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>> Mkay then. The pieces are in place. So the UCS says game on.

>> It has been about a week since you departed from the recently discovered Manse that belonged to Camel. Syla has departed from the group already, citing she was needed back at her station due to something starting. As it stands, those with keener eyes will be able to spot what must be your destination within a hour or so.

Five_Pillars walks, leading his Camel, as he moves onward, on foot, his sandls leaving faint impressions in the sand that vanish amost as soon as he moves on, the wind blowing them away. He looks serene. At peace. Some of this may have something to do with the his robes, which are remarkably cool to the touch.

Silence follows after, leading her horse. Ta-dah.

NumberTenCamel sits atop his(her?) mount, cloaked against the wind, Fang of Southern Fury wrapped in rags until it is needed.

Bull keeps pace, long legs propelling him across the sand at roughly a good speed. his broad hat is secured to his shaven head, and billowy long pants flap in the breeze

Scarab once more is riding upon her mount, eyes focused forwards. As what is likely the city of Gem begins to appear in the distance, there is a noticeable sigh of relief that escapes her wrapped mouth.

Five_Pillars says "There's no need to remind you all. But I'm going to anyway. Don't do something flashy and stupid here. Unless you want to get run out of another city."

<Bull> "always an excellent plan."

<Scarab> You do know who you're talking to, right?

Scarab shrugs. "Once we hit the city it's no longer my problem, anyway."

>> Soran continues on near the front of the merry group, remaining silent for now like the rest of you. Eventually a hour or two pass, with nothing eventual happening for once, and you can see the walls of the outer sections of Gem. Farther up along the mountain the city is built next and into buildings and tunnel entrances can be seen, with plenty of activity.

<NumberTenCamel> Hmm. Whyso Scarab?

<GMZack> >> As you approach one of the entrances, you can see a fair amount of guards on duty, waving a few carts loaded to the brim with what must be goods from the mines in the area through while asking travellers why they are coming here and the like. The usual thing with guards.

Scarab licks her lips a moment as she spies the hauls of some of the travelers. "A little unfinished business, my camel riding friend. One that I need to settle myself."

<Scarab> I'm sure you can understand, having just had to settle a grudge of historical proportions not too long ago!

Silence slows her step a bit, eyeing the city. She glances around and frowns. "..." She rubs her horse's neck for a moment, then drops her hand as she keeps walking, a little spooked at the idea of entering this city. Hmph.

NumberTenCamel grunts, eyes betraying a smile. "At least yours is your own business, Scarab. May shade and shadow never be far from you."

<Bull> "Luck be with you."

Five_Pillars nods, but says little, as he travels. "Just try to keep it quiet." He nods. "The fivefold favor the dragons be upon you, friend. until he day we meet again."

Five_Pillars treks on, wondering how long this stay will last. In fact, he asks. "Camel, my friend. How long do you intend to stay in the city, before we set out again?"

Scarab shakes her head. "It's appreciated. But I won't depart until I know you are secured in your new location, along with Soran."

<NumberTenCamel> That would of course, depend on how fast Soran's contacts provide us with information.

<GMZack> >> The group ahead of you is waved through. The head guard turns towards the lot of you. "Morning. What brings you to the city of Gem?"

Five_Pillars says "Business. And Pleasure." He smiles. "We're headed south, to seek our fortunes."

Five_Pillars says "And to spread the light of civilization tot he edges of the world."

Silence comes up beside Five, looking up at the guards wordlessly.

<Bull> "actually, I'm here to give up a fortune."

<Bull> "That is to say, I have to give what little I have to an old family friend."

Silence clears her throat, looking up at Bull, then whispers to the guards, "And seek a healer." She taps her temple lightly.

<Bull> "I ... yes"

Five_Pillars nods, as he pulsl the guard aside. "The dry heat, they say, is good for his brain. And a dreamstone may provide a cure. So did the astrologers say."

Scarab stops her mount and studies the guard once or twice, then chuckles once at Bull's comment. "A fortune indeed. At one of your fine taverns, after a long and tiring journey."

>> The guard blinks a couple of times at the lot of you before glancing at Five, then at Silence, then back at Five. "You brought your daughter through the deserts? You are a braver man than most that come through here."

