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Lust War

Gennadi: Synchronicity. Synergy. The fine art of killing two angels with one stone. Or, in this case, perhaps winging one a little and watching the flutters.

Moonlight spills in through the skylight, illuminating a land of mist and marble, steam rising from still-heated water in the empty baths. With money and a quick wit, it is not so hard to ensure privacy, and the wall of mists that wraps thicker as he finishes the sigils of essence drawn on a bar of soap will certainly help. Of course, how Ms. De Windia reacts to this little invitation is the myster... one he detests, and one he intends to solve with this talk.

Selina de Windia: She comes, as she was invited to. Silently, as should be expected of her. And for once, from the ground, instead of the air. Moving through the wafting mists, her outline becomes more and more solid until finally the Dark Angel emerges from the bank of fog.

Dressed in a showgirl's outfit. A two piece affair, bright gaudy gold, delicate seeming fine-linked chains of the same material with a good deal of slack from the top of her outfit to a single ring around the middle finger of each hand. A strange golden crown with a her hearthstone shining brightly in the center, silvery feathers jutting into the air. And behind her, contrasting against the darkness of her black-feathered wings, a rainbow of iridescent light-feathers emitted from the back of her outfit, below the wind roots. All supported by open-toed high-heeled sandals of that same gaudy glittering gold. Although the gold used in the outfit does seem like it is of the magical material variety.

Who knows where she found it, digging around in the private wardrobes of Spire elite (or not so elite), and who knows why she is wearing it now. Her expression is one of solemnity, looking at the Sidereal with faintly glowing turquoise eyes.

"Too bad the heating is out."

Gennadi: "My dear, you are most certainly hot enough to make up for it." That untouchable smile quirks up a bit. "Things will get steamy soon enough. Would you like a drink? I have some pilfered wine and a bit of champagne. We might as well be civilized while we're still being civil with each other."

Selina de Windia: Selina puts a finger to slightly pouting lips from one hand and shakes her head slightly from side to side, exaggeratingly naughty. "Moon already adjusted my temperature."


Putting the hand back to her side she chuckles and looks at the wine. "Ok. Then I assume you have things to talk about which don't involve that."

Gennadi: "Everything involves that from where I sit. But I think I can keep it behind closed doors for a while." He goes through some elaborate motions that would put a nexian guild bartender to shame before flicking her the glass of wine. It hurtles end over end, a frozen disk atop it keeping the wine intact before she catches it, the deep red melting at her touch.

Selina de Windia: "Poo." Selina says in return, catching the glass with barely a hint of real motion, raising it to her lips and taking a sip. "Not bad, I guess. Better than the stuff I've mostly gotten over the past month."

Then she settles her gaze on the Sidereal once more. "So, whatcha want to talk about? My ladyfriend, She Of Frost And Fussiness? My cute little death-spewing acidic tongued red-hued sis? Or what?"

Gennadi: "Mostly you. You DO have the self-esteem to believe that people can be interested in you, right?" A bit more of a smirk than a smile now. "Though I suppose I'll get around to asking about them later. First, some enlightened self intrerest. Oh angel of the night, oh knight of the angels, with your curves and angles profound... just what sort of relationship do you have with bloody damned Adjoran?"

Selina de Windia: "Course I do." Selina says in a supremely self-assured tone, walking forward a few paces with the most alluring little sway, the rainbow feathers of light behind her moving like a giant peacock's tail. "Every part of the world I set my eyes on does. I grab it by the scruff of the neck and force it to look at me."

Then she comes to the name Adorjan. Oh, those memories. And in her sister, now. Selina cocks her head to one side and grins wickedly. "You mean how she wants to destroy everything I create? Funny that. All your fault too."

Gennadi: "Clearly not. Darling girl, divine and di-windia, self esteem is not having to grab anything at all." He watches her, partly to be polite and partly because, well, she is pretty like this. "As for that, it can't be MY fault. I wasn't born yet, wouldn't be born for some time, and even if I was I'd have someone else to blame it on."

Selina de Windia: "Oh, evidence of absence, is it? I draw plenty attention without trying." Selina huffs, then takes another sip of her wine. A fairly deep sip, more is gone than before. After finishing, she straightens her stance, full height now achieved.

"Your shard did it, or so I recall. The person you used to be. Silly Gennadi." She says coyly. "Fucked a primordial -- Gaia won't do, huh? Had to be one of the angry ones. And then I saved your ass."

  • Gennadi 's smile is perfect. His eyes shine with friendly amusement. He also wants to drown her and pop that one last bubble that floats up. "Everyone was fucking primordials in those days. And I, for one, certainly don't remember being saved. Perhaps it is your imagination, a dream attached to a memory of days long dead." He gets around to pouring a bit of wine for himself, pulling a pomegranate out of his pocket and starting to peel it for a bit of a mixed drink. "I find it flattering you'd dream about my ass, though."

Selina de Windia: "Not I." Selina says primly. Assuredly. Certain of herself. And not saying whether that was to his last sentence or his first. "Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Not easy to check, is it?"

