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A Multitude of Masters

Initially, all of the captured Solar Essences were given to the Ebon Dragon. However, once he had finished fashioning them into Infernal Exalted, his brothers and sisters unanimously demanded that he give up his monopoly on them; they (correctly) believe that he plans to engineer their escape from Malfeas in such a way as to give him dominion over them, and (incorrectly) that the Infernal Exalted were to be a means to that end.

In reality, the Ebon Dragon's interest in Infernal Exaltation was merely a ruse to draw his siblings' attention away from his actual plots; as a result, he caved in to their demands very easily. Control of the Infernal Exalted is now distributed across the entire Yozi population. Whenever an Infernal Essence becomes available (usually due to the death of its host), it is assigned to a new master according to a complicated, semi-random rotation scheme.

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