Greymane/Empyrean Charms

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Charms of the Empyrean

Most of the Charms employed exclusively by the Empyrean heavily involve the manipulation of their demon-half and even occasionally their mortal-half. In their 'normal' state, an Empyrean exists in a perfect balance between their two halves. They remain yet mortal in basic appearance, yet bear the fantastic additions of their wings and other markings of their divine heritage. Shifting the level of influence between the mortal-half and the demon-half will cause obvious physical changes upon the Empyrean as one comes to impose itself over the other. There is even a level of danger in allowing one half or the other dominate completely - the return of mortal fragility when their mortal-half ascends and the danger of loosing control when their demon-half holds sway. Most Empyrean learn quickly how to maintain balance between their two selves, but even stepping carefully any use of an Mortal-Soul Ascension or Demon-Soul Ascension Charm is walking a daggers edge.

Far less dangerous, but no less useful are Fragmented Soul Charms. These Charms, rather than bringing dominance of one soul over the other, instead make use of the segmenting nature of souls of a Primordial by stringing off little pieces of their demon-self into other, lesser souls. Through Fragmented Soul Charms, an Emyprean can craft artifacts purely of themselves or summon forth a companion of their own Essence. Though these Charms are generally safer than Ascension Charms, they also require often heavy amounts of Essence commitment to maintain.

It is due to the nature of Empyrean Charms, the necessity of possessing a demon-soul in tandem with ones mortal-self and manipulating the relationships between them, that most other spirits, Eclipse Caste Solars, and Moonshadow Caste Abyssals cannot learn Empyrean Charms. The form of possession which certain spirits and demons can claim over mortals is not as absolute as the imperfect copy of Exaltation which creates an Empyrean and the Exalted already stand merged in another fashion with their Essences which would prevent such a merger from occurring.

Permanent Charms

Ox-Body Technique
Cost: NGreymane/[[Empyrean_Charms/A]]
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Essence: 1
Minimum Conviction: 1

Like the Exalted, the Champions of Azierphel may also exhibit superhuman resilience. Each time this Charm is purchaced, the Empyrean may choose to gain:

  • One – 0 health level
  • Two – 1 heath levels

Characters cannot purchase this Charm mote times than their Conviction rating.

Mortal-Soul Ascension Charms

Veiling Divinity
Cost: 5 motes

Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Essence: 1
Minimum Temperance: 1
Required Charms: None

The Empyrean are not a subtle presence. Even without the expenditure of Essence on Charms or Words, their wings mark them as something different and otherworldly. Often the first Charm learned by an Empyrean, Veiling Divinity causes their human half to ascend and mask their supernatural nature. Their wings reseed into their body and any other markings of their change fade from their flesh or the air around them, leaving them much resembling the mortals they once were before.

The Empyrean is severely weakened while under the effects of this Charm. While they retain all knowledge, skills, and enhanced attributes they possessed as one of Azierphal’s Champions, her ability to manipulate Essence is muted to nearly non-existence. They can employ no Charms, Sorcery, or other abilities which require Essence expenditures nor can they attune themselves to artifacts or manses, though they do not loose any previous attunements or any permanent Charm effects (such as extra health levels gained through Ox-Body Technique). They recover Essence at a far slower rate (1 mote per day). They may still employ thaumaturgy they know, yet must use alternate methods of empowering their spells.

However, while under the effects of Veiling Divinity, an Empyrean may also exercise far more control over themselves than normal. They will never accrue Sin nor enter Rapture, regardless of the actions they take.

The only manner of Essence manipulation they may engage in is another evoking of this Charm, which will revert them back to their true form.