"But why do you ask?" She queries, eyes glittering on their own, much like her outfit is in the faint light.

Gennadi: "Ah, and now I must bring up another woman. My gentlemanly facade gone already." He drops a few seeds into the wine. "Your sister. I need her alive, and I am attempting to see just how dangerous the both of us are to her soul. Adorjan gnawing on it in response to us can't be very helpful... and it seems you're just as bad as I am for her."

Selina de Windia: "A tragedy." She says in response to his comment on another woman, putting one hand on her hip, swirling the remaining wine around the glass, shifting her weight to one side. "Unfortunately I don't know much about the defeated gods that'd really help you there. I know a bit about the dead ones, though. Maybe Fiona or Cael could help you with that."

"Or," She says slyly, a hint of sin coming into her eyes. "I can apply some of my power to Adorjan's little outpost inside her and see if the Silent Wind chuffs into nothing when Oblivion touches it."

Gennadi: "Aren't you tired of parricide yet? Though I suppose you would enjoy her as a pet, mind wide shut and mouth gaping open." He tastes the wine, nods, and tosses the whole glass back. "Of course, I'm being rude. It's something about you that does it, I think. Or perhaps who you were, what you are more than the details of your personality."

Selina de Windia: "Oh I'd never." She says scandalously then drinks the rest of her wine in one quick swallow. Nice, but...missing something. Lowering the empty glass she shakes her head at Gennadi sadly. "I told you why." Selina shrugs, outfit making little tinkling noises from all the finery as she does so. "Adorjan doesn't like me from what I did in another life."

Gennadi: "I don't quite think that's it. Last I checked, her tendrils weren't wrapped around any part of me. Though perhaps there are demonic artisans acting that out with a mask of me at this very moment." He pours himself another glass and starts to pour one for her, cutting across his wrist and waiting as rich blood dribbles down. "What she thinks has no bearing on myself." His hand flicks out, and the glass skates across the water, finally settling before her on a frozen patch of ice. He simply fastens the cuff of his sleeve around the wound. "Though if you are still taking assumptions from the past, you won't mind me playing with your toys and acquaintances at all. That's good to know."

Selina de Windia: "You don't believe in the concept of grudges?" She asks sweetly, bending down to take it shamelessly, wings unfolding a bit to either side around her, light-feathers from her faux-peacock tail lifting into the air as she does so, eyes on him all the time. "I am disappointed."

Straightening back up, Selina takes a sip. Star-child blood doesn't taste too much different from most, alas. Though there are some subtle changes.

I wonder if they're all different in those ways.

The Pale Angel would prefer that more. Selina has never seen her do more then prissily drink blood from a cup. This'd fit her to a t.

"But I do so very mind the last bit."

Gennadi: "If you saved me, why hold a grudge? And if you mind... well, I suppose it's down to business. I can't help but meddle with them just by being here. The same is true for you, and for most of the exalted." His sigh crystallizes, and he sets it aside.for later. "Who are the ones you want the most protected, hrm?I can make many promises, but only keep a few."

Selina de Windia: "Oh I mean, she would have a grudge against me for saving you from her. For you, well..." Selina gives Gennadi a sly, odd look. "Did you get any feelings of hate or love or desire from that presence in my sister's head, that day? Or before, if it happened before. Or after."

She walks up to him, giving a slanted smile so like the Pale Angel's...with more variable wickedness behind it. "Protect mine, is it? Oh, interesting."

Gennadi: "My feelings are what I decide they should be at the time, nothing more and nothing less. As for what she feels, well, those hardly matter, do they? You don't like my turn of phrase? Shielding your precious ones from my terrible starchosen plots, my corrupting influence?"

Selina de Windia: "Oh but they do." Selina says quickly, moving closer, glowing turquoise eyes not far from him. And takes a sip of wine. "Her feelings I mean. Not an occultist, I guess?"

She steps to his side, back to the shallow water of the bath, near the edge. "As for your influence -- how generous. And whose else, I wonder? Which ones would this even work on? Remember, my kind is no longer within the stars." She sips more of the blood-tinted wine, then smirks at him. "I asked enough stargazers that, to make sure."

Gennadi: "As if we wouldn't lie, to protect our power for one important day." He wags a finger at her. "My influence is not in the stars you see in the sky, but in those you see with closed eyes, breathless and flushed with joy. My influence is in the small comments, leading by example... My influence is in drunken fools, already used to the idea of drinking one of my body's fluids." He winks to cut the edge on the comment. "Come on, if you're going to imply I don't know what I'm doing, that I'm a weak fool, if you're going to spend more time showing your plumage than worrying about what could be going on while we talk, at least do it right." He reaches out to caress her cheek. "That pretty little trick from the other bath I caught you in would do."

Selina de Windia: "Oh dear." Selina says, just as the fingertips begin to brush her cheek, then she is gone, blurring away with a single casual leap, up into the rafters of the place, looking down. She giggles down at him, almost shyly. And then takes a step off, falling down toward the water, wrapping her legs about the rafter just in time, pulling herself up. Upside down, still holding her wine perfectly, not having stilled much, if any, she gives him another sly grin. "How presumptuous. Trying to tease me into something nasty? Or have it just been that many minutes since someone gave you a good romp?"

