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Bloody Apes

The Lotus of Endless Flame...

It was morning. The sun was barely past the mountains, casting deep orange lights over the pagoda. Something in the place, in the Manse, made those turn almost to red. Under this Crimson Sun she waited, Carmine Tears, in the great open training ground where the test would happen. Her test. The Trial of Mars. Symbolizing her patron in the struggles one goes through at every moment of every second of their lives. Such are the metaphors of Mars...

... but on such martial training, it was very simple.

It was combat. It was bloody, violent and direct. There was no finessse.

It is not a dance. It is a battle. Carmine thought as she waited for her student to appear. Without respite. Without mercy.

Her face almost took a frown as she thought so, looking at the pictures in the wall, glass and red sand making beautiful forms of the Sun, of great warriors, of great scorpions and spiders. There were no Dragons here. Here, men brought Dragons to heel.

Gennadi Ilkov: Rubies trail down the front of a long-sleeved shirt, encircled by a long black cloak slashed through with strange metallic red threads. Spiked hair, steely tipped with red. Pants with small steel guards, shining dark silver and sharpened ominously... and the everpresent snakeskin shoes. It's almost a new man for a new day, but it's the same old insufferable grin that faces her as Gennadi strides up, almost wholly unconcerned... almost. Given his sual appearance, this says a lot. "Don't do that, sifu. You'll seem old before your time."

Aria: Aria shuffles in after Gennadi, apparantly still rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as she stifles a yawn, barely, and blearily peers around the chamber.

Carmine Tears: "I would think it is past the time for me to be old." She says with a voice filled with sharp blades, immediately composing herself and assuming a neutral stance and expression. "I like what you did with the hair. You are ready for this, at least fashion-wise." She says with a grin, as if to say that is not to prepare for it at all.

But he did dye it like she asked him to, and the red did give it the...ceremonial feel it should have.

"Are you ready? You should warm up. Physical warm-up, this time."

In any moment she says anything resembling a greeting.

Gennadi Ilkov: He shrugs. "I should. Do I get an idea of what I'm going to be facing first?" If nothing else, the kata he learned so long ago are still calming to him, and he almost unconsciously works through a subtle variant of the first while he waits for her answer.

Carmine Tears: They were there all along.

At the tall pillars around the open training grounds, there were those statues, in the shape of creatures large and gaunt, hunched, with limbs the size of tree trunks and bloodthirsty faces. Suddenly, the Sidereals realise they are... more than statues, as droplets of blood drip from them, soaking into the sand beneath the pillars.

Carmine looks up, and with a sweeping motions, Gennadi and Aria realise the five pillars about them, each pointing to a different constellation in the House of Battles during a clear night sky, if one stands at the center of the field. "Those are Erimanthoy. Blood Apes. They stand here, for the purposes of training. That one." He points to the one on the constellation of the Gauntlet. He wears dark iron armor, filled with spikes. "Is Solvar. He has bested many a Dragon and killed a Bull God once, eating his whole flock, disgracing him. He is strong among his kind."

"He will be first."

Aria: "Aw, but I thought you were going to hurt Gennadi personally. It's not as much fun if it's blood apes.", she almost seems to pout. "For either of us, probably!"

Carmine Tears: "The Trial of Battles requires one to put his whole soul in the battle, to see the world red and fight without mercy, without distraction. I could not do so with my own student - the day I can do so, I will have little else to teach him." She says, her voice calm despite her words. "Fun as it would be." she finishes, letting her voice slip from the formal tone and into a mischievous confession...

Gennadi Ilkov: "First. This implies there are more." He wags a finger at his teacher. "I did not know you wanted an audience for our next fuck, great teacher, blood-red of the south."

Carmine Tears: "Yes, it does. It is a test of simple battles, but it would be too simple i --"

She freezes as she says 'fuck'. Her eyes seem to pour blood-steam, and a guttural growl rises from her throat, essence-chain burying on the earth near Gennadi with a spetacular rise of dust and earth-shards, stopping an inch of Gennadi, the essence becoming as if a great crimson lion.... and then vanishing, closing on her fist, as she turns around, shaking with anger.

"Shut up. Let us begin already."

Then she snaps her fingers... and the Ape comes down from the pedestal, falling on the opposite end of the field from Gennadi....

"... wait." She tells the ape, and it stops, looking at her... her back remains to them all.

