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"There's much we can learn from these simple plants, if we care to listen." --Sesus 'The Slug' Nagezzer

The Dragonblooded Interlude

A Reluctant Mission


The Adventurous Souls

Nellens Akrei: Akrei is an effective exalted spy in a house of mortals, valued and yet undervalued at the same time in his house's biased views in regards to Exalt and mortal relations.
Cynis Dano: A rarity amongst rarities, Dano is a staunch immaculate supporter in a family of hedonists and rakes. Dano is Frei's (distant) cousin, and the first of those recruited for the journey.
Ledaal Keran: A spy, punished by his family with a dull mission of catalogues and records in distant lands. The Ledaals do not play the power game, but they know well how it is played.
Sesus Frei: A fool and a dandy perhaps, but Frei is ruthless and scheming. He takes little and gives less - he feeds on those around him, gaining power through his games and manipulations.

Those Who Follow Greatness

Calliope: To an outsider Calliope is merely Frei's servant and concubine, but their relationship is a strange symbiosis, with Frei relying on Calliope as a friend and confidant as well as a lover.
Marr: A young victim of a beastman tribe's attack on a port village. He is named for the strange birthmark over his eye.

Their Tale

Chapter One - Voyage End
Chapter Two - The Haunted Forests
Chapter Three - The Golden Acorn

Antagonists: Past and Present

The Beastman Tribe

Ragged Red: A woman who seems to revel in slaughter, giving pain where she feels none.
Mu: A giant and a dullard with great strength, Mu posessed power but lacked wits, meeting his end at Frei's longblade spear.
Glowbug: Glowbug was the marriage of a bat, moth and a man. He was captured by the Dragonblooded and 'executed' by the survivor Marr.

The Stag Man: Just who is the mysterious Stag Man that will lead the beastmen to victory?

Sesus 'The Slug' Nagezzer: Frei's uncle, mentor and benefactor. He has reacted to Frei's assassination attempt with -strangely- a mission. He is an ever present force behind Frei - and by extension the rest of the young exalts with him.


Session 1- 5 xp
Session 2- 5 xp
Session 3- 5 xp


Still working on it - onine