Gennadi: "Making a point. Really, I would prefer you never, ever use that in my presence again, but it is such a good example of influence without action. Mine's better, but you wouldn't be doing much listening if I used it." He steps out onto thin ice, almost dancing across to stand under her, looking up. "My earnest belief is that it's best if we simply remain colleagues, neither friend nor foe. As for presumption... you know you're having fun. What does it matter if I step across one line or five?"

Selina de Windia: "Fun?" The woman asks in a curious tone, pale blonde hair falling about her craned back head, wings drooping downward from gravity (or what passes for it in Creation), rear clearly visible with those peacock feathers of iridescent light enamating from the glitzy bottom of her garment. "Oh I don't know."

"But I do think you want something from me. And you're going a bit roundabout in getting it. Silly man."

Gennadi: "I want to know I'm safe. I want to know you, because knowing you means I know what to avoid, how to make up for it when I can't avoid those things, and to stop being surprised every time you change faces. I want to know who you were, and sometimes, every so often, when the moment is right..." He shakes his head, unwilling to be that honest.

Selina de Windia: Selina considers that for a moment, even daring to take a sip of her wine while in that position, then shakes her head. "You safe as anyone else, really." No hint of tease or anything in the tone -- it is essentially flat. "Unless you cross me."

Gennadi: "Oh, I intend to do that all the time. That's why I'm worried about it." He grins up at her. "You and I are too similar and too different to avoid clashes, but so long as you understand the rules and limitations of the game, everything turns out well in the end for everyone."

Selina de Windia: The Windian widens her eyes at him, surprised. "Rules and limitations?"

Gennadi: "Most to be broken and ignored, but some to hold... in honor of Alex's dream. I'm willing to submit to them if you are, and somehow I think that idea appeals to you."

Selina de Windia: "Hmm," Selina replies under her breath, the sound carrying particularly well -- because she wants it to. Pulling herself up, moving back to stand on the rafter then gliding down. "Do tell, then."

Gennadi: "Certain things that, due to our own personal limitations, should remain pure and untouched. Or, to put it another way, things we lust for so strongly as to be blind to the consequences. Either way works. My suspicion is that you have very few of the former, but enough of the latter for me to worry about. I, on the other hand, mostly want your sister left alone for the time being, and access to Alexander."

Selina de Windia: Selina chuckles at him, taking a seat on a low bath-bench near the pool. "Naughty boy. You think I want to play with my sister like that? Good heavens." She says in a scandalized tone, once more. "Perhaps you ought to rethink your view of me."

Gennadi: "I believe that you have intentions for your sister that could lead to more than average danger, which is a problem for me. This is true of most people, but her I still need alive for some time to come."

Selina de Windia: "Such as?" Selina asks, almost in annoyed-teacher fashion, a tone made somewhat comical by her outfit, crossing her legs and acting as if he has something to say to redeem himself with.

Gennadi: "No doubt you'd like to erase that threat of Adorjan, but your methods are inherently corrupt. Perhaps you still harbor some attachment to the name of the family your murdered and their place, and desire an accomplice. Any number of things. I don't need to know the specifics, just that you harbor the potential."

Selina de Windia: "That," Selina says curtly, uncrossing her legs and shifting so that the other one is now crossed over the first. "Is your observation. And I daresay, it is incorrect. I was joking about that -- someone else will have to deal with that for me."

"Though...I do believe you greatly misunderstand the power of Oblivion if you believe this is corrupt." She takes a sip of the wine once again, holding up the other hand, a small point of void-energies balanced on top of that free hand's index fingertip. Then it disappears and she grins ironically at him. "Quite pure, I assure you. Pure annihilation."

Gennadi: "A purity of an ideal which never existed in the grand plan is still corruption."

Selina de Windia: "Oh." Selina purrs, looking at him smugly. "Whose plan would that be?"

Gennadi: "A good question. Who came before the primordials? Whose hand shaped them?" He shrugs. "It means nothing, just like your little shows of nothing mean it. What matters is that the interaction never winds up helping in the end."

Selina de Windia: "A general goes to war with the army he is given." Selina observes with a somewhat ironic air, once again.

Gennadi: "And some armies are insufficient for the task. Many of them are, in fact, given how every battle has losers."

  • Gennadi decides, quite rightly in his mind, that he could use a bit more to drink if he's going to put up with some deathknight's deep thoughts. The ice shatters and melts away underneath his steps, spiderweb cracks appearing before it simply dissolves into mist and water. He finally steps back onto the edge of the bath, kneels down, and tugs the champagne out of the silver bucket of ice where it's been waiting.

Selina de Windia: Selina could slip away and do something odd while his back is momentarily turned. But, the impulse doesn't quite strike her hard enough. So she remains sitting as she is, watching him curiously, before finally saying "Some of them. And really, you don't use every unit the same. Even I know that much. I think your problem in this sense, is trying to prevent friendly fire." She finishes with a smirk.