"Wait for him to get ready. I will not break the decorum and the training because of your... taunts."

Aria: Aria meanwhile hums with her hands folded behind her, walking around outside the circle of apes, as an interested spectator might do.

  • Gennadi Ilkov just grins. "You must understand, sifu, this is all part of my preperation. No matter how strong this beast is, it will never compare to staring down your rage." He chuckles as he executes kata lightning fast, growing only more precise as he works. Blue essence tinged with red as he becomes attuned to the tactics of cowardice, blue essence tinged with a sickly green as he draws forth twisted strands of conflict to bind around his fists, blue essence burning brighter than the sun for one glorious moment as he takes his form. "Do I lose points if I throw an ape into my student?

Aria: "You'd have to hit me first, ojii-san."

Carmine Tears: If she smiled, it was out of sight. But althouh Gennadi cannot see her face, her voice has lost much of its anger as she replies, after considering it... for much, much longer than she should. "... yes. She is too cute to be smashed like that."

Gennadi Ilkov: "Did you hear that?! The steel-heart, blood-red of the south, Five-fold Teacher thinks you're cute! Now is an appropriate time to squeal in girlish joy." He hrmphs and tugs a chain end out of his sleeve, wrapping it around his knuckles and trailing it through his fingers. "Ready when your brute is, Cara."

Aria: She rolls her eyes a little, then responds with a, "Well if she likes me that much, I'm not seeing anyone right now. Then again, we wouldn't want to make you jealous, would we ojii-san?", she sticks out her tongue.

Gennadi Ilkov: "No fair! My student is trying to sabotage this contest with thoughts of you sharing a tender moment. Perhaps we'd best put it off until the morrow."

Carmine Tears: "I like them with less vices. Although she does have a little bit of the... fire I appreciate." She begins to turn around, calmer now. "If you say are ready, my dear student... you better be."

She says something in a Language That is Not, announcing the start to conflict. The start to the ritual of battle and bloodshed.

And thus, the Blood Ape begins to lunge towards the Joybringer....

Gennadi Ilkov: Even as he does so, Gennadi completes the hand-binding with green fire, faces contorted in rage with teeth biting and tearing at each other roaring in an instant as he tucks the last bit inside against his palm. For a moment, blue lettering burns through the green, a sea-touched fire and a cool breeze, the old realm sigils proclaiming perfection in lack of desire.

Aria: Aria simply keeps humming to herself, hands folded behind her back, she seems to pace around the outter circle opposite of Carmine Tears. She was going to try and vanish, as a secrets is at their best when they themselves are a well kept secret.

The old man and the blood ape would be easy. Gennadi would keep a firm eye on the blood ape, and besides, she intended to be behind him anyhow. The blood ape might notice, or it might not, either way they were never bestowed with an excess of intelligence.

It was the red she was most worried about. Just because she was outside the ring, like Aria herself, didn't mean she couldn't mess up her interference.

And so she waits for the blood ape and her mentor to obscure her from Carmine Tears' view long enough so she can leap back and behind a pillar, extricating herself from the scene.

A simple case of now you see it, now you don't.

  • Gennadi Ilkov is patient. He is still like cold, deep waters, he is as unfeeling as the ocean waves. and even the wind is reluctant to blow through that red-tipped hair and send the red-striped cloak fluttering.

Solvar: Solvar roars!

Like the beast he is, and the stench of his breath can be felt even where Gennadi stands. But the very force of his roar shakes the ground, felt into Gennadi's bones. Yellowed teeth in his open mouth, dark hair covered with ever-fresh blood under the plates of its armor...

Chains all over the armor, bolted in every place, as if the spiked armor was made to keep him chained. If it was, he now used it to his advantage... and threw the chains towards Gennadi, hitting the ground close to him many times... just to scare him. Just to stablish dominance, and make a show out of it. And, as Gennadi did not run, the chains came down on his head....

Gennadi Ilkov: The beast meets the depths, and is found wanting. Gennadi's defense flows and rushes forwards, curving through and around the chains. Starmetal strikes rough-hewn iron and finds it wanting as well, gouging great chunks out of it in explosions of sparks that rain down Gennadi's back like falling stars. He finally dives backwards, letting them rain down onto the beast's hair and start small, foul-smelling fires.

