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Heat and Clouds

When it does not rain, it snows.

Today, it is snow.

Falling lightly over the city, so much of the water left over from the rain freezing up...

Weather those from the north are very used to. Everything frozen... and do not walk much in bad parts or you might see people who froze to death. The spirit of the North, ever so cheerful.

Trying not to think of such things, Alexander lands close to the Zephyr, nested as it is in one of the Palace of Timeless Winter's high towers. Trading smiles with Calisara, he is led to the lounge of the Zephyr, where Cael is there, eating breakfast with.... Cloud in Dawn. Both scantily dressed.

Alexander never really liked Cloud. The fact he leered at his lady like he did had much to do with that. And yet, he uses the bed of his manners to address him, as much as with Cael. "Good morning, Cael. Good Morning, Cloud in Dawn. I hope I am not interrupting anything?"

Cloud in Dawn: "Nah." Cloud says, setting down a mug of coffee.

"Just relaxing. Just siddown, get some snacks, and tell your uncle Cloud what ails you."

Cael: Cael takes his time to finish the mouthful he was chewing on, smiling pleasantly in greeting to the young prince.

"Good morning, Alex." He gestures around the table. "Please do take a seat, you're not interuptting anything of note, just breakfast conversation."

He takes a sip of his own coffee.

Alexander: He does so, picking a little bit of milk and mixing it with the coffee... "I heard you two went through quite a bit of trouble yesterday?"

"You are... well, right?"

Cael: "Well, one of the moldy hunters did try to melt Cloud's face off, though that didn't work." Cael glances over at the man "Might have made him a little less smug." Cael feels quite free to joke since he wasnt actually hurt.

"Apart from that though, we are both fine. Ryshassa was able to save most of your subjects affected by the plants and Dorian burnt the place out."

Cloud in Dawn: "Never had a chance to do that, and you know it! They were pushovers." He nods.

"Cael was all worried about them, tho. Me? I knew they were useless all along!"

Alexander: "So, there is nothing of that left? Thank the sun..." Finishing the mix of chocolate and milk, he brings it to his lips, a little lost in thought... "So, aside from that, anything I miss, Cael?"

Cael: Cael just shakes his head at Cloud.

"You were the one who got hit."

"Anyway, apart from that, no nothing much that you missed, Alex."

Alexander: "Ah... I see." He drinks a little more of his coffee... and thinks.

So much to say, and yet now that he is here... the words were not coming out...

Cael: Cael looks at the Prince, so obviously wanting to speak and yet so tongue tied. He glances over to Cloud, then leans across, kissing his lips before turning his head to murmur in his ear.

"I think it's best if you leave for now. I think Alex would like so privacy while he talks with me."

Cloud in Dawn: He kisses Cael back, and laughs. "Robbing the cradle? Heh. You have no shame, my friend, no shame. I will be seeing you, Prince, Windwraith!" He says as he gets up, letting his anima swirl in the air in the direction he feels a spirit, as a smack to Calisara's behind. The air yelps. "And be seeing you, cloud-hottie."

With a wave, he walks out.

  • Alexander stares... almost blankly. "He certainly is... lively... no?"

Cael: "That's why I invited him back." Cael says, unashamedly, before drinking the last of his coffee.

"And now if you will excuse me just a moment, I will change into slightly more appropriate attire and be back shortly."

He rises then, before returning a few minutes later in brilliant white trousers and a golden shirt, designs in gold swirling over it.

"My apologises." He nods to the prince, "and another coffee if you please, Calisara dear."

Alexander: "No problem, I enjoyed the wait. Calisara is a great company!" He nods.... and looks at Cael...

... and a long moments passes in silence.

"I talked to Kanti. I told her how much I liked her, how much I valued her, I kept her close to me. But... I was not able to tell the Pale Angel. I tried, more than once, but... just...." He sighs. 'It is hard."

Cael: "Well, that is good, that you talked to Kanti as you did, held her as you did." Cael nods approvingly to the young prince, and sips the coffee that Calisara pours for him. "Thank you, Cal." he gently pats her ass.

"As for Vorpal ... well, of course it will be. She is an ... impressive woman. But she is the one most likely to be hurt or angered over your time with Kanti."

Alexander: "I know. I know. Why do you think I said nothing? She was sad... thinking we would all betray her."

"And I already have, Cael..."

"I told her she was pure... pure white... is why she was white in the meeting... but..."

"I could not tell her the truth."

Cael: "If it is betrayal to have a concubine then I can think of few kings or queens who have not, Alex." Cael says evenly. "But it is not my place to take you to her and make you speak, or no, simply give you advice to use as you see fit."