Gennadi: "You could say that, if you were so inclined to stick with messy metaphors."

Selina de Windia: "Well, I already assured you as much as I can, that in fact, I will not do such a thing to Izabella." Selina says with a self-assured little nod. The gem on the crown on her head glints in time with the nod. "As for the Prince -- he is not my domain. So much."

Gennadi: "Mrm, the other one is easier to handle. I'm doing the hard part before I leave for Heaven." He hums a bit before opening up the champagne bottle and simply pouring some out into the air, catching the popsicle and idly chewing on it. "Speaking of which. Anything I should most specifically avoid, or any souveniers you'd like?"

Selina de Windia: "Mmm, you already know some of the things I want." Selina says with a shrug, finally finishing her wine after stirring up the contents with a finger. "Pretty, naughty picture books, of course. And more of those chocolates. I would ask for clothes, but you do not exactly know my taste, I think."

She thinks for a moment, then looks back at him. "I suppose you cannot ask the Sun why he never talked to me?"

Gennadi: "Draw something up, I can probably get it. Or send a sample, I'll just pawn off the task onto an assistent. I can't ask him directly, but there's ways. Expensive ways you damn well haven't earned yet."

Selina de Windia: "Oh?" Selina asks curiously, looking at him intensely. "Just what does he do all day? Fuck the Moon or the Stars?" She hoped, of course, that that was not true. But one never knew with gods, even those gods.

Gennadi: "That is both boring.... and a secret!" He points at her. "Actually, I have just the thing to explain that, but not with me."

Selina de Windia: "He does, doesn't he." She says, not a question, more of a statement. A sulking one. "Oh well, my deathlord wants to fuck me, so it's not as if that's a rare thing."

Gennadi: "No, really... the fucking is just something he does out of boredom. He has better things to do."

"Speaking of fucking, I really would appreciate if you kept your seductive charms waiting in long anticipation rather than firing them off. It's not that I can't handle it, but that I don't want to need to. A small favor, perhaps in exchange for a pretty so you don't need them as much."

Selina de Windia: Selina's feathers puff out in sadness as he says that. "Awwww. Why?" Her voice is liquid pout, though no magic is added. The 'feathers' of her peacock tail sway from side to side, and her outfit glitters as she moves on the bench.

"After your lewd comments you don't want to see that?" Selina pokes at him with a pointed tone, then sighs. "Well, I was not going to show you anyway."

Gennadi: "Since I'm no longer pretending to be a gentleman, I'll answer that... And it's not even that I expect them pointed at me, but that you seem to derive joy in unleashing them on people who can't handle it." He finishes off the first bit of champagne, licking the last bit from his hands. "You see, dear angel, it makes me want to hurt you. It makes me want to read the future in the welts and bruises criss-crossed across your skin. I want to feel things tear, I want my hand at your throat, and I want to squeeze."

He sips from the bottle of champagne. "I'm not sure whether or not I want to hear you scream or feel you try and be unable to get it out more. Troublesome, usually I know exacty which I prefer. I want to leave you in a huddled ball, wrapped in black silk sheets drenched in blood, sweat, and tears. The problem, sweetie, is that I'm certain it's been done before, and probably better than I could manage. That's irritating, so I'd rather not think about it." His smile is genuine and his eyes glow just as blue as ever as he offers her the bottle of champagne. "Want some? You seem to have tired of the wine."

Selina de Windia: Selina gives a throaty chuckle at that, taking the offered bottle of champagne from the Sidereal, pouring some into the slanted glass before setting it down in front of her, and him. Her turquoise eyes are a bit smokey now. "Ah, like my sister, no doubt." But her tone is light and amused -- delighted, almost. "Except she doesn't want to pump me full of seed while she does it. But men will be men, no?"

"Unfortunately, I must say it has been done. By a Zenith -- he flared at me. Quite painful." Selina shrugs simply, her outfit tinkling once more. "What is this pretty?"

Gennadi: "I didn't mean to imply the intent was wholly sexual, it just seems that I cannot escape the flavor of my exaltion." He shrugs. "Perhaps it is a matter of control, perhaps I might as well make it a little more enjoyable. The Zenith I have known have little expertise, but... didn't I say I would rather not think about it?" He wags a finger at her. "Bad deathknight. You are a terrible influence on me. As for the pretty... I don't know, usually I just pluck the best choice from the web of fate. Alas, this won't work for you, so I have to perhaps choose an inferior way of supplementing your desirability."

Selina de Windia: "Hmf." Selina sniffs, sipping from the champagne in the glass. Her wings perk up as she does. "Of course I am. That is one of our purposes. Though she did not say to get her a Sidereal, I'm sure she would not mind one."

Gennadi: "From what I know of the Lover, she'd like to have anything with genitals, or at least a solid surface to rub against."

Selina de Windia: "Not quite." Selina corrects, once more acting like a teacher to an erring student. "But that is something you'd have to appreciate the details of in person, I must say."

"Just do not touch the cream and milk deathknight. I am hoping the Eclipse does not, as well. If he does, I shall bite him."