Fragmented Soul Charms

Tribunal of One
Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower to activate, 8 additional motes per level of improvement
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Simple
Minimum Essence: 3
Minimum Conviction: 2
Required Charms: None

By employing this Charm, the Empyrean causes his demon-self to fragment slightly. A piece separates itself from the body of the demon, becoming a new demon unto itself – a separate entity which remains a part of the Empyrean as a whole. Unlike the possessing spirit, whose power dictates the shape of the Empyrean, this demon-shard is shaped by the will of it’s host. In power, appearance, and function it bends to the will of the Empyrean and manifests upon the Empyrean as an object of power. It is through use of this Charm that many Empyrean, unable to obtain artifacts otherwise, can ensure they never stand before the blighted darkness unarmed.

For 8 motes of Essence and one point of Willpower, the Empyrean can manifest a demon-shard which possesses the properties of a level 1 artifact. Every 8 motes further channeled into the Charm increases the properties of the demon-shard by one level. These motes remain committed until the demon-shard is destroyed or Empyrean merges it back into the whole of its being. If destroyed through Charms or Sorcerery, the committed Essence is lost and must be regained normally and the Empyrean takes unsoakable Bashing damage equal to half the level of the demon-shard. If the Empyrean chooses to dismiss the demon-shard, then the committed Essence returns to his pool.

The Empyrean can choose to improve a preexisting demon-shard at any time he has the Essence available, but must repay the Willpower to fragment his demon-self again. The Empyrean cannot manifest a demon-shard of higher level than his Conviction, nor can he possess more demon-shards than his permanent Essence. If the Empyrean chooses to gift a demon-shard to another, the demon-shard requires no commitment for the new wielder to employ it at full strength, but the commitment cost for the Empyrean remains.

Demon-Soul Ascension Charms

Heavenly Visitation Form
Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Minimum Essence: 4
Minimum Compassion: 4
Required Charms: None

When Heavenly Visitation Form is activated, the Empyrean’s demon-self ascends greatly and drastically alters her physical body. She becomes an avatar of Azeriphel’s sense of beauty and grace, a divine being beyond divine beings whose very presence instills the reality of a greater power and drives mortals to worship at her feet. Her very flesh begins to glow, radiating a light which matches their Aspect, leaving her difficult to look at directly and burning in the impression of something faceless and vaguely human into the eyes of all who behold her. The solid presence of her wings wavers and grows less real, becoming intangible strips of radiance that flow through the air behind her.

While in Heavenly Visitation Form, the Empyrean becomes an impossibly beautiful, unearthly visage of the skies glory. Their Appearance and Charisma scores are both modified by +4 to a maximum score of 7. Any mortals who behold the Empyrean in this form must make a successful Willpower roll with difficulty equal to the Empyreans permanent Essence. Failure leaves them fixated with the alien grandeur of the being before them and they cling upon every word. Success spares them from this effect for a number of turns equal to their Temperance, yet will still find it difficult to turn away or flee from the Empyrean. The Exalted, spirits, demons, and other supernatural creatures are immune to this effect, but may become just as fascinated by sheer force of the Empyreans beauty and presence.

The Empyrean can command those so enthralled to do nearly any task – be it to praise the name of Azeriphel, to swear peace and harmony between rival factions, to rise up in rebellion against their king, or to stone to death an innocent bystander. Each command requires a successful Presence + Charisma roll against +1 difficulty per 10 mortals held in thrawl. Those commands which call for violence or would lead the mortals to certain death are made against a difficulty level equal to the Empyrean’s own Compassion in adition to any other modifiers and failure prevents the Empyrean from even uttering the words. Once their assigned task is fullfilled, the mortals are free of enthrawlment, left filled with a deep sense of satisfaction for their actions, and immune to it's effects for a number of days equal to their Temperance.

Should the Empyrean choose not to command the mortals to any direct task, they will follow him until they have made a successful Willpower roll. The mortals may make this roll once a day.

When Heavenly Visitation Form is used, all currently existing soul-fragments created through Tribunal of One or Heralding Choir are instantly absorbed back into the Empyrean. Her anima display manifests into full strength, regardless of which pool of Essence the Empyrean draws from to power the Charm, and will linger at this strength for a number of days equal to her Compassion.