Solvar: One by one, Gennadi strikes... and like stars, sparks fill Solvar's eyes, until the ape has to stop attacking to cover his eyes... and the chains so many chains, fall broken to the ground, their chiming forming an odd melody. Only two chains remained in the Blood Ape's harness, which showed large gaping holes where Gennadi struck....

  • Gennadi Ilkov has met the taunt of his opponent, and found it wanting. There is little ceremony to his counterstrike, very little of the flourish and art that he typically brings to the table. This is one of five, and it would be most impolite to keep the others waiting. He strikes the last chain and dives away, feeling the metal stretch before he springs off a pillar to snap back, scything legs striking and wrenching the ape's neck out of position for one final blow with a chain wrapped fist.

Solvar: .... and Solvar is thrown back, staining the earth with his own blood, his neck's armor breaking under the power of Gennadi's legs... and making him spit the blood out. It was a gentle thing, and he could die with his neck crushed... but it had still thrown him away, nearly striking a pillar. It gets the beast angry. And angry, he screams... but does little else, waiting....

Aria: Something moves from behind one of the pillars. It's nimble and fast, and hard to focus on, like she was there in only seperate moments that weren't flowing properly from one to the next.

The blurry afterthought of Gennadi's student fires an arrow at the beast, before doing a remarkably well executed cartwheel out of sight again.

Solvar: ... and then Solvar looks at Gennadi... and begins to cough, having trouble breathing...

The arrow strikes him, unseen.

For all intents and purposes, the Ape simply... drops dead.

Aria: ... And a voice, that to Gennadi comes from behind one of the pillars behind him, but to Carmine Tears might as well be scattered all over rings out cheerfully.

"First rule of combat: never lose sight of all potential combatants! Faito ojii-san~"

Carmine Tears: Carmine is unable to hear it. For what Aria should be thankful... or should she?

  • Gennadi Ilkov kicks the thing in the side once just to make sure it stays down before stepping atop it, taking up that same perfectly still stance again. "Round two, Sifu."

Carmine Tears: Carmine has her suspicions... but far as Aria can see, they remain suspicions. She turns to another, and says another order... which makes a second Ape fall... this one possesses great ram's horns as well, and is covered in a blood that is strangely... dark blue. His teeth is perfectly trimmed, and it has strange collars around his neck... "That is Grodd. He possesses more... finesse, than most his brethren. He will not be as impatient as Solvar."

Gennadi Ilkov: "A gorilla with horns, and you speak to me of finesse? Grace and style?" He chuckles, seemingly lost for the moment in mirth.

Grodd: The Ape begins to Circle... eyes ready on Gennadi.

Then... he speaks. A gutural, inhuman voice...

"Meat. I will enjoy eating your marrow, meat. Believe me... for my standards, you possess no style whatsoever. Covered in red, the color of my uncouth siblings..." He narrows his eyes. "I will paint it with your blood, if you wish."

Gennadi Ilkov: "It speaks! In words with more than one syllable! Are you certain you're a blood ape, ugly thing? Don't even bother argung the ugly part... I am Chosen of Venus, and I believe I can judge."

Grodd: "Yes, I am. But I rose past my uncouth brethren. I am evolved. I think past their crude stratagems, and touched true Sorcery, true Power. I have drank fountains of Wisdom... and trust me, I look much better than you, for my own eyes. Not that I cannot appreciate the beauty of your women before eating them..."

Gennadi Ilkov: "Funny enough, I take the time to do the same thing..."

Aria: Well this won't end well... , Aria thinks to herself from behind the pillar.

Gennadi Ilkov: White teeth bared against cruel fangs shine. A small hand, deft fingers crooked as if to invite a test of strength against brutal fingers and a thick paw. And then, further detail is lost in a blue flash. Only flickers of an ebon cloak and glowing red trails remain, Gennadi's motions too quick fo rthe eye to follow as he ducks underneath the beast, wrenching on its arm to snap it entirely the wrong way as he spins, slamming the beast's arm against his body to destroy the thing's wrist. almost as an afterthought he runs up the pillar behind it, arcing gracefully through the air before he snaps his body downwards, looping his arm around the things horns as he he falls to smash its face into the ground. With the momentum he rolls backwards, a quick flick returning him exactly to the spot he left while the beast struggles to free itself from the dirt.

