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For TaleOfTwoEmpresses.
Status: <B>Active</b>
Name: Cynis Falen Sarien<br>
Concept: insecure hedonistic tactical genius<br>
Aspect: Fire<br>
Anima banner: flickering flames<br>
Motivation: to attempt to keep what's left of his sanity<br>
Intimacies: hating his elder brother, Cynis Falen Jalide: protecting the helpless: belief that he's weak and worthless: his younger sister, Cynis Falen Lianna
===== Character Sheet =====
Attributes: <br>
Str: 2<br>
Dex: 5<br>
Sta: 2  <br>
Cha: 2  <br>
Man: 2<br>
App: 3  <br>
Per: 2<br>
Int: 4<br>
Wits: 4  <br>
Caste Skills: Athletics 3, Dodge 5, Melee 4, Presence 3, Socialize 2<br>
Favored Skills: Lore 3 (+1 Military History), Awareness 4, War 5 (Tactics +3)<br>
Other Skills: Linguistics 2 (Native: High Realm, Low Realm, Old Realm), Integrity 3, Martial Arts 1, Resistance 1, Archery 1, Performance 3, Ride 1<br>
Virtues:  <br>
Compassion: 4 <br>
Conviction: 2  <br>
Temperance: 1  <br>
Valor: 2<br>
Willpower: 6<br>
Essence: 3  <br>
Essence Pool: 39/47 (Per+Peri)<br>
Backgrounds:  <br>
Breeding 5<br>
Artifact 3 (paired red jade daiklaves, red jade hearthstone bracers, red jade chain shirt, red jade hearthstone amulet): also has a high-level artifact of some kind that he stole from his brother<br>
Manse 3 (the Freedom Stone, Windhands Gemstone)<br>
Resources 3<br>
Merits:  <br>
Tactical Instincts<br>
Derangement: Melancholia<br>
Beacon of Power <br>
Enemy: 3 (Cynis Falen Jalide)
JB: 8<br>
DDV: 7<br>
PDV: 5<br>
MDV: 6<br>
MPV: 3<br>
-0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated, [Stamina x Dying]<br>
Attack: <br>
Paired Red Jade Short Daiklaves:<br>
Speed 2 Accuracy 13 Damage: +6L Defense 10 Rate: 4 <br>
Soak: <br>
6L/5B/5A H: 2L/2B
Charms: <br> 
Resistance: Ox-Body Technique x 1 <br>
War: Terrestial War Reinforcement, Enfolded In The Dragon's Wings, Armor-Hardening Concentration<br>
Dodge: Safety Among Enemies<br>
Melee: Dragon-Graced Weapon, Ghost-Fire Blade<br>
===== Physical Description =====
Sarien is a slender, slight, man of about 5'11", delicate-looking and not at all physically imposing, a Fire Aspect of unmistakably impeccable breeding but unusually pale skin, with very long, bright red hair that he usually keeps tied back into a long ponytail, and green eyes, dressing most often in green, and a dark cloak. Fairly pretty, in a feminine manner, but surprisingly strong for someone who seems so fragile, he is usually to be found smiling: what most people don't see is that it's a false smile, that never seems to quite reach his eyes, because he long ago forgot how to really smile. He carries himself with perfect, floating grace, somehow a vulnerable grace, attempting to project a false confidence and easygoing nature that is nothing but a facade. 
At the moment, he isn't smiling at all, and his eyes are blank, pretty green doll's eyes, a madness and sorrow in them that matches what he's feeling.
===== Personality Description =====
Most people see only the outside shell that Sarien presents to the world: the hedonistic, sybaritic Cynis, so typical of others of his House, disgraceful and crude, as well as drunk most of the time. Part of that is true: Sarien is indeed drunk, or attempting to get drunk most of the time, as well as a hedonist, but he's nowhere as shallow as he seems. Or even happy. He hates himself, deep down inside, lacks inner peace or even a focus most of the time. He cannot stand the idea of anyone else being hurt like he was, surprisingly compassionate for a member of House Cynis.
An unstable genius and expert tactician, Sarien's moods swing wildly, and he tends toward melancholy and depression, with no self-esteem or self-worth, with too much compassion besides: he puts more value in others then he does in himself. He knows that he is pretty, and sometimes down deep, believes that's all he is, the pretty shell. To try to erase the emptiness and depression he feels, he turns to alcohol and sex, though consciencely, he tries to deny that being the reason and tries to simply explain it as that he likes pleasure. Part of his desperation to bury himself in sex and have as many lovers as he can, is to try to erase, somehow, his memories of being a child, of being his elder brother Jalide's plaything, tries to prove to himself that he's not going to let Jalide win, that he can still enjoy sex.
