Difference between revisions of "Caelene/WoDtoEx"

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[[/WoDRaksha]] - The fae, although nearly killed off at the end of the Second Age, find new life in the rubbles of the Fifth Age.  What new tales will they spin?
/WoDRaksha - The fae, although nearly killed off at the end of the Second Age, find new life in the rubbles of the Fifth Age.  What new tales will they spin?
[[/WoDLunars]] - Having finally defeated their greatest enemy, the shifters of the old world strive to live on in the new.  What will they discover?
=== Comments ===
=== Comments ===
oh wow! i'm very happy i found your page again. I've been doing some cross over work on my own and i mention your page a few times. I absolutely love this material. come on over and check out what i'm working on sometime - [[PurifiedinMoonlight]]

Revision as of 07:34, 8 November 2005

Yes, it's bare bones atm. I'll be adding more once more is there to be added.

/WoDRaksha - The fae, although nearly killed off at the end of the Second Age, find new life in the rubbles of the Fifth Age. What new tales will they spin?