Grodd: Grodd, however, manages to follow them, his glowing, sickeningly brown eyes following his movements... and as he comes to snap his arm, Grodd moves away, his blood fading to the air as if it was water... together with his body, he simply seems to slide away, the world around him liquid....

His arm, however, was dislocated quite so, and the ape screamed in pain....

"Meat. You will suffer for that. SUFFER! "

He struck the ground, breaking it, and then.... screamed. His scream exploded in the air, and Gennadi could feel it eroding his very soul...

Aria: Not if I can help it.

She'd already leapt up onto the pillar behind the beast, while it was suitably distracted. She takes aim and the arrow she fires this time splits into two, flying towards the torso of the beast even as it charged Gennadi.

With any luck she'd puncture both it's lungs and it wouldn't be able to breathe.

Do blood apes only have two lungs?

... For that matter, do they even need to breathe?

This she contemplates as she lets herself fall backwards back off the pillar, flipping over in mid air. By the time it had the sense to look, she'd be well conceiled again.

Grodd: The arrows strike him... and he roars, once again....

"What trickery is this?!? "

Gennadi Ilkov: "Hush. Speak when spoken to, beast." He grabs the demon's jaw and rags him into a flury of strikes, impacts from fist and knee building up until he finally unleashes a final blow, shattering a horn and sending the ape sprawling atop his comrade... minus a jaw, which Gennadi looks at distastefully and then throws away like simple trash, a crimson arc across the dark blue of the fallen demon's body. He takes his rightful place atop the two, snapping the arrow shafts off to hide Aria's interference as he does so.


Grodd: ... and indeed, he does, send back and falling over Solvar, summarily unconscious.

Carmine Tears: The Sidereal watches...

"You are very good, I have to give you that. And... smooth."

"You manage to make even that into a performance of your own, Gennadi. I could say I am impressed."

"You remind me of Damian, almost."

  • Gennadi Ilkov tenses up for a moment, almost enough to break the for before he spits onto the ground. "A point to you, Cara. You need it, given how your champions are faring."

Carmine Tears: "Why, thank you." She nods, the anger not wholly leaving her.

"They are faring just as well as I want them to, my dear... like so." She makes an elaborate gesture, essence in her hand, burning runes in the air. And two of them fall, dripping red. They are of almost shining red, those Apes. covered in so much blood, dripping great trails around them... each holding a great club made with some great beast's bones and filled with sharp, jagged pieces of onyx.... "Those are the Blood Brothers, Gennadi. They move as one. They act as one. They are one."

Blood Brothers: "Kill."
"Kill. Eat. Crush."
"YesYes, brother, crush. Crush little body. Drink marrow."
"Hmmm, marrow. Yes, brother. Kill crush. Puny Human..."

  • Gennadi Ilkov takes a moment to consider the nature of this duo before him. To prepare himself for the inability to truly keep on the offensive. To shift carefully on his pile of fallen bodies which suddenly explodes into a sapphire pillar. Two blackened forms bolt out of it, wreathed in blue fire as they tear through the air twoards the brothers. Impact, and th flames scatter in a thousand jagged pieces. The pillar dulls and shattes, and Gennadi stands there in midair for a moment before the nature of the world regains its hold on him and he falls easily to the gound, still in that quiet, unmoving stance.

Blood Brothers: Carmine watches with a grin. He was resourceful, yes... and there was a certain... poetry, to it.

It was beautiful, as the Apes flung in the air, toward the poor Blood Brothers...

"He's throwin' Apes', bro!"
"Wha... it's all on fire...."
"Snao out, Bro! 'tis flamin' Snacks!"

Oh yes, the Blood Brothers are Canniball. In fact, that is how the children of Blood Apes survived in the streets of Nexus, becoming great thugs, eventually leaving the city to become canniball barbarian warlords...and, eating from the flesh of other Apes, other demons, becoming demons themselves, and walking to Cecelyne to dine on more demon flesh... they were disgusting and dangerous, if not possessing among them half the wits Grodd himself had.

And as the other Apes fall, they move fast and hunched, a primitive, primate rhytm to their movements as blood-soaked hand dart to grab their flaming brethren, mouths opening and watering... "Dinner's served! "

... yes it is, served right in their stomachs! As that is where the Apes strike, sending the Brothers backwards, stumbling on the ground with the weight of Solvar and Grodd... slowly, they get up, but not with hunger for Ape-flesh anymore. No, now they wanted the blue-fire-scorched flesh of serenity! Great clubs of bone and Onyx in hand, they both jump on Gennadi, the stench of their breath, droplets of saliva from the bloodthirsty frenzy-screams and blood that drips from their clubs - theirs' or otherwise - coming to Gennadi a moment before their own clubs do, both moving in insane, frenzied movements, wishing nothing more than to crush him and make his body very soft for eating!