He can enjoy it for a little while. And then, sometimes, afterwards, he weeps, when his partner(s) are asleep and cannot see him cry.
===== Backstory =====
He was never quite good enough. Small and fragile, wide-eyed and too pretty for his own good, Sarien was never particularly good at anything as a child. Except, that is, for warming his elder brother Jalide's bed: his sadistic, manipulative sorcerer of an elder brother took a fancy to him, and took what he wanted, bending and breaking his younger brother to his will, shattering his self-esteem and self-worth, and to this day, that is part of how Sarien defines himself. Even after he Exalted (in the middle of a nervous breakdown: he destroyed a good portion of his parents' garden, and in years to come, managed to destroy a lot of things, both with his lack of control over his Essence and unstable moods), that didn't stop his brother. In fact, to make matters worse, it was an open secret what Jalide was doing: people knew, and didn't try to stop him: that has left him embittered towards the rest of his family.
It didn't help his self-esteem any that he proved to be an utter failure at even understanding the basic theory behind sorcery, though Jalide and his other siblings were talented sorcerers. Sarien was, therefore, sent to the House of Bells as an alternative, though he knew that it was because he was a disappointment, had not been able to be what his parents had wanted of him. Ironically, his greatest gift, his extraordinary gift for tactics, was discovered, purely by accident. He understood tactics like he could not understand sorcery, breathed them, understood them as easily as a fish swam in water. But no one had ever given him a chance to prove himself:
===== Important People =====
<b>Cynis Falen Jalide</b>- Earth Aspect sorcerer of about half a century in age, Sarien's most hated sibling, subject of his nightmares, and pretty much THE biggest influence on him. Sadistic, cruel, manipulative, obsessive, possessive and just all around a horrible person, Jalide has basically made his younger brother dance on his puppet strings for over two decades. Rape, manipulation, threats, and carefully applied psychological torture are just a few of the tools he's used against Sarien over the years: and as bad as it's been, it's only going to get worse.
Jalide is a little over six and a half feet tall, handsome yet cruel-looking, with longish black hair and green eyes, very obviously an Earth Aspect of impeccable breeding, physically imposing and powerful in build, with a rich, confident baritone voice, carrying himself with perfect, unshakeable confidence. His main resemblance to Sarien comes in the startling color of his eyes: otherwise, the two siblings don't resemble one another. He dresses finely, in dark colors.
<b>Cynis Falen Lianna</b>-One of Sarien's younger siblings, a recently Exalted Wood Aspect of about fourteen, who is now being groomed to attend the Heptagram, she is the only one of his immediate family who Sarien actually likes-in fact, he is quite protective of her, and while he is willing to let bad things happen to him, for being used to it, he <I>will</I> react violently should he find out anyone has harmed her, or tried to harm her. Soft-spoken, kind, sweet, yet strong-willed, Lianna has strangely been not afraid of her publicly unstable older brother, and Sarien has never learned why.
Lianna is a slim, willowy girl with blond hair and green eyes, white roses growing entwined in her long hair, fairly pretty, a Wood Aspect of impeccable breeding, of slender yet wiry build: while she hasn't reached her full growth yet, she promises to be quite tall once she's done growing. She smiles and laughs frequently, sings often-she is a masterful singer-who dresses in white and pink (especially pink) very often.
===== Other Notes =====
Sarien is one of the 1-in-1,000 Dragon-Blooded who are Death-touched and can use necromancy. He isn't quite aware of this fact yet.
===== Experience Management =====
Total XP: 14<br>
Unspent: 14<br>
Spent: 0<br>