During the first turn of activation and every subsequent 4 turns there after, the Empyrean must make a successful Willpower + Conviction roll against a difficulty level equal to their Permenent Essence to remain in control of themselves. Should the roll succeed, the Empyrean retains control for a time, but must vie for dominance with their demon-half again. Should they fail the roll, their demon-half will sieze control completely. For the next four turns, as long as the form is employed, the Empyrean is considered to be in the Rapture of Forgiveness. Their Compassion becomes locked at 6 and they reach into the thoughts of those around them to pluck out their greatest sins. With uncontrollable selflessness, the Empyrean seek to sooth or redeem each and every creature around them, no matter how unrepentant they may be.

Divine Punishment Form
Cost: 20 motes, 3 Willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Minimum Essence: 6
Minimum Conviction: 5
Required Charms: Heavenly Visitation Form

For all their beauty, it should never be forgotten than beneath the surface of every Empyrean lurks something ancient and unknowable. While Heavenly Visitation Form brings forth the majesty and grace of Azeriphel, Divine Punishment Form manifests the unforgiving wrath of heaven. The Empyrean’s demon-half ascends so completely as to all but utterly overwhelm their human half. They become a terrible and glorious agent of annihilation. Their anima banner flares at full strength and their wings stretch across the horizon. Each Divine Punishment Form is different, yet they are all alien and frightening. Some are strange, malleable leviathans of rubbery flesh, baring masks of bone and black wings shot through with glowing silver veins. Many lack even a cursory resemblance to their mortal form – faceless, limbless armored giants who float on unmoving wings of painted glass.

While in Divine Punishment Form, the Empyrean’s size increases several fold, until they stand roughly as tall as a warstrider. They gain two -0 and three -1 health levels. Their bodies become resilient to attacks and nearly immune to all harm. They gain 20L/20B soak and all damage is automatically converted to Bashing unless it would normally effect an item crafted from one of the five Magic Materials. The speed at which they fly is doubled (90 mph) and they can both soar and hover without fatigue check.

They also become capable of hurling bolts of heavenly judgment. The appearance of these bolts varies between Empyrean. Some are merely rays of burning irradiance, while others a pillars of flame, razor-edged feathers sprouting from their wings, or golden blades that spin off from their anima displays. These bolts inflict a base damage equal to the permanent Essence of the Empyrean, plus 2L per every mote spent, to a maximum of Conviction + Essence. Attacks with these bolts are made as ranged attacks, requiring a successful Dexterity + Archery roll. The Empyrean can divide their attack with the bolts among a number of targets equal to their Perception.

Divine Punishment Form is the ultimate expression of Azeriphel’s presence upon Creation. As such, the Empyrean are forbidden to activate it without the permission of their master. An Empyrean cannot activate Divine Punishment Form if they possess a level of Sin higher than their permanent Essence. Even should they be clean in the eyes of Azeriphel, they must still spend at least an hour in prayer and meditation while their demon-half communes their desire to the child-Primordial and seeks his approval.

When Divine Punishment Form is activated, all currently existing soul-fragements created through Tribunal of One or Heralding Choir are instantly absorbed back into the Empyrean. His anima display manifests into full strength, regardless of which pool of Essence the Empyrean draws from to power the Charm, and will linger at this strength for a number of days equal to his Conviction.

During the first turn of activation and every subsequent 4 turns there after, the Empyrean must make a successful Willpower + Compassion roll against a difficulty level equal to their Permenent Essence to remain in control of themselves. Should the roll succeed, the Empyrean retains control for a time, but must vie for dominance with their demon-half again. Should they fail the roll, their demon-half will sieze control completely. For the next four turns, as long as the form is employed, the Empyrean is considered to be in the Rapture of Judgment. Their Compassion drops to 1 and they are driven beyond reason to punish those around them for the evils they have committed and for those they have yet to commit.