  • Gennadi Ilkov 's essence rejects duality. His essence rejects that of defeat. And, finally, his essence rejects the very idea of the fight being over before it's really gotten out to play. He whirls and twists around the strikes, flicker-quick movements and returning to the empty stance after each one.

    His movements are subtle, where his presence is not. HIs plan is orthodox in an unorthodox fashion, and finally, when it's all said and done, he shifts almost imperceptably, and the light reflects off the chain he's wound around them both. He leaps up into the air with a sudden burst of energy, slamming the two apes together. Essence trails his form, unable to catch up as he springs from pillar to pillar to build up speed, suddenly diving down and snapping the chain to release the built up momentum. The Apes whirl through the air and are suddenly released, the both of them hurtling out of the ring towards their current Mistress, Carmine Tears.

Carmine Tears: They dart towards Carmine, defeated...

And the Chosen of battles waits. She waits, turning away, seeing their shadows come closer, and closer...

And then, they are upon her. And then, she shed a tear of blood. And as it hits the air, it surrounds her with one thousand and one ultraviolent poems, shielding her, as chains sending the Apes far back, knocking together with the other two in a pile... as she vanishes, a blur through the air up to a pillar, surrounded by bloodthirsty poetry...

"That was beautiful. But not very polite, do not expect me to put sympathy grades for you now."

Gennadi Ilkov: "It was only appropriate that I return them to you when I was done with them, Sifu."

Carmine Tears: "You would think so." She says ruefully. Well, the foul demons had been beaten within an inch of their lives, and that always got Carmine Tears more pleased with herself. Malfeas would pehaps take offense to how she used its inhabitants as punching bags. Pehaps her name was in lists cast in the darkest brass already. If so, she did not seem to mind, and only continued to conduct her sparrings in the same way...

Then, her poems came down from the pilars, words linking together into a crimson chain and fasting around a certain Oracle... "You should not skulk around like this, little green hunter. It is now the time for your master's trial of fire... and it would do well for you to miss it, would it not?" She asks with a pleased smile as the chains lock around Aria, with an undercurrent of a warning, for her to watch and not act...

Aria: Aria feels the threat coming for her...

And decides she's not gonna be there anymore. She leaps away onto the pillar nearest the one that Carmine Tears is standing on, looking rather cocky that she evaded that. Barely, but she did!

She runs a hand through her hair and grins at the redsid.

"Could've just asked you know. I won't do anything! If you hadn't practically dared me to stick the apes with a few arrows, I might've let them beat up ojii-san!", she winks.

... Meanwhile, the chibi Aria inside her head is sinking to her wobbly knees and whimpering.

  • Gennadi Ilkov rolls his eyes... though he does notice that she's already had, or has picked up on a habit of his.

Carmine Tears: A Red who cannot help but chuckle.

"She is your disciple alright, Gennadi. Not the type to be chained, it seems."

She seems to be on a better mood due to Aria, and it is with a smile that she presents the last Trial...

"Are you ready to finish, Gennadi?"

Gennadi Ilkov: "Sifu, you know how I like to take my time before that... but considering there is to be an encore, I will oblige."

Carmine Tears: "An encore. Ah, it is always a show." She smiles... and one last gesture, the poems fill the air, forming great prayer strips of pure essence in the air, closing the arena. And then the last one comes down... a golden monkey, clad in a strange sort of armor... and as it hit the ground, much bigger than it could possibly be to fit above the pillar. "Oozaru the Golden. Good luck, Gennadi."

The Great Ape had once done a great favor for Ligier... who covered him in gold, and made his fur as into a piece of craftsmanship. It stood in front of Gennadi a colossus... but calm. Murderous, but calm... waiting on the Sidereal to act.

Aria: Meanwhile Aria channels some excess essence towards her hands, which are enveloped in a green glow.

And then the weird little greensid does a little yell, waving the glowies around as if they were pompoms as she hops and skips around the pillar and flails her arms and legs around.