Gennadi: "Perhaps I will visit her if she is so interested. Better on my terms than have her gain the advantage. As for touching her... too late! I will at least refrain from meddling with her beyond the obvious partner to this meeting, clearing things with Alexander. She seems a bit protective, so I shall ease her worries."

Selina de Windia: "Too late?" Selina asks in a light tone, pupils slitting just a bit as she takes another sip of her wine, looking at Gennadi over the glass. "Mmm, that depends on how you mean, I do suppose."

Gennadi: "I am pretty sure somewhere along the line skin has touched skin. Really, I have no intention of attempting to sully her lily-white skin with bitemarks and handprints. If you're worried, I won't even tease her much."

Selina de Windia: "Pffft." Selina exhales sharply, whether in relief or sadness is hard to tell. "I expected that. But she, like my sister, is easy to tease. Perhaps the buttons are less obvious, but they are there. Creamy white, with spikes just under the surface, that is her."

The Windian purses her lips, thinking for a moment, sipping some more of her champagne before continuing. "I almost want to see her with one like that. Moon, you, or Cael. See her confronted with experience and overwhelmed by it. Watch from the sidelines as she's swept into something she cannot control." Then she giggles evily, exhaling a cloud of mist -- hot breath, or breath so cold it mists even in this air? "But I am a nice girl and will never be so mean to her as to set something such as that up."

Gennadi: "Of course not. If it should happen by a complete accident, a trick of fate so to speak, obviously Cael is the proper choice."

Selina de Windia: Selina snorts. "He smiles too much."

Gennadi: "... how does that matter if his mouth is busy?"

Selina de Windia: "It still matters." Selina says primly, as if that explains everything. "He would be annoying no matter what. I am not sure if he tries for that impression, or if that is just how he is."

Gennadi: "Isn't annoying a good trait for this theoretical exercise?"

Selina de Windia: "Not to that level. And I am not just talking about that." Selina shrugs. "But I suppose you and him are two peas in a pod, so to speak."

Gennadi: "I have far better taste in bedmates than he ever will." He hrmphs. "We are similar, certainly, but opposite sides of the same coin."

Selina de Windia: Selina giggles at that. "You do?" She gives him one of those sly grins. "How is this? Just who does he want to sleep with that you would never touch? Or is dear creame white part of that list?"

Gennadi: "His mate. Not with a thousand-foot pole."

"I haven't paid attention to what he thinks of our general in white, really. And I obviously wouldn't rule out sleeping with her... mostly because I hate to do that. If you do, they sense it and teasing them isn't as fun."

Selina de Windia: "Oh dear, he has a mate come home to roost. I have a mate too you know." Selina says with some amusement. "But apparently his is really bad?"

"As for her, seducing her would be hard unless you did some nasty things to her with magic. And...that is not adviseable."

Gennadi: "Wholly untrue. It'd be terribly easy without magic. It's just that it would take some patience. I don't really believe in that sort of thing. As for his mate... bad does not begin to describe her. She has a blood fetish that shames yours."

Selina de Windia: "She's just a Wyld Goddess." Selina says dismissively. "Even if she hails from the First Age, she is a pale and animalistic shadow of my bloodlust."

Gennadi: "Does yours extend to yourself as a target?"

Selina de Windia: Selina gives him a razored grin, the first one since she began talking to him. "Yes."

  • Gennadi eyes her again, apparently sizing her up... then shakes his head emphatically. "Just your control over it shows the lack of comparison. In memory and in reality, I have never seen her without blood dripping. You, I have."

Tahira: drip drip drip

The blood falls on the water.

drip drip drip

It spreads, staining the bath.

"Why, Blessings, thank you."

She is there, in the mists, across from them on the bath.
Dressed as a priestess.
Looking like a blonde-haired cat-girl, some slaughtered child of Arian.
Nine tails curl as she watches them.

"Dark Angel, Dark Angel... you have no respect for your elders."

  • Gennadi groans, waving at her. "You see what I mean?"

Selina de Windia: Selina gestures with the wine-glass, now mostly empty. "That her?"

Gennadi: "Moranine the something or otherth, meet the one and only original Tahira." He can't keep a bit of growl out of his tone. "Now you've moved up to interrupting business discussions outside my bedroom. Wonderful."

Selina de Windia: Selina gives the Lunar the same razored grin she just gave Gennadi. "Are you seriously trying to compare some animal-hunger -- no matter how old -- with the Void, dearie?"

Tahira: She smiles, the smile of the child of the feline god of the north she has killed, with its razored grin. A smile as innocent as the girl whose life she has stolen, eyes closed. And then, her feet dip on the water... and she walks towards them, the scent of camelias, and blood, coming closer... and closer.

Drip drip drip

"Hunger, Dark Angel?" She giggles. "You are so silly."

  • Gennadi quietly closes his eyes and reclaims his champagne bottle. Oh, maidens, tell him they aren't going to argue over THAT.

Selina de Windia: Selina giggles in turn. "She interrupts your bedroom business?" The Windian asks amusedly, then drains her glass, reaching to get another then going 'aww' as Gennadi takes it. "Oh, I am so silly. But we all know that."

