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* <b>Kaelan Ehramat</b> was a Patrician in the Realm, and one of the best Entertainers in Pangu District, wanted for all of the good Dynastic Parties.  Until he Exalted as a Solar, in any event, and ran off to the Scavenger Lands where he now serves as a Bard on a Guild Caravan while trying to outpace the Wyld Hunt that he knows is inevitably chasing him.  He wasn’t even able to say goodbye to his family.
* <b>Kaelan Ehramat</b> was a Patrician in the Realm, and one of the best Entertainers in Pangu District, wanted for all of the good Dynastic Parties.  Until he Exalted as a Solar, in any event, and ran off to the Scavenger Lands where he now serves as a Bard on a Guild Caravan while trying to outpace the Wyld Hunt that he knows is inevitably chasing him.  He wasn’t even able to say goodbye to his family.
/RiverSerpent :: a brave ship, and it's Solar Crew!
[[/RiverSerpent]] :: a brave ship, and it's Solar Crew!

Revision as of 09:02, 3 April 2010

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The Scavenger Lands

One of the most forgiving places to be an Exalt; this is still a dangerous place. The Realm will not come here unless the need is great, and even then they favor small groups of experienced and deadly individuals led by a Sidereal Exalted Assassin, or a similarly powerful Dragon-Blooded. You can expect them to be even more experienced than mentioned on the Scenario page, and with more Artifacts to assist them in their hunt. Still, even this can be better than a particularly large and well-supported Wyld Hunt.

More of a Danger is the Immaculate Order out of Lookshy, and the Seventh Legion’s Dragon-Blooded. While it’s hardly the all-consuming drive that it once was in the Realm, Lookshy does engage in it’s own hunts if necessary and the local Immaculate Temple might not agree with the Palace Sublime on everything but it does agree that the Solar Exalted are vile Demon Princes who should be hunted and destroyed lest they destroy the world.

The Scavenger Lands are named such due to the abundance of ruins and remnants of the First Age that remained here after the turning of the Age, but hundreds of years of Scavenger Lords have weeded out the collection to some degree. Even so, a lucky or persistent Scavenger can still find treasures enough to whet the appetite – even the occasional item of real power, laying in some forgotten or ignored area of a Ruin. Maybe the greatest of all of these Ruins is the Empty City, Denandsor; in the country of Melekin just a few weeks travel from Great Forks over grassy plans inhabited by Horsemen. The Treasures that await within Denandsor are great indeed, for any but the most brief excursions are simply impossible as the cities sorcerous curse drives any who visit it mad with fear and sends them screeching from the city. Some who have braved the Empty City also talk of it’s great Automaton Guardians, which still remain active.

Once, though, the Scavenger Lands wore a different name – the River Province, and during the First Age this land was the fertile heartland of the Realm. The Yanaze, the River of Tears, the Grey River, the Maruto River. All of these great expanses of water, and many more, flow across the rolling green terrain in a never ceasing flow toward the Inner Sea. Even today, the Mark of the Waters remains in the region – the coalition of City-States that stays aligned against the Realm and engaged in mutual trade is called the Confederation of Rivers, and River Traders prowl the various waterways in their unceasing quest for profit and new marketplaces.

Threats and Foes in the Scavenger Lands

The Scavenger Lands is a dangerous place, and no few threats await intrepid Solar Exalted who dwell here. Individual enemies of one small part of the Scavenger Lands will be mentioned in the appropriate place; this section is for threats to the Scavenger Lands as a whole, rather than merely to a smaller part of the Scavenger Lands.

  • Ma-Ha-Suchi is one of the greatest threats facing the Scavenger Lands at this point, and from his Nameless Lair he plots the areas conquest at the hands of one of the largest Barbarian Hordes ever assembled. The quest to stop his relentless rampage would be an epic one indeed.
  • The Scarlet Empire is in shambles, but nonetheless has historically been an enemy of the Scavenger Lands. Invaded three times by the forces of the Empress, each time the Legions of the Realm were turned back by the brave people of the Seventh Legion and of the Confederation of Rivers as a whole. Now, the Realm is infighting and nearing Civil War and many find this discomforting. However, is there anything that can bring stability to a war-torn land faster than a war?
  • The Mask of Winters is perhaps the most shadowy of these threats, his exact danger hard to gauge. Just how deadly a foe is he, can he be reasoned with or contained? What does he want, and how far will he go to get it? Questions without answers.

Wandering Scavenger Lands Characters

  • Caern Bondsword, formerly of Greyfalls was a good Soldier in the Realm Garrison in that far off Satrap past the Hundred Kingdoms. Until him and his good friend Mai went off to investigate the Ruins, until he found the Blade, until he took his surname and the Demon Mark blossomed on his forehead. Now he wanders the land with his Horse and his still-loyal friend, righting wrongs and trying to prove that he is not a Demon.
  • Kaelan Ehramat was a Patrician in the Realm, and one of the best Entertainers in Pangu District, wanted for all of the good Dynastic Parties. Until he Exalted as a Solar, in any event, and ran off to the Scavenger Lands where he now serves as a Bard on a Guild Caravan while trying to outpace the Wyld Hunt that he knows is inevitably chasing him. He wasn’t even able to say goodbye to his family.

/RiverSerpent :: a brave ship, and it's Solar Crew!