"How is Kanti then?"

Alexander: "She is well.... I have been with her less now that my lady is around, but she has been well." He nods. "She has been blushing more, as well... a little nicer. More lady-like. I think I am bringing a more refined part of her out.... I wonder if I could dress her the part, though. Not like an exotic dancer..."

Cael: Cael looks at the boy with a grin. "You like it when they blush?"

"But what do you mean 'Dress her the part?'" Cael asks, curious as to just what Alex means by this.

Alexander: "Less like an exotic dancer with underwear she borrowed? More... classy, I suppose?"

He nods. "And I love when they blush. Shows innocence... makes me feel well... shows me that I am doing something right, and throws a spice of forbidden, of pushing limits, that is simply too good. It is good that she is more like that those days..."

Cael: "Well, perhaps you should buy her some lingerie of her own? That way, at least she would not be borrowing it."

He tilts his head to the air beside him.

"Perhaps you could show him Calisara ... and try to blush for him, my dear, though I know that's hard for you." he winks.

Calisara: There is a pout that comes from thin air, "You never buy me new lingerie!" She complains, as she begins to form her body in the air... clad in lacy white lingerie, complete with long gloves, garters, and a garter belt. She blushes oh-so-faintly, pink coloring her alabaster cheeks. "Hmmm, like this?" She asks Cael, not looking at him, but bending over to pour the prince more coffee... and giving both men a view, the prince of the bent front, Cael of the bent back.

Cael: Cael rests his hand on her behind, as she pours the coffee.

"Perhaps if you wore it more often, my dear." He says teasingly.

"Anyway, Alex?"

Alexander: Calisara coos while the prince himself blushes, watching Calisara, and takes him a long moment to even hear Cael's words, much less remember them, much less formulate a reply. "Hm, er, yes... good... idea...." He spouts almost mechanically, following the sway of Calisara's bosom...

... but then she gets up, and he snaps out of his reverie. "Oh, um, sorry, Cael! Anyway..."

"How do people with more than one lover even work it out? How does that work?"

Cael: Cael carresses the cheek his hand is resting on, before letting a finger drift between her legs and then giving her a light slap.

"I think the prince has seen enough of you, Calisara dear ... unless you'd like her to stay around, Alex?"

"Anyway ... Alex, they do it in a myrriad different ways. In the Realm, it is considered quite acceptable, expected even, to sleep outside your marriage, so long as no children result. In parts of the south, a woman can have many husbands. In the west a man, many wives. In many countries in the East, it is considered acceptable, though not approved, so long as neither lover feels slighted."

Calisara: Calisara coos and yelps, turning to Cael, "Isn't he shameless prince?" She says as she turns around, bending before Cael and touching her nose in a lecturing manner. "Bad. Bad master. Too indecent!" She says... letting the prince get a view of her damp panties...

Alexander: "Hm... I... er... I... am not sure..."

To his credit, the prince tries not to stare.
He is not very successful.
At all.

Cael: "Calisara, my dear, I don't think the Prince can keep a straight head on him with you ... parading yourself as you are." He gives her ass another light slap. "You should come back when you can comport yourself decently." His eyes suggesting that perhaps when she returns, she should do anything but.

"My apologies, Alex."

Calisara: "I am not the one foundling the other in plain sight now, am I?" She smirks, then touches Cael's thighs. "Oh, now I am. See, we are even, now, you p~e~r~v~e~r~t~! Be wary around him, cute prince!" She says in a mockery of a warning, while she begins to disappear... lingerie first.

Alexander: The prince's eyes follow her as if he was under hypnosis, totally transfixed.. "Apology... accepted..."

Cael: Cael laughs and shakes his head, waiting for the prince to compose himself.

Alexander: It takes a little while, but he finally... does manage it.

"Unless I decide to have a stroke of decency, I suppose I fall on many wives... how to work it when they know, however? Do we split days? Will I have to split the Pale Angel's time with the Dark Angel? Which comes first, if they ask? How can I even judge that... milady Pale Angel would always come first, but I do not wish to hurt anyone..."

It takes a little while, but he finally... does manage it.

"Unless I decide to have a stroke of decency, I suppose I fall on many wives... how to work it when they know, however? Do we split days? Will I have to split the Pale Angel's time with the Dark Angel? Which comes first, if they ask? How can I even judge that... milady Pale Angel would always come first, but I do not wish to hurt anyone..."

