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Revision as of 21:37, 6 October 2005 by FrivYeti (talk) (*Filling out. Need to do all this at some point.)
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Travelling through the frozen north, a small group of people stumble across something bizarre and incredible. The land into which they are sent is dangerous - can a group forged of nothing but chance and oppurtunity bring balance to the region?

Herein lies the tale of the (still fairly secretive) Mist Realm chronicle.


/MistAlberon - Pendalus Alberon, Chosen of Venus
/MistTaran - Taran of the Snow Tiger Tribe, New Moon
/MistEmerald - Lost Emerald, Full Moon
/MistKarn - Karn Railwalker, Night Caste

Gone, but not Forgotten:
/MistSydney - Sydney, the White Spider, Changing Moon

Chronicle Background:

/MistReligion - A rough summary of the religion of the Mistlands
/MistKingdoms - A summary of the knowledge the players have about the kingdoms

Game Sessions:

/MistSessionOne - The first session; tracking through the fog.
/MistSessionTwo - In which the characters realize they really aren't in Kansas anymore.
/MistSessionThree - Comprising an encounter with a living god, and a bit of a dilemma regarding the Chosen.
/MistSessionFour - In which Sydney gambles with the Fair Folk.
/MistSessionFive - In which Lost Emerald returns, and a battle with demons takes place.
/MistSessionSix - In which the party gets a history lesson, and prepares to challenge gods.
/MistSessionSeven - In which the party engineers a jailbreak.