XX...]    Perception   [XXXX.]
Dexterity    [XXXXX]    Manipulation [XXX..]    Intelligence [XX...]
Stamina      [XX...]    Appearance   [XX...]    Wits         [XXX..]

(Caste)                 (Favored)               (Other)
Athletics    [XXX..]    Endurance    [X....]    Bureaucracy  [X....]
Awareness    [XXXXX]    Melee        [XXXXX]    Linguistics  [X....]
Dodge        [XXXXX]    Occult       [X....]    Lore         [X....]
Larceny      [XXXXX]    Thrown       [X....]    Resistance   [X....]
Stealth      [XXX..]    Socialize    [X....]    Survival     [X....]
Melee:  Impact Weapons +2
Stealth:  Hiding In Plain Sight +2
Socialize:  Discerning Social Situation +2
Languages:  Riverspeak, Forest-tongue
Reed in the Wind                              (1m/2d, inst, ref)
  +2d/1m to dodge
Shadow Over Water                             (2m, inst, ref)
  Dodge @ Full Pool
Seven Shadow Evasion                          (6m, inst, ref)
  Perfect Dodge
Reflexive Sidestep Technique                  (2m, inst, ref)
  Dodge Any @ 2*Ess
Flow Like Blood                               (5m1w, scene, simp)
  Dodge Any @ Full Pool
Seasoned Criminal Method                      (10m, day, simp)
  Be a gangsta, yo?  Diceless criminal stuff.
Flawlessly Impeneterable Disguise             (7m, day, simp)
  Essence-discerning allows opposed check, otherwise perfect disguise
Sensory Acuity Prana                          (5m, scene, simp)
  +Ess to Per+Aware, diceless fluff effects
Keen Hearing and Touch Technique              (3m, scene, simp)
  Diceless sensory stunts
Unsurpassed Hearing and Touch Technique       (5m, scene, simp)
  Obscene diceless sensory stunts

   (=Backgrounds=)                        (=Virtues=)
Artifact       [XX...]        Compassion [X....]    Temperance  [XX...]
Contacts(Under)[X....]        Conviction [XXXX.]    Valor       [XXX..]
Manse          [X....]        Virtue Flaw:  Deliberate Cruelty
Resources      [XXx..]        Condition:  Severe stress, dire straits, etc.
Essence        [XXX.......]   Knife: Spd 9, Acc 12, Dam +8L, Def 8, Rate 4
Willpower      [XXXXXXXXX.]   Staff: Spd 16, Acc 16, Dam +13B, Def 15, Rate 3
Limit          [.........!]   Dodge: 18, Soak: 5/4, BInit: 8
Personal Ess   18/18
Periph Ess     36/40
               29/40 when disguised
Health Levels:
-0:  [ ]
-1:  [ ] [ ]
-2:  [ ] [ ]
-4:  [ ]
Incap[ ]

Artifact 2
  Hastily skipping town, with no real clue where to go, he hopped from
  caravan to caravan until instinct told him to leave the roads some
  hundred miles or so from Nexus.  It didn't take long for him to find
  a small cache of jade, trivial goods, and the ashen remains of food.
  Among the assorted junk were these bracers, set with the Hearthstone
  of the manse in which the cache was hidden.
Contacts(Underworld) 1
  Spending so long on the streets, it's only natural he make a certain
  number of... friends.  While very few are reliable or even trustworthy,
  one or two have come in handy in the past and probably will again.
    Nexus--Contact o' your choice
    His 'main man' for hearing rumors of large or important shipments.
Manse 1
  See 'Artifact 2' above.  The relatively tiny Manse, hidden more by
  obscurity than sorcery, has remained untouched all this time due to
  the wards and warnings that warn of dire curses of the vanquished
  Anathema.  They've turned aside most of the two-bit scavengers who
  actually managed to both notice and care about the small structure.
Resources 3
  Theft.  Pure and simple, it's what he does, and he's very good at it.
  Even before Exaltation, he was capable of stealing more than he'd
  ever truly need for a peaceful, well-fed life.  Unfortunately, he's
  never really been capable of a peaceful, well-fed life, money or no.

Eidetic Recall [Sight & Hearing] (2-pt. Merit)
  Perfectly recall all he sees and hears.  May require Wits+Awareness for
  stressful situations.  "It's a gift."

Wanted (2-pt. Flaw)
  More adequately explained in the backstory.

Orihalcum Hearthstone Bracers (Art 2) set with Jewel of the Flying Heart
  +2 dam, +3 dodge, 4 motes commit
  +(Conv/2=2) dodge (+1 acc if set in an edged weapon)
Two Concealed Exceptional Iron Knives (Res 2)
  +1 spd, +2 acc, +3L dam, -2 def, 4 rate
Exceptional Steel Staff (Res 1)
  +8 spd, +4 acc, +7B dam, +3 def, 3 rate
Exceptional Chain Shirt (Res 3)
  +4/2 LKetrus/UnwelcomeGrin/B, 0 Res, 0 Mob


His description tends to change daily, to suit his needs.
When not in disguise, he is a mostly non-descript young man in clothes
far finer than his station might suggest, bearing a staff strapped to
his back and a very odd smile.




XP Record

Catching the trend? None, yet