"Give me a double u! Give me an i! Give me an n! If anyone can do it, the old guy can! Wooooooh!"

Gennadi Ilkov: "That's a big one... and... she is terribly cute, isn't she?" He sizes the giant up.

Carmine Tears: The southern woman blinks...

... and blinks...

... and blinks.

She stares at Aria in disbelief... then smiles. And chuckles, hiding her mirth with one hand...

"I am almost envious of you now, Gennadi. You should be thankful for my gift, now."

Aria: Aria just grins from her seat.

"Faito, ojii-san~"

Gennadi Ilkov: "And to think that people complained about my plots. The two of you put me to shame..."

  • Gennadi Ilkov has, for a long time, focused on a reductionist theory. It's Exalted that matter, and the rest of the world will fall into place. With this in mind, he simply charges through and past the colossus to run up a pillar. A spring, and he stands atop a shoulder. As the momentum pulls it forward he strikes in a flurry of movement, wrapping the razor-edged chain around it and finally as he lands back on the ground, slamming his shoulder into the beast's throat. The chain rips way as it staggers back, a spray of crimson and gold against the stone of the pillars.

Oozaru: The Ape does not much care about Exalted superiority - it has crushed puny anima-flaring chosen before, and it can do so again. As the razor-edged chain comes for it, it moves almost slowly to bat it away, appearing not much worried about it... as if he doubted Gennadi could do any damage to him at all.

Gennadi cuts... and his shoulder strikes the beast's throat, making him stagger, and then finally fall against one of the pillars... with such an impact that the ground shakes, nearly throwing down Aria and Carmine. Slowly, the Ape gets up.... and then, it jumps foward... a great ape's tail coming to Gennadi, together with its hands and its jaw... for Gennadi, big as a tunnel...

  • Gennadi Ilkov does not look as he dances aside, sprarks flying as blue radiance pushes back against gold. He does not look as stone dust burns away in the sudden clash of wills, he does not look as the impact sends stones flying. Blindly, he executes the last and final kata, formless of the void, and wrapped in its perfect he evades the beast's attacks s if they were never there to ebegin with.

Oozaru: ... and the Sidereal danced! Danced away from each and every strike, hands and claw and tail all striking the ground... and then, for Aria and Carmine, all they could see was their forms in the great cloud of dust risen from it... and Gennadi could only hear the roars, and not see the beast... and then, the beast beats on its chest, roaring, showing his power, calling on his forebears... a way to show who is the great male there. And then, as if to finish a statement, its limbs come down on Gennadi, once again...

  • Gennadi Ilkov waits, and then finally as the best strikes he moves forward, springing up and onto the beast's fists. As it slams him downwards he suddenly turns and flicks away in the rush of air and essence, a blue bolt of lightning through the air as he shoots up atop a pillar to wait.

Oozaru: The Ape looks up at Gennadi... and roars, angrily, beating the pillar...

In time, he would bring it down, or jump far enough to reach Gennadi. But not yet...

Carmine Tears: The older Sidereal watches, not missing a single movement. The Ape was a warrior-king and fought with all his pride... but Gennadi, dancing, held his ground. It was less of a dance now, however. His chain came violently, as he did for the thing's neck. It was a battle, it was merciless... all it should be. The Joybringer simply put ceremony and dance over it, a mere clothing, a mere distraction to the true nature which he did not neglect...

And Aria can feel the eyes are not only for Gennadi. The crimson eyes burn in her.

Eyes of one who hunts for sport... eyes she had seen in warriors ready to battle.

She had gotten away from Carmine's absent-minded motion, but now, the next one would not be so absent-minded. Oh no. The harder the prey, the more skill a sparring partner posseses... the greater the thrill in one who sees everything as a battle.

Gennadi Ilkov: Burning with the heat of a thousand stars he plummets downwards, sweet perfume and blue wind racing to keep up with him as he dives. He spins with ease through unresisting air, the ape's motions seemingly glacial to this burst of speed. He snaps out of the spin finally and scythes a kick at the beast that misses completely... but not the five, no ten lengths of chain trailing in the wake that catch and tear, ripping great chunks from the face and neck of the beast to scatter on the ground like seeds on fallow earth. Gennadi crushes on under his heel as he lands, showing the signs of exertion for the first time in this contest.

Oozaru: ... and for the second time, Gennadi brings down a being greater than himself.