Gennadi: "I am fond of bedrooms. They're usually nicely appointed and have drawers I can put documents in to have signed later. She's only done it once recently, but that was, for me, enough."

Tahira: She walks, and fascination trails on her wake, as the bath water beneath her becomes riddled with camelia blossoms and blood... and that is all both can see for a moment, before she appears close to Selina, picking the wine from her hand without resistance and sipping. "I wanted to talk to him... and I hate waiting. Especially when I have to wait on the deceivers of heaven."

Selina de Windia: "So you think you can come in and interrupt me?" Selina asks sweetly and petulantly. "Well, you are refused. Go away. Take your little flowers with you and get out of Spire."

Gennadi: "Oh, please. Heaven knows exactly what I'm doing and why. There's no deception involved at all." His eyes flicker to aquamarine, to blued steel and then back to their more normal soft color. "I'm in the angel part of my list, no wings, no talk."

Tahira: She moves the cup, enjoying how it moves, as if there was wine left, even if there wasn't... coming closer, feeling the scent "Hmmm, it had his blood. Tasty, isn't it?" She giggles... and trailing motes of silver, a cut appears in Selina's cheek. "No, no, no. Dark Angel... how cute you are when you are so petulant. I think I like you!"

"And as for you, Gennadi" she says with a tone of 'see, I remember!' "I meant the spirit you talked to."

"But you clarified more than one thing now, didn't you?" She winks.

Gennadi: "If it wasn't clear to begin with, you weren't paying attention... Heaven knows everything, it's just whether or not something is on it's mind at the moment."

Selina de Windia: Selina pouts, then smiles evilly, flicking a finger at Tahira, thin line of Void energy leaving it, arcing precisely across the Lunar's cheek to give her the same kind of cut. Fair is fair, afterall. "A trait not only I share, little kitsune."

Tahira: As Selina's finger comes, Tahira makes no sign to move away, as if she saw it come in slow motion and simply... let it. She coos as she is cut, and licks her lips as the cut begins to fade away... and then she steps away, appearing close to Gennadi, the cut gone already, behind the Sereity, her hand holding the empty glass in front of his face. "Refill!"

"Oh? Sily, silly Genn. You still haven't been told that there are places big sister cannot look?"

Gennadi: "It doesn't matter if she can look, when her bedmates whisper secrets to her as they rest in metaphorical pillows." He manages to surpress another flicker. "And to hide behind me? Terribly disappointing." Still, he lives to serve, and sometimes to service, so he flicks the wine bottle into the air, takes a drink, and spits it into the glass.

Selina de Windia: "Cheater." Selina says sourly. "And the rest of it is mine." She dissolves into shadow, moving past Tahira, up to Gennadi. The light of her peacock faux tail plays over Tahira a bit as she rematerializes. "Gimme."

"And none of that with me." She adds to it, seeing what Gennadi did with Tahira's bit.

Tahira: "She wanted to find me. For a long, long loonnnggg time... they send their people... and I ate them. I am where she cannot look, and I make sure none of mine kiss and tell." She comes closer to his ear... and nibbles on it, whispering "That would be naughty, you realise."

She looks in front of her, then, at the Abyssal... "Ooh? She cannot share... well. It is mine too, Angel."

Gennadi: "I'm certain there's an amicable way to settle this, ladies."

Selina de Windia: "Not having sex with her." Selina says adamantly, nodding as if that is a stone-carved fact. "Moon got the first time, Moon gets the second."

  • Gennadi just closes his eyes, trying to relax. Maybe they'll go away... and at least she hasn't drawn blood yet.

Tahira: "Like I would want a scarred, sterile, bitchy girl like you!" Tahira says, indignantly. "I thought you would be interesting, but, but... you are only as tall! And your wings aren't even that black!" She says in an indignant voice... before she begins to giggle more. Louder. Madly. Insanely so as her form becomes that of a tall, lithe northerner with blonde hair and turquoise eyes...

Selina de Windia: "Awww, you hurt my feelings." Selina says in mock hurt, then sniffs at the other woman. If it's really a woman after this long. "You are not interesting either, sorry!"

Tahira: She vanishes then, appearing between Gennadi and the Dark Angel now, leaning closer to the Abyssal... "You say that now!" She shakes her head, nine tails framing her regally. "You will learn to respect your elders, soon soon soon!"

Selina de Windia: "If a Deathlord cannot make me respect her, then an old fox can't either." Selina says simply. "And I am your better, Lunar. Respect me."

Tahira: She leans back even more, her behind touching the Courtesan of Heaven, her hand pinching Selina's nose... "~N~o~!~" she mewls, almost!

Selina de Windia: Selina giggles, almost as insanely as Tahira, and then notices she has tails. Nine of them. The way they move enthralls her, and she begins to giggle to herself more. And grabs for one, quick as lightning. "Tails!"

Tahira: Tahira evades her, her arm now entwined with Gennadi's, dancing to Selina's side...

Turquoise eyes open in disbelief. "You want to... pull my tail?!?"