Revision as of 21:32, 26 February 2007

For TaleOfTwoEmpresses.

Status: Active

Name: Cynis Falen Sarien
Concept: insecure hedonistic tactical genius
Aspect: Fire
Anima banner: flickering flames
Motivation: to attempt to keep what's left of his sanity
Intimacies: hating his elder brother, Cynis Falen Jalide: protecting the helpless: belief that he's weak and worthless: his younger sister, Cynis Falen Lianna

Character Sheet

Str: 2
Dex: 5
Sta: 2

Cha: 2
Man: 2
App: 3

Per: 2
Int: 4
Wits: 4

Caste Skills: Athletics 3, Dodge 5, Melee 4, Presence 3, Socialize 2
Favored Skills: Lore 3 (+1 Military History), Awareness 4, War 5 (Tactics +3)
Other Skills: Linguistics 2 (Native: High Realm, Low Realm, Old Realm), Integrity 3, Martial Arts 1, Resistance 1, Archery 1, Performance 3, Ride 1

Compassion: 4
Conviction: 2
Temperance: 1
Valor: 2

Willpower: 6
Essence: 3
Essence Pool: 39/47 (Per+Peri)

Breeding 5
Artifact 3 (paired red jade daiklaves, red jade hearthstone bracers, red jade chain shirt, red jade hearthstone amulet): also has a high-level artifact of some kind that he stole from his brother
Manse 3 (the Freedom Stone, Windhands Gemstone)
Resources 3

Tactical Instincts

Derangement: Melancholia
Beacon of Power
Enemy: 3 (Cynis Falen Jalide)

JB: 8
DDV: 7
PDV: 5
MDV: 6
MPV: 3

-0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated, [Stamina x Dying]
Paired Red Jade Short Daiklaves:
Speed 2 Accuracy 13 Damage: +6L Defense 10 Rate: 4

6L/5B/5A H: 2L/2B Charms:

Resistance: Ox-Body Technique x 1
War: Terrestial War Reinforcement, Enfolded In The Dragon's Wings, Armor-Hardening Concentration
Dodge: Safety Among Enemies
Melee: Dragon-Graced Weapon, Ghost-Fire Blade

Physical Description

Sarien is a slender, slight, man of about 5'11", delicate-looking and not at all physically imposing, a Fire Aspect of unmistakably impeccable breeding but unusually pale skin, with very long, bright red hair that he usually keeps tied back into a long ponytail, and green eyes, dressing most often in green, and a dark cloak. Fairly pretty, in a feminine manner, but surprisingly strong for someone who seems so fragile, he is usually to be found smiling: what most people don't see is that it's a false smile, that never seems to quite reach his eyes, because he long ago forgot how to really smile. He carries himself with perfect, floating grace, somehow a vulnerable grace, attempting to project a false confidence and easygoing nature that is nothing but a facade.

At the moment, he isn't smiling at all, and his eyes are blank, pretty green doll's eyes, a madness and sorrow in them that matches what he's feeling.

Personality Description

Most people see only the outside shell that Sarien presents to the world: the hedonistic, sybaritic Cynis, so typical of others of his House, disgraceful and crude, as well as drunk most of the time. Part of that is true: Sarien is indeed drunk, or attempting to get drunk most of the time, as well as a hedonist, but he's nowhere as shallow as he seems. Or even happy. He hates himself, deep down inside, lacks inner peace or even a focus most of the time. He cannot stand the idea of anyone else being hurt like he was, surprisingly compassionate for a member of House Cynis.