Five_Pillars says "PErhaps you are unfamilar with my robes."

Five_Pillars assumes the Water Dragon form, as his claws snap out.

>> The guard erks. "Erm. Right. Go on."

>> The guards get out of the way.

Silence glances at the guard, then at Five, then at the guard. She edges away.

Five_Pillars says "I am an immaculate, guarded with protecting the Princess of Silence."

Five_Pillars says "She is in no danger, here. Nor anywhere else."

>> The guards blink before bowing.

>> Soran is hiding his face from view now.

Five_Pillars nods. "Was there anything esle?" He puts his claws away.

>> The head guard straightens. "Er, nothing else sir. Please, enjoy your stay." He turns towards Silence, bowing slightly again. "And welcome to our fine city, Princess."

Silence smiles up at the guards and takes the reins of her horse again, glancing behind her at Soran.

>> Soran just starts walking, perfectly straight faced.

NumberTenCamel waits until the others pass by, then holding back for a moment looks one of the guards in the eye, voice crackling like a bonfire, fires dancing in his eyes. "You did not see us. Hesieh bless you all"

>> The guard nods before they quickly wave you through and proceed to the next group.

Scarab just bows her head thankfully and grins once at Five, though you don't see it really underneath her scarf. She prods her mount forward into the city gates, hopefully without further incident.

Bull continues forward

>> As you pass through the gates into the city proper, the hustle and bustle of the only major center of civilization this far South. Vendors hawk their wares in the streets, the gem sellers under the watchful eye of more than one guard. Armed mercenaries walk the streets, and you spot what must be a dragon blooded as Soran begins to lead you through the streets and into the massive tunnels carved into the mountain.

>> "We just need to stop at a friend's of mine before we find somewhere to rest. He met Diamond when he came into this city, so..."

Five_Pillars bows to the Prince of the Earth, and then follows Soran.

NumberTenCamel nods.

Silence glances sideways at Soran. "What sort of friend?"

>> Soran glances at Silence. "Close friend of mine from when I lived here, Princess. He's an alright guy."

Silence frowns at the title of Princess, but doesn't comment on that particular thing. "Is he as nosy as you?"

Scarab is alert as always, examining the faces of the crowd, as well as the wares of more than a few merchants as she rides the camel slowly by. After a bit of this, she glances Soran's way again as he mentions Diamond's name.

>> Soran raises an eyebrow. "Maybe. You decide that for yourself." He glances around, hrming before he begins to head towards a decently sized building carved out of the walls of the tunnel, with a sign with the emblem of a sword and axe above the doorway. "Here we are."

Five_Pillars considers doing some work, while he's here.

Bull looks about as he walks. he tries to look smaller than he is, but uh, yeah.

Five_Pillars follows Soran in.

>> Soran heads in, Five following him it seems.

Bull ducks his head and enters

Scarab dismounts carefully, dusting her cloak off a bit and following the others inside. "I'd like to see this man you speak so highly of..."

Silence trails after.

NumberTenCamel dismounts, patting his camel and telling it to stay put before following

>> You find yourselves in a decently well sized room. Weapons are on display on the back wall, behind the counter, all seeming to be of excellent if not top quality. No one can be seen at the counter at the moment, but the sound of hammering from the room behind the open doorway to the left of the counter can be heard. Soran raises an eyebrow before he calls out. "Hey! Obsidian!"

Bull looks around quietly, taking mental stock of everything in the room to keep himself occupied

>> The hammering stops, and a few moments later a very large and muscled man steps through the door as he runs a hand through his dark hair. Not as big as Bull, but pretty damn big all the same. He is dressed in the typical fashion, with an apron on his front full of what must be the grime and such from smithing. He raises an eyebrow as his black eyes take you all in before he spots Soran and grins.

>> "Soran! What brings you back to this hole in the mountain? I thought you were up at The Lap putting something else together!"

Scarab eyes the craftsmanship of the arms & armor from a distance, hmming to herself softly. She also takes this occasion to remove the wrappings from her bronze face and return the scarf to it's usual place, swathed around her neck.

