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You may wish to look at HumbleLunars/Traits first to see how HumbleLunar animas work.

Full Moons

The Full Moon brings with it infinite strength and ceaseless rage. During the fight againist the primordials, the Lunars adopted the Full Moon only for their fiercist battles. After the war, those Lunars who were judged to be the worst criminals were branded with its heavy mark.

During the Solar Deliberative, the Full Moons wandered out, looking for the biggest game they could. They could be found fighting back the hordes of the Fair Folk, wrestling with Behemoths, charging to destroy whole armies. Many Solars fell in love with the Full Moons strength. Some Furies' allowed themselves to be wooed for only one night, others fell madly in love and became the terrible guardians and avenger of their mates.

In the Second Age, the Full Moons are born from those who lived by the sword. Creation is harsh, even the best soldier can easily lose to bad luck and superior numbers. Anyone from the most powerful Barbarian ragers to particularly brave and able privates to the lowest rank of violent thug might find himself Chosen, if Luna feels she will serve loyally.

Caste Attributes: Strength for rage;

Anima Banners: The Full Moon's castemark is an unremitting circle of light that first bleaches, then burns, then explodes into a silver disc as the character burns essence. The iconic banner burns a brilliant silver, showing warriors or beasts fighting againist the sky.

Crescent Moons

The Crescent Moon brings with it infinite love and care for all things. During the war, the Lunars wore this shape when they were tending the beautiful gardens crafted by the Gods. After the War, the Lunars who were thought to have deserted their posts out of love were branded with the slender mark of the Cresent Moon.

During the Solar Deliberative, the Crescent Moons tended all things under Creation. Some rebuilt the terrain blasted during the war, or helped to settle new lands carved out of the Wyld by the Solars. Others became the patrons of specific cities, helping them to prosper. Some simply settled down to fatherhood and care for their spouses.

During the Second Age, the Crescent Moons are born among those who have suffered loss. A father who buried his sons, a farmer whose land was taken by creditors, a woman who lost her love. Most Crescent Moons try to pick up the pieces and rebuild or look to found new lands and new families.

Caste Attributes: Charisma for humanity and Appearance for nature.

Animas: The Crescent Moon Castemark is a thin crescent of light surrounded by a circle of darkness. Their anima banners are soft and beautiful, the illusions they paint iconically are often things of melancholy beauty.


The Half-Moon is the eye of wisdom. While the No Moon brings with it knowledge and recollection, the Half-Moon brings judgement and forsight. During the war againist the primordials, the most difficult decisions were made under the Half Moon. Now, the Half-Moon is the eye that will not shut. Every threat and oppurtunity makes itself known to a Half Moon, and so the Half-Moons never rest. Every flaw and virtue of a soul makes itself known to the Half-Moons, and so they have few friends.

During the First Age, the Half-Moons were often judges or investiagtors. Their keen judgement and ability to blend in with the populace made them valued mates of the Zenith. While the Zenith ruled on her golden throne, the Half-Moons wandered the land, judging all they saw and reporting back. A Half-Moon might wear the form of a beggar and go to the doors of the wealthy, and wow to him who gave no alms. Now the Half-Moons have no golden lovers to tell their secrets too. Their own hands must right the wrongs they see. Ther own hands are more than adequate for most situations, but many Half-Moons miss the days when their Solar lovers would strike fear into the hearts of the Gods.

Young Half-Moons exalt from those who are alienated from society. Some may be wanderers or outcastes to begin. Others are those whose powers made them feared, even as they were valued. Many Barbarians limit magic to those who are somehow outcaste or different. In towns, an outcase is more likely to be the cop no one loves but everyone needs, a dealer in unclean but necessary services, or merely an eccentric. Such outsiders always walk a fine line between needed and feared, and defeat often comes when the line is crossed. A bad harvest, and the weather witch is accused of diabolism. Poverty strikes the town, and the house of the rich eccentric is the first one raided.

Caste Attributes: Perception and Manipulation.

No Moons

The abscence of the moon brings with it a longing and a questing for knowledge. During the fight againist the primordials, the Lunars adopted the No Moon when they had to learn something quickly or perform magic. After the war, those Lunars judged to be lacking in wisdom were branded with the empty mark of the No Moon.

Later in the First Age, the No Moons participated in the devolopment of knowledge. They quested deep into the Wyld to conduct experiments, taught the wisdom of the Gods to men, or composed music. Now, the No Moons are born among those who lived as scholars, priests, or shamans. A shaman who was unable to please a demanding spirit, a savant whose magic could not save him, or a doctor killed by disease might all here Luna's whisper.

Caste Attributes: Intelligence and Wits.

Anima Banners: The Full Moon's castemark is entirely dark, surrounded by an impossibly thin band of silver. Their banners are darkness flecked with silver. Their iconic illusions are shadows outlined with silver, showing stories or wonders from the distant past.