Selina de Windia: "I like tails." She says, trying to fight off the giggles as nine of them wave in front of her, tempting her, oh so much.

Gennadi: "Ah, exalted ladies, perhaps it's best not to fight over this in the bath, hrm?" He blinks, being drawn out of his hazy daydream. "Selina just wants a little tail, after all... that's not uncommon for any of us."

Selina de Windia: "Not that kind!" Selina snaps.

  • Tahira dances about Selina, circling her and giggling, trying oh so very hard not to fall into maniacal laugher. "I take that back. You are a~m~u~s~i~n~g~!"
  • Gennadi follows along, just because he doesn't really want to test Tahira's grip. Really, he's not getting anything out of this at all.

Selina de Windia: Managing to get her attention off of the tails moving around her now, Selina shakes her head. "Shouldn't you be screwing Cael senseless or something?"

Tahira: "Maybe!" She stops and blinks. "But I wanted to meet yyyooouuuuu!"

  • Gennadi passes the bottle of wine over to Selina. "Then perhaps I should leave you two to gossiping! I'm certain there's some things you can talk about... and I'll put you down for an appointment later." Even his eyes grin. "Everybody happy with that?"

Selina de Windia: Selina, in response, grabs Gennadi's other arm.

Tahira: She looks down, "And see? His boy is all hard! It wasn't when I got in! Vote's been cast, and I win!"

She holds her ground, keeping Gennadi in the tug-of-war...

Selina de Windia: Selina says nothing. Nothing, except that the gem at her head suddenly glows, and she sheathes herself in the lust and beauty of the Void, looking securely at the Lunar now. "I wasn't trying for that, silly fox." She says in a patronizing tone.

Tahira: She grins as she sees it... a feral, feral grin... as blush colors her cheeks, her breathing becomes coarse.... "So... pretty...!" ...and she finally licks Selina's blood on her fingers. And Gennadi's blood on her teeth, where she nibbled so hard.... and she smiles. She seems to dissolve then. Her form melts and shifts... subtle, minute shifts, but for Abyssal and Serenity, she is their ideal mate, the personification of everything their most primal instincts want, need...

Gennadi: In a way, it's almost flattering. In a way, it's terribly insulting, a massive display of lack of class and skill, a terrible lack of respect for the game itself over the goals. The essence-born feelings wash over him as he takes a deep breath. The tainted whore and the ancient bitch are trying to play games with the chosen of the one who invented it. It's ridiculous! It's pathetic! It's hilarious!

The sound of his Essence pouring forth is like a whipcrack and a lover's moan, the feel of it like hot oil, like iced wine, like a lover's caress... and then it grows more intense. HIs eyes open from that deep breath, glowing with reflections of their innermost desires... not merely of the loins, of the heart and soul, the air moving past them whispering of the fulfillment of all their desires.

His voice cannot compare, should not, it must be impossible to speak in the presence of such dire need... but he speaks anyway, a voice as quiet as a feather falling and stronger than starsteel.

"Stop. Now."

Narrator: Selina feels something.... a hatred... a deep, deep-seated hatred coming from Gennadi...

Hurting her. Pushing her to her knees...

Gennadi: "You bloody damned women. It's all fun and games, and you don't even respect the games! You play with your paltry little wisps of essence and put it all in your bodies, idiots who can't even get past the first circle. And you have the temerity to think I give a damn about either of you, even with tricks? You should be turning tricks with that useless crap, not bothering me." He steps back out of loose grips.

Selina de Windia: "So ignore it, since you're so able." She says sweetly to the Sidereal. "She brought it upon herself."

Tahira: Tahira's tails begin to envelop both, watching the Dark Angel's curves... and then Gennadi steps away, the flash of desire that he is now, preventing her from stopping him... "Oh, and you brought it upon yourself, silly. No respect.." But her words are slightly empty now, as she looks at Gennadi, eyes widening...

  • Gennadi flips the both of them off, turning it into a mocking salute. "They always do. I must commend you both. You are truly masters of the petty. It's almost as if the Age had never ended..."

Tahira: Her hand reaches to him.... "It never did... we change... but are still... you were still..."

"No. You changed."

"You did change." Her reaction is... surprise. True, true surprise. "Since when..."

A moment ago, she was entirely entraced with the Dark Angel...

... but now, even if the blush is still on her cheeks, that is gone.

Selina de Windia: "Nope, the age of manipulators and decadence never changed." She looks to the Lunar, then to the Sidereal. "Speak the devil's name, dear." She shuts down her magic, the gem winks out. "Thank you for grouping me with her." She says acidically. "This had nothing to do with you."

"Except for the point of comparison, I guess." She adds after a moment of thought.

Gennadi: "Since always. Since I'm not fucking Blessings anymore, Tahira. I'm BETTER, and have more time to get even stronger. I actually have something to strive for, a philosophy you should at least be familiar with. Or perhaps you've spent your exile solely getting familiar with sex and violence." He looks over at Selina. "You lie so easily and so poorly, or perhaps there's only room for one thought in that blonde head of yours at a time after all. You don't know what you're doing, or maybe you simply don't think about it. Either way, I'm rather disappointed in both of you. At least none of us cracked... Venus only knows what a horrible morning that would be."