An unstable genius and expert tactician, Sarien's moods swing wildly, and he tends toward melancholy and depression, with no self-esteem or self-worth, with too much compassion besides: he puts more value in others then he does in himself. He knows that he is pretty, and sometimes down deep, believes that's all he is, the pretty shell. To try to erase the emptiness and depression he feels, he turns to alcohol and sex, though consciencely, he tries to deny that being the reason and tries to simply explain it as that he likes pleasure. Part of his desperation to bury himself in sex and have as many lovers as he can, is to try to erase, somehow, his memories of being a child, of being his elder brother Jalide's plaything, tries to prove to himself that he's not going to let Jalide win, that he can still enjoy sex.

He can enjoy it for a little while. And then, sometimes, afterwards, he weeps, when his partner(s) are asleep and cannot see him cry.


He was never quite good enough. Small and fragile, wide-eyed and too pretty for his own good, Sarien was never particularly good at anything as a child. Except, that is, for warming his elder brother Jalide's bed: his sadistic, manipulative sorcerer of an elder brother took a fancy to him, and took what he wanted, bending and breaking his younger brother to his will, shattering his self-esteem and self-worth, and to this day, that is part of how Sarien defines himself. Even after he Exalted (in the middle of a nervous breakdown: he destroyed a good portion of his parents' garden, and in years to come, managed to destroy a lot of things, both with his lack of control over his Essence and unstable moods), that didn't stop his brother. In fact, to make matters worse, it was an open secret what Jalide was doing: people knew, and didn't try to stop him: that has left him embittered towards the rest of his family.

It didn't help his self-esteem any that he proved to be an utter failure at even understanding the basic theory behind sorcery, though Jalide and his other siblings were talented sorcerers. Sarien was, therefore, sent to the House of Bells as an alternative, though he knew that it was because he was a disappointment, had not been able to be what his parents had wanted of him. Ironically, his greatest gift, his extraordinary gift for tactics, was discovered, purely by accident. He understood tactics like he could not understand sorcery, breathed them, understood them as easily as a fish swam in water. But no one had ever given him a chance to prove himself:

Important People

Cynis Falen Jalide- Earth Aspect sorcerer of about half a century in age, Sarien's most hated sibling, subject of his nightmares, and pretty much THE biggest influence on him. Sadistic, cruel, manipulative, obsessive, possessive and just all around a horrible person, Jalide has basically made his younger brother dance on his puppet strings for over two decades. Rape, manipulation, threats, and carefully applied psychological torture are just a few of the tools he's used against Sarien over the years: and as bad as it's been, it's only going to get worse.

Jalide is a little over six and a half feet tall, handsome yet cruel-looking, with longish black hair and green eyes, very obviously an Earth Aspect of impeccable breeding, physically imposing and powerful in build, with a rich, confident baritone voice, carrying himself with perfect, unshakeable confidence. His main resemblance to Sarien comes in the startling color of his eyes: otherwise, the two siblings don't resemble one another. He dresses finely, in dark colors.

Cynis Falen Lianna-One of Sarien's younger siblings, a recently Exalted Wood Aspect of about fourteen, who is now being groomed to attend the Heptagram, she is the only one of his immediate family who Sarien actually likes-in fact, he is quite protective of her, and while he is willing to let bad things happen to him, for being used to it, he will react violently should he find out anyone has harmed her, or tried to harm her. Soft-spoken, kind, sweet, yet strong-willed, Lianna has strangely been not afraid of her publicly unstable older brother, and Sarien has never learned why.

Lianna is a slim, willowy girl with blond hair and green eyes, white roses growing entwined in her long hair, fairly pretty, a Wood Aspect of impeccable breeding, of slender yet wiry build: while she hasn't reached her full growth yet, she promises to be quite tall once she's done growing. She smiles and laughs frequently, sings often-she is a masterful singer-who dresses in white and pink (especially pink) very often.

Other Notes

Sarien is one of the 1-in-1,000 Dragon-Blooded who are Death-touched and can use necromancy. He isn't quite aware of this fact yet.

Experience Management

Total XP: 14
Unspent: 14
Spent: 0