>> Soran shakes his head. "Things didn't turn out so well." He glances at the group. "This guy is the friend I was telling you all about. Obsidian Majestic, these are some of the people I brought in with the thing with Diamond." Obsidian nods as he looks at you. "And what might your names be, mm?"

Five_Pillars says "Ragara Miln."

<NumberTenCamel> Call me Number Ten Camel.

Five_Pillars bows, ever so slightly.

Scarab leans one arm on the counter. "Since you are Soran's friend, you can just call me Scarab."

Silence hesitates while everyone else introduces themselves.

<Bull> "Bull."

>> He grins, nodding to each of you in turn before turning to look at Silence, crouching a bit so they are face to face. "And you, little one?" He glances at Soran. "Don't tell me you got a kid involved in that." Soran just shakes his head.

Five_Pillars says "She has no name."

Silence widens her eyes as the great man crouches next to her, and whispers, "..." She stops, as Five answers, glancing at him.

Five_Pillars nods, closing the matter.

>> Obsidian glances at Five, raising an eyebrow before he nods, standing. "And where's Diamond?"

Scarab looks down a bit, frowning.

Five_Pillars pauses a moment. "He fell."

Bull keeps an eye on the other big man

>> Soran rummages through is pack before withdrawing Diamond's hooked swords, the blades now ruined beyond repair as they are shattered and half melted. He holds them out to Obsidian, shaking his head. "He left the group, and ran across a few deathknights." Obsidian opens his mouth to ask something before Soran just nods. The big man nods, frowning as he takes the ruined blades. "He was a good kid. Plenty of laughs with him, when he

>> He sighs.

<Scarab> I pulled his feet from the fire once, but unfortunately he took one risk too many.... sorry, Obsidian.

Five_Pillars says "He went off alone." He sighs. "And now, he is alone."

>> Obsidian nods as he sets the blades down on the counter. "So what brings you all here, then?"

Bull shrugs. still unsure of who he can speak to

>> Soran manages a faint grin. "Catch our breaths from travelling, and to dig up some information. Can you recommend a place to stay in the meantime?" Obsidian nods. "Gem's Delight. Down the road to the left. Huge sign with a gem on it. You going to talk to the rest of the crew?" Soran nods before glancing at the others. "I need to go see what I can dig up. I'll meet you at the Delight in about two hours or so. That sound alright?"

<NumberTenCamel> As you wish.

Five_Pillars says "I have business to attend to. But I will be there then."

>> Soran nods, and with a another nod towards Obsidian heads out the door and back into the big city.

<Bull> "I could use the time to work on my excercises."

Scarab nods once, though she turns her gaze back to Obsidian. "I'd like to talk with you at some point in the future, when things calm down."

>> Obsidian nods to Scarab, smiling slightly. "Sure, Miss Scarab. So do you all need anything?"

Five_Pillars says "Perhaps permission to use your shop, if you don't mind the company." He says "I'm getting a bit rusty."

>> He grins. "I see no problems there. Especially if you are a friend of Soran's."

<Scarab> Hah. Old man here is quite the steady hand at a forge. You'd probably become good friends.

Five_Pillars nods. "Good." Then he turns to go. "I will see you all in two hours time."

NumberTenCamel dusts himself off. "I'll go arrange rooms then, and have a drink."

Five_Pillars smiles, gently at Scarab, as he goes, winking.

NumberTenCamel leaves quietly.

Silence trails along with Camel silently.

Bull goes along!

Scarab makes a small gesture to Obsidian and Five and exits with camel, obviously liking his idea. Got to loosen up before getting down to some long awaited planning.

>> Obsidian leads Five into the back to show him his forge and the like.

Five_Pillars takes a look, and then goes to see a man about a horse. Or something.

>> And so time moves a lot faster than it normally does. By the power of summary, you all eventually find yourselves in a room at the Gem's Delight, as Soran steps in with a slight grin.

Bull is resting in lotus position on the floor

NumberTenCamel sips a glass of wine, relaxing.

Scarab is leaning up against one of the walls of the room. You get the distinct feeling she might vanish at any time, a restlessness huanting her mannerisms. But for the moment, she yet remains among you.