He shakes his head and turns to leave. "What a night. I should ask the Maidens to skip the next one."

Selina de Windia: "You take that back." Selina says quietly. "You take it back right now."

"I will hear the words, master of petty manipulation, the many circles of damnation by hubris." Selina growls, pupils slitting.

Gennadi: "I apologize! I'm certain waking up with my seed slathered between the three of us would be perfectly wonderful." His smirk is almost a sneer as he takes the first step onto the frozen ice, the dim blue light casting infinite reflections of his more-than-perfect form.

Tahira: "Yes... you are not Blessings." She shakes her head... confused. "He didn't... or he hid well..."

She was no more their ideal mate, and turns around, disappearing in a whirlwind of camelias.

"This is new. I have to tell. This is new..." she whispers to herself as she vanishes...

Selina de Windia: "Petty manipulator." She rumbles, and the building shakes a bit, blackness beginning to cloud over her turquoise eyes. Selina holds out a hand and the essence begins to gather.

Gennadi: He turns to look at her, almost pity in sad blue eyes. "Is that it, Ms. De Windia? You can't take a joke at your expense, you're so fragile to crack under this pressure. How did the Lover ever choose you? How did you ever get this far? You'll impress me and win respect when you know when and how to use your power. I don't give a damn how much of it you have." He blows her a kiss goodbye and keeps walking.

Selina de Windia: "A joke?! "

Double standards, that's all she ever gets to deal with. From the Pale Angel, and now from him. After he asked her there. After he already asked her to do that once. Unjust! It rages within her, boils inside her. He won't give a damn?

You do not need to care about it for it to kill you

That is the silent lesson she has learned over the years. But it doesn't always matter.

I'll get blamed for this

Better to let it go, however humiliating it is. She wars with the desire to unleash her power on him, to pit herself against him with no one to interfere...easily. The blackness burns in her eyes, the hand pointing at him clenches into a fist, dark light spilling forth from the cracks, covering bits of the room in utter night. And she remembers another night, so many years ago.

"Wait a minute! Wait a bloody minute! I wasn't just sitting around, you know. I was fighting!"

You were, Dark Angel. You were fighting like a fool, and it appears you're still a fool. Which doesn't surprise me.

That time, there had only been one person. This time, there was only one. But more would know. And then everyone would know about this humiliating turn of events.

Selina swallows it, squelching one final urge to throw it all to the winds and strike out at him anyway, and the darkness disappears, just like that. Shame follows it instead. Not the shame of being lower in his eyes, not so much. She barely knows him, after all. The shame of failing like this at all is far worse. That she allowed someone to get that far, even as an accident. A frustrated sob escapes her, but she chokes more back, quivering with suppressed rage and humilation.

At least no one else will see it but him. Right? And her. But she's gone now, right?


  • Gennadi skips a step, looking back at her. Normally, he'd know whether to leave or not. Normally, he'd simply wipe the problem away with the tools given to him by Exaltion mixed with skill and wit. But SHE is a deathknight, and neither applies. "... Are you alright?" Damn the bitch. Unpredictable to the last. He turns back and kneels, at the moment far enough away in case it's a ruse. It Is a ruse, right?

Selina de Windia: The Windian looks at him with wide-eyed despair. She doesn't want to talk to him, doesn't want to say anything to him. That'll only make it much worse. Instead, she grits her teeth, grinding them, attempting to force all the feeling down, just like she does when this kind of thing happens elsewhere. The whispers of her Malfean echo inside her head. Telling her to bottle it up, to use it against them. All of them. But she can't really bring herself to do even that.








She turns around. Feeling ashamed of being seen like this now. Too gaudy. Not able to disappear. Disappearing would be so nice right now. She turns around and she begins to walk, still straining to hold the rest in.

Gennadi: He shakes his head. His words are low and soft, quiet and barely heard. "Selina, I apologize. No one but you and I will ever know. It was wrong to push a circlemate so far, and perhaps even unfair." He smiles, not quite the perfect one he uses so glibly. "I'll probably have forgotten about it in a few weeks after my debauching in Heaven."

Selina de Windia: "Don't worry." She forces out, unsteadily, feeling sick now. Even after having resisted the two of them in that ridiculous duel of attraction, Selina retains the force of will to drive the shame down just as she did the rage. And so she does, trembling as she does so, the outfit tinkling lightly. When most of it is down, she gasps, but does not look back. That would bring it right back up. "I'll be retiring for now. You should too."

Gennadi: "Of course. Rest well!" He stands easily. Probably should have left, but at least she can't hold his lack of apology against him. "Tomorrow is, after all, another day..." And he is gone, blue-tinted ice left behind as the mists swirl.

Selina de Windia: And then she leaves too, maybe to go back to Moon, maybe not. Maybe she should wait on talking to other people till the next morning. Probably best. Plenty of places to sleep till then.

I will do that, then.

And so she does.