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No longer reeking of faerie fishblood and filth, Dyna has time to relax and find a nice place to have herself a calming lunch. There's this quaint little place near the nearly-finished laboratory, serving the same damn thing every other place is; siaka-behemoth. This place does it with Southern spices, onions and a bit of chili pepper; it's got a kick, but it warms the mouth instead of setting it ablaze.

Along with a bit of surprisingly good soup (they say it's made from fish stock and bits of seaweed) and some crusty fresh-baked bread, it's a filling meal. It's a meal that's interrupted, however, as a strangely familiar face sits down across from her, both with a meal and a something wrapped in cloth. She'll notice it's one of the guys that was 'testing' firedust at the docks... and that he's covered in bandages from neck to hands. Doesn't stop him from eating, though, albeit with a slightly hazy look in his eyes.

Dyna is taking the time to savor her meal, as well as catch her breath after the recent battle. Her hat is sitting on the table, a few feet away from her plate, and Wizard's Wrath is strapped to her back as usual. Breon is likely waiting outside, as one might expect. Dyna pauses, looking the man over when he sits down. "... had an accident with the firedust?"

"Of a sort." Even his voice sounds a bit dreamy. He seems rather unfazed by the big cat that gives him a mean look before returning to its delicious meal of fish. "You wouldn't belieeeeve how drugged I am right now. It doesn't hurt at all."

<Dyna> If they gave you what I think they did? I most certainly would. So, what's that you've got with you?

"Ah! What I managed to hurt myself with... I was told that you might be interested in this sort of thing." He pushes the bundle over to Dyna. "I would bring you to the study area, but they're too busy tearing apart the rest of that fish... do you know the thing was practically bursting with water Essence?"

"I can't say I'm surprised..." Dyna picks up the bundle, and carefully unwraps it... whatever it is, it put this guy in bandages, afterall.

Inside is a closed glass jar filled with... well, it looks like dust, but it's a strange, glittering greenish-blue. "One of the morons mixed a bit of the thing's bile with some firedust... and I went to throw out what I thought was a week's pay ruined."

"... now this really is interesting." Dyna 's eyes widen a bit as she examines the jar of odd firedust. "I'm assuming it gave you acid burns?"

"Steam, actually." She smiles lazily. "Unfortunately and fortunately, not too deeply. So sleep is going to be difficult tonight."

<Dyna> Hm...

"Well, once they have everything set up... I've gotten word to let you and any of your interested friends in to watch and assist. Old Steel's orders, the money-hungry bastard." She rolls his eyes, still smiling.

<Dyn.> I can't speak for the others right now, but I'll definitely be there. This bears further investigation. Thank you, and I'm sorry for your trouble.

He simply laughs, picking at his food. "Damned... I can't even taste this... terrible. Absolutely terrible..." He nonetheless eats lazily. "Mmmm... behemoths are strange things. It's rare to be able to examine one, even a dead one."

<Dyna> Yes, most scholars would kill for the opportunity... come to think of it... Old Steel is taking care to guard the potentially dangerous portions of the remains, right?

"So you say, so you say." He shrugs, blandly eating more. "It's... G'ia, right? Don't have permission to give you my name, so just call me whatever you want." He pauses, chuckling. "It's already being divvied up and packed away. It's amazing, really... everything's so... perfect. No scars, no weird bone growths, nothing."

Dyna nods. "That's my name. I'll think up one for you later, if need be..."

He offers a lazy thumbs-up, then wolfs down the rest of his meal in short order. "... ow... pain's starting to come back a little. Just popped a blister."

<Dyna> ... be sure and get that checked on every so often, it could get worse if you don't... and I'll see if I can't come up with something for you.

"I know, I know... and thanks. I've got a nice lady that'll change my bandages for me later. Guild hires some cute ones now and then..." She flashes Dyna a smile, sitting up. "Not that you're not easy on the eyes yourself, miss G'ia."

Dyna smirks. "Thanks. I don't get that often."

"Having a close encounter with death makes you appreciate the pretty things in life." The bald feller winks, then turns to skedaddle, walking a bit gingerly now---he's definitely feeling his injuries again. "I'll keep in touch."

<Dyna> Thanks. Take care.

He offers a wave before vanishing into the crowd. He notably left the jar of dust with Dyna.

Dyna wraps the jar of "steamdust" back up in the cloth, and sets it infront of Breon. "Nobody touches this but me."

"Rrrrrr..." The greatcat smells the jar, huffs a bit, then goes into wary watchman mode, scraping his claws against the cobbles below.

Dyna turns back to her meal, chewing over her behemoth steak, as well as the events of the day. "I think I'll count myself lucky, Breon. The only other explanation is that I'm cursed."

Breon's reply is an earflick and a maybe-amused whuff, staying alert.