Oozaru looks incredulous at Gennadi for a moment, having lost two teeth on that, his eyes turning red, spitting blood, his face turning into bruises and cuts... and finally, the big golden ape falls, earth shaking once again.

Aria: Aria squeels happily and hops up and down on the pillar while clapping her hands.

"Woooooh! Good show!"

Carmine Tears: The prayer strips shine for a moment, and the Sidereals have the feeling of living in a world of crimson hues for a moment. The Bloodthirsty Poetry begins to vanish then, fading into the air like so much smoke, as Carmine walks in the middle of the training grounds. "You have passed the Trial of Mars, Gennadi. You fought, against the five constellations, you fought with violence, without mercy. You understood the most martial of aspects in Fate."

Gennadi Ilkov: "Wonderful. What I have done is engage in battles with erymanthoi, mad beasts of the demon world, and wear myself out for your personal enjoyment... am I wrong?"

Aria: Aria leaps down making a nifty little flip midway and landing in a nigh perfect crouch.

"Well you also made yourself owe me twice now, to be fair!"

  • Gennadi Ilkov moves to thwap her on the head with paired fingers, stops long enough to feign having changed his mind, and as soon as she relaxes in relief he does it anyway. "Apologize to Sifu for dodging her attack in such an unstylish manner! Maybe then the practice she inflicts on you will be less painful." He grins. "Now, that's once, since that was good advice."

Aria: "Ow! Hey!", she glares at Gennadi.

"I'll do no such thing! It's not my fault she missed a suckerpunch of all things."

Carmine Tears: She narrows her eyes at that. The nerve! The Child had avoided her fate, but to tell it was her fault, to tarnish her abilities... that would not do. With eyes narrowing, she flicked her wrist, red motes shining with the movement.... "Oh, yes, about owing him..." The Words had not vanished. pillars of them rise from beneath Aria's feet, coiling about her, holding her limbs when she least expected.... "... you should not try to cheat the judge any more times, Aria. Otherwise..." She lets it lay in the air as she walks closer to the Oracle, her eyes holding such danger...

".. I might be forced to punish you."

Of course, she had done so superbly. Carmine had only known she was hidden to her eyes, and not that she had even helped Gennadi... before the girl had given herself away. But no reason to inflate her young ego even more than it already is.

Aria: "EEEK!", she yelps as the mean old redsid suckerpunches her again.

And then when she's kind of hanging there she hmpfs a little bit. "You did practically tell me I could though.", she protests.

Carmine Tears: The trails of the words touch the tip of her fingers, drawn to them as if by an invisible line, and then she pulls Aria up a little, looking down at the Oracle and touching her face... cherry-colored nails holding strange Kanji touching her face in something that is half caress and half rake... "I did. But to try and conceal your activities from me is... unwise. You are very, very good at it, little green hunter... but it is not your abilities that are put to test here."

  • Gennadi Ilkov is not the fastest. He is not the strongest, or even the most clever. But for what he does, he is the best, and he makes it look easy as Carmine Tears suddenly finds herself wrapped up in a kiss, her hair tugged back to expose her neck for a quick love bite. Autumn leaves of red flutter through the air as he's suddenly gone when she swats at him. He yawns and stretches as he walks off. "Leave the poor girl alone, Sifu, and plan your next test. Myself, I'm taking a nap. "If you hurry, you can come to bed too..."

Aria: Aria thinks up about half a dozen witty and jarring replies for that, like "It's not my fault you forgot that in a test of true battle everyone should be considered a potential combatant", but decides keeping quiet is probably the better part of valor in this instance.

Though she does stare back defiantly at the redsid. Sure her knees are wobbly, but there's no good reason to show that!

Carmine Tears: Carmine is kissed, neck and lips touched before she has a chance to react, wrapped up as she is on Aria... and then her eyes narrow, and she starts, "You..." But it dies down, and she just lets a low growl boil on her throat, the chains vanishing from Aria.

"Let this be a lesson to you, little green hunter.. Courtship is a battle as heated as any battlefield."

"And sometimes, you can just not afford to lose."

Aria: "Oof!", the cute little greensid says as she falls down to the floor, onto her bottom, sighing with relief that the old guy bailed her out."


She then peers curiously at the redsid, tilting her head to the side. "So, I guess that mean the date's off, huh?", she grins as she flips up back to her feet.