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Story Arcs

Story One: Conspiracy Theories

Year of the Dolphin, Mercury Era of the Fourth Epoch of the Dragon-Blooded Shogunate

Moonday, 9th of Descending Water

  • Takashi Daialla, Joshai Fuego, and Hedodath Srat are transferred to the city of Blueglass Springs.
  • In a meeting with the mayor in which the town's head doctor, Kyril Aurum, is also invited, the three are told that the mayor suspects a conspiracy in place that could have political reprecussions, and asks them to investigate.
  • The group checks out the offices of the deceased Dragon-Blooded. It transpires that someone has been by in the last week and cleared out secret caches of information in both offices. Fuego learns that Shozei Ballar suspects Kazei Passan of involvement and smuggling. Srat is assigned to guard Daialla and Fuego in case would-be murderers attack again.
  • The group arranges to get travel permits into Shalaian to examine the crash site, and spends the intervening time getting to know their new comrades.

Mercuryday, 16th of Descending Water

  • The group, along with a pilot and assistant, travel to three miles past the Shalaian border and meet with Kazei Gareth of Shalaian, who has been assigned to oversee their investigation.
  • Inspecting the grounds, they discover that not only did a mysterious stranger investigate it a few days after Shalaian's own investigation (and thus within a day or two of the directors' files going missing), but strange multi-legged things also came by two days ago, and then left. Using their Charms to track them, they followed the course that Manager Ren's ship would have taken, before veering slightly off from a military checkpoint and stopping at a hill.
  • Using his powerful artifact, Daialla found a sorcery-concealed passage. Gareth sent a soldier to report, and the group entered the passage cautiously.
  • In the centre of the passage was what appeared to be a magical material version of amethyst, which Daialla could not pass through. Entering normally, the group was ambushed by a trio of six-legged hand creatures, which attempted to murder them with little success (although they managed to land one blow). The resulting fight failed to damage the amethyst chamber.
  • Extensive geomantic surveys over the next hour revealed that the site was a Level N/A demesne, which was connecting itself to local Dragon Lines for some reason. Daialla was unable to figure out what the demesne's aspect was; it resonated with none of the known elements of Creation, Malfeas, the Underworld, or the Wyld. Kazei Gareth ordered a military guard be placed on the site, and the group arranged to have Scholars of Mela come to examine it later. Uncertain of what they had learned, they departed.

Story Two: Ancient Secrets

Saturnday, 21st of D.W.

  • Fuego starts working down the chain of smuggling, dissection!, Daialla meets with his boss.
  • Colbey comes to town, goes to look over his staff, discovers an awful lot of work, and meets with his fellow PCs.
  • Colbey goes to check his biotic subject, and finds it broke out. Panic. Call everyone.
  • Everyone tracks the symbiote to Lendo's house, then down the mountain. They get into an ancient tunnel. They reach the base of the tunnel.
  • The group meets Lendo, and the symbiote. The symbiote joins with Colbey, who freaks out a little. Then it joins with Daialla, who controls it and learns the password to get into the main room. The main room, as it turns out, contains the core systems of a Titan-class cruiser. The characters chat with Oasis, and learn a bunch about geomancy, biotech, and inoperative systems.

Sunday, 22nd of D.W.

  • The characters interrogate the guards and learn what they can. They make a picture of Fedora White.
  • The characters take five days of downtime. Colbey learns spells and starts repairs. Aurum does stuff.

Jupiterday, 27th of D.W.

  • The characters learn that their attempt to get into Shalaian has been denied.
  • The characters learn of a massive military buildup in Shalaian, including two Thousand-Forged Dragons. They discuss.
  • Colbey asks about information about Shalaian for the White Veil.

Saturnday, 28th of D.W. - Moonday, 2nd of Ascending Earth

  • Meeting with the Mayor; preparations.
  • Agreement to go on Monday to deal with these people
  • Ultimately, the characters reach Shalaian, where they get in the middle of a massive battle between the Thousand-Forged Dragons and corrupted soldiers, against loyalist forces. The battle ends when a thousand-forged dragon detonates its geomantic singularity, killing everyone except those inside the Demesne (the PCs) and one Sidereal.
  • The players talk with him, learn that there's a good chance that the Primordial Cyprian just died horribly, possibly creating all sorts of death. Then everyone passes out.

Story Three: Death Rising

Saturnday, 14th of A.E. - Moonday, 23rd of A.E.

  • Players wake up - there is a plague on! 1800 dead, plus the mayor
  • Go to Manse, talk with folks. Planning! Meeting with the Provisional Council on Mercuryday.

Moonday, 2nd of Resplendant Earth - Mercuryday, 3rd of R.E.

  • The characters discover a shadowland deep inside the Titan. Evil ghosts! Oh noes!
  • Progress continues!

8th of R.E. - end of Resplendant Earth + all of Descending Earth

  • Important Meeting! Sending the Titan into lockdown.
  • Lots of people die! Yay!

First Week of Ascending Wood

  • Shalaian invasion force arrives led by Melaeus Tor. Force is integrated successfully into the town.
  • Dragon Kings obliterate one of the six surviving border forts. Crew goes to bait trap.
  • Dragon Kings wipe out several border forts. Crew hunts down and kills three Dragon Kings, finds evidence of lots more. Yay!

Second Week of A.W.

  • Players search for Dragon Kings in the capitol. Cult activity spreads and recedes.
  • The Dragon Kings are found out and fought in a big battle. Terennek is convinced to leave. Aurum starts "medical testing" a Dragon King captive.
  • Personal projects (last through the end of the month). Fire elementals and While Veilists come to town.

First Week of R.W.

  • Meeting with Pavrin Kayrd.
  • Discovery that Srat has been power-charging as well; Fuego uses power-charge to see magic.


  • Daialla is searching the mountain, studying the Underworld, and doing geomancy.
  • Titan is going to be de-shadowlands halfway through Ascending Fire.
  • Aurum got fourteen successes on building a useful tax code, and increased medical recruitment by 18%

(Brief season / month reminder for Friv: Air, Water, Earth, Wood, Fire.
Sun 1/8/15/22, Moon 2/9/16/23, Mercury 3/10/17/24, Venus 4/11/18/25, Mars 5/12/19/26, Jupiter 6/13/20/27, Saturn 7/14/21/28)