Cael: "There is nothing wrong with taking your pleasures from many places, Alex. There is no 'stroke of decency' you need to have, so long as you do not let your pleasures hurt someone more than they wish to be and do not let your pleasures become your life, overruling your duties as King and as leader of the circle you proposed." Cael speaks firmly, encouragingly.

"As to how you will sort out your bedroom arrangements ... that I am not sure. I have never seen a rigourously defined splitting of the days work ... your desires, your tastes they vary from day to day, no? Go with how you feel ... If you are to be a good king, you will have to learn to do far more taxing things than splitting your bed times, with two or three beautiful women."

Alexander: "Ah, yes... duties. I must seem like a totally, completely selfish, spoiled brat, complaining about a stream of beautiful women I take to my bed, right?" He shakes his head, suddenly feeling so... ridiculous. And gulping most of his cafe au lait down.

"So, in a few days... you go to the Great Forks? Taking Anne, Cedric..." It seemed so... strange. He had been playing with his little sibling the last few days, any time he could... he loved Cedric. Being apart from him again... but it was best. "Do.. talk to my sister when you are there, though. She is more like Cedric than she is like me..."

Cael: "Not at all, Alex. That you worry about the people in your life, how to keep them happy, how not to hurt them is commendable." Cael gives an approving nod. "They are important, just not all that is important, yes?"

"A few days have passed in fact. I shall be setting off tomorrow morning, sometime after breakfast. I shall certainly try to talk to Elizabeth, which reminds me ... it would be best if you wrote a letter, explaining that I am acting on your behalf, or else give me your permission to use the whiteshield seal when I am on your business. Appearing with a royal child often raises questions, and it would be best for all of us that this goes smoothly..."

Alexander: "I can arrange that!" He nods profusely, enthusiastically! "And if you can get any help for us there... the better, right?"

"Of course, with Elizabeth as their princess, I can only dream of what she can arrange. Great Forks is... well, every royal party in Whiteshield had at least a dozen gods and elementals and half-bloods fill the country as you've seen, and yet... Great Forks top that. This will be grand!" He gesticulates, "I will write it later today. I will get Cedric to sign on too. Oh, and... Anne can stay on our Manse, if you wish. I can understand if you wish her to strike out on her own, however."

"My father used to commend those who did that..."

Cael: "I will certainly see what help can be arranged, though of course I will be arriving long before it ... the Zephyr is not a slow vessal." He smiles at Cal's patch of air.

"And thank you most deeply for your offer on Anne's behalf, but I think I shall decline. The school she will be attending has accomadation for the students, and it will do her good to be amongst those she will study with. Though I am sure she would love to visit Cedric and Millia on occasion, and having people that she knows there will be good for her."

"It's been a long time since I was there last ... I wonder how it has changed .."

Alexander: "You have been there...?" He asks, before closing his eyes, almost embarassed. "Oh, silly me, you are the Windwraith. You have probably been to Gem and back already."

" think it is a good idea? Me being here? Rebuilding? The Circle?"

"I have been talking to people and... I wonder if I am thinking things through..."

Cael: "Ah, Gem. Once. She wanted one of the finest jewels, and so...." Cael gestures as if to say travelling to the other side of the world was the natural solution.

"Yes, I do." Cael says firmly, confidently to him. "You, and Whiteshield, will need the cohesion it provides once the war is over, the aid it can bring you, both magical and mundane. Beyond even that purely pragmatic view of things, yes, it is the right thing to do. The North needs unity, it does not need our falling out on the heels of this war. We have much to gain ... though yes, potentially much to loose, through this alliance, but it is better to try than curse opertunities lost."

Alexander: "Well, what I was told... Hanslanti hates you... Iranor hates the Pale Angel... Windia hates the Dark Angel... and if Iselsis is to be believed, herself... Creation hates our Fate... that is what we are assembling. That is what I was told, a world's worth of hate, just waiting to be released..."

Cael: "The Realm too, don't forget how they too will gather to strike us down for simply existing, and especially as a group." Cael nods in agreement to the prince.

"And alone, all these threats would claim us, I am sure. Or at the very least would continue to dog us for a very long time. Together we can deal with them, and not nessesarily with violence. Sometimes you can get further with a kind word than a daiklave, especially if the kind word has a daiklave behind it."

Alexander: That makes him smile. The Realm mention nearly had him wince... but to say they could withstand them... not simply that, but be able to be in peace with them. Without a war... "And you are our word, right?" He smiles. "Our way to keep us all together.. to stop them without a war."

"Thank you, Thank you for that."

"And I really, really hope you are right."