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Name: Kain Roen
Caste: Dawn
Nature: Defender
Demeanor: Child
Concept: Uncertain Young Hero, Big Robot
Merits: Legendary Artifact, Virtue Speciality (Valor - Defending his People)
Flaws: Child

Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
Charisma 2, Manipulation 1, Appearance 3
Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3

Archery 2, Athletics 2, Craft 3, Dodge 2, Endurance 2, Lore 2, Melee 3, Medicine 3, Perform 2, Ride 2, Socialize 2

Backgrounds: Artifact NGreymane/Kain/A, Artifact 3, Allies 2, Manse 2

Compassion 3, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valor 2

Willpower: 5
Health: -0,-1,-1,-2,-2,-4,Incap
Essence: 2
Essence pool:


  • Melee

Excellent Strike
Hungry Tiger Technique
Golden Essence Block
Dipping Swallow Defense

  • Medicine

Body-Mending Meditation
Touch of Blissful Release
Flawless Diagnosis Technique
Ailment-Rectifying Method
Contagion-Curing Touch

  • Craft

Flawless Handiwork Method

Equipment: Baruchiel, Answeller, gold and steel articulated plate, knife, medical bag

Base initiative:
Soak: 0B/0L/0A (unarmored)

Character Description

Appearance: Of little resemblance to his royal cousins in Whiteshield, the divine blood of the Holysword family has been all but bred out of Kain with simple peasant stock. He inherited the flawless skin and aristocratic features of the Holyswords, but there is nothing about him to mark him as the favored of a goddess. What he did not get from them, he gained from his parents. A mother who died before he ever came to knew her gifted him with unmanageable yet attractive brown hair. The father he so recently lost gave him his light, golden-brown eyes, large and filled with uncertainty, and strong but subtle frame. He is undeniable handsome, even for his age, and is in the eye of any number of young ladies.

Demeanor: Though certainly mismatched placed beside his cousins or even his late father, Kain never the less bares an undeniable air of nobility to his character. He is not the leader they are, but he is a leader in his own right. Politics and economics bore him or leave him frightened at their vast, twisting tunnels and subtle moves. Kain is humble and a little meek, but well meaning in all things. He knows his people well and strives to take care of their needs with every skill at his disposal, preferring to take on a more direct and hands on approach than to sit as a distant figure. While his father lived, it made him popular among the people they ruled to see the son of their lord willingly dirtying himself in the mud beside them and greeting them each by name.

Those days are gone, however. With his father dead, his people in danger and unsure if they can trust the Anathema he has become, and no sign of aid from distant Whiteshield, Kain has begun to struggle with the growing responsibilities of his new position. He is a boy bereft of guidance. With his father dead and no other adult brave enough to step forward to play the voice of wisdom to a demi-God, Kain is shy and uncertain of his every move. He worries constantly about the effects of his actions, almost no matter how small, and strives to always follow the right path. Never the less, he shows steel and strength when called upon to defend his people, the child as meek as a mouse roaring in defiance like a tiger.

History: The town of Sourens is small, moderate, and unimportant by and large. But, it is home. Kain was born the son of Mikel Roen, knight-protector of Sourens with faint but traceable ties of blood to the royal family of Whiteshield. His mother having died of illness when he was young, Kain grew up with only the influence of his father upon his life. In truth, this meant that most of his care was handled by nannies and tutors, but Mikel took as much time as he could spare to spend with his son. Hunting trips into the woods, fishing in the stream outside of town, riding out to visit distant farmsteads; while it was never long, the time they spent together was enough to seal a strong bond between father and son. Moved by the story of his mothers death, when Kain began to peruse knowledge of medical arts rather than statesmanship, Mikel graciously supported his path with books and tutors imported at what was great cost to a mere country lord, but did not let the son who would be his heir shrink from other duties as well. He approved less of Kain practicing his craft upon the sick and the injured within town, but let it pass as it made the people happy.

Everything changed on the day the undead came. His father rode out to meet them with their small bad of retainers and was killed by the Abyssal who lead the raiding force and Kain Exalted as he threw off his meek demeanor to protect the people of his town. The sheer force of his Exaltation awoke the slumbering entity Gabriel and guided him to the long dormant war-machine Baruchiel, which had stood encased in stone for generations. With Gabriel's guidance and the power of the warstrider, Kain destroyed the attacking undead force... and most of the town with it. Now left with a band of hungry, frightened refugees looking to him for guidance, the heavy mantle of leadership settles awkwardly on his shoulders Kain leads them to safety through a land swarming with undead and chaos.

Expanded Backgrounds




Expanded Merits and Flaws



Creation Notes

Inspired by countless mecha anime and the song “Hero” by Chad Kroeger. Consider it his theme song.

=== Comments ===