<NumberTenCamel> You seem pleased. Have you found out anything useful?

Scarab is roused from her deep thoughts by Soran's entrance. "A smile. Now that's something I haven't seen in awhile."

Silence looks over at Soran, arching an eyebrow.

>> Soran nods as he shuts the door behind him. "Your parents are still among the living, and the Fair Folk who holds them is one by the name of Manli, of the Flashing Blades. Relatively minor in the scheme of things." He grins slightly. "He's due to be at a settlement a bit more south of this city in three weeks. The settlement is only about a week away, and isn't in the Wyld. Close though. So you've got plenty of time to prepare."

Five_Pillars says "Why is he coming forth?" He considers. "The Guild?"

>> Soran glances at Five. "General opinion is to get a few more slaves for himself and to keep the place in line, so to speak. If the Guild is involved, no one I asked knew about it."

NumberTenCamel grips Fang tightly, lips parting in something like a grin, only with no humour present. "Excellent.."

<Scarab> More of your fairy friends coming to party, eh?

NumberTenCamel snorts.

Silence shifts her weight, coming away from the wall and stepping a little more into the flickering light. "How close to the Wyld?"

Five_Pillars says "Yes. I don;t know about you all, but I like the things I carry to stay exactly that."

>> Soran glances at Silence. "About... four, possibly five days away to the nearest Wyld inflicted area. It should be safe, but you'll probably encounter a few things screwed up by the Wyld that close."

Scarab smirks. "Sounds like something I could help with, but afraid I've got to pass on this one."

Five_Pillars nods. "Fare well then, Scarab." He claps her hand, with his own. "Until we meet again."

>> He then shifts his gaze towards Scarab, nodding. "I've got a lead for you in that regard. Ask around for the gem merchant Danris. He has dealings with the people you're looking for."

NumberTenCamel nods to Scarab. "In the end, this is my fight. I will be glad of any aid others give, but I hold no oaths or authority other you all."

<Scarab> Oh really Soran?

Five_Pillars says "I will go with you, my friend." He nods to Camel. "As I said."

Scarab raises an eyebrow. "Good to know... but don't worry about me. You have greater things to concern yourself with for now."

>> Soran nods. "Yep. He should be able to get you going on finding them all." He glances at Camel. "I wish I could, friend, but I have plenty of time to make up for to catch up with Laria and Ciel. Syla probably will try to keep in touch with you guys, once the checks on her domain to see if she warrants promotion are done."

<NumberTenCamel> We will return here afterwards, if we can, I would think. What of the rest of you?

Five_Pillars says "Fare well, Soran. Perhaps we will meet again." He nods to Soran, and the looks at Silence.

Silence looks at Camel and nods.

Scarab looks around the room at everyone. "I don't intend to waste any more time acting on this information. This is goodbye, then."

>> Soran nods, looking at you each in turn. "Try not to get into too much trouble, alright?"

Bull says "I will go with you. Perhaps I will find the end of my task. And perhaps not. But I would not leave such companions as these lightly."

<Five_Pillars> He nods, and then goes back to being tall, and not very witty

Five_Pillars says, mildly. "Go, Soran. All debts are repaid."

<NumberTenCamel> I will surely enter trouble. None that I shall not get out of, I hope though.

>> Soran nods. "I figured Camel. Until we meet again then." He opens the door, and woosh, there goes someone on a mission.

<Scarab> I will have my eyes on you all though... *she leers a bit at Silence* especially you.

Five_Pillars says "Just beware ladies bearing gifts, by friend." He looks at Scarab mildly.

Five_Pillars doesn't mention Ciel. Or Diamond. But then, he really doesn't have to, does he?

Scarab folds her arms, looking serious yet also somewhat amused by something. "That depends on whom the lady is, old man. You'll see what I mean in time."

Five_Pillars nods to Camel. "Drop on by the Forge, later, when you get a chance. We have much to talk about." He turns to Silence "But for now, child, I have something to show you."

Silence eyes Five, canting her head.

<NumberTenCamel> Mmmf. Maybe once I've found somewhere in this town I can get a nice massage.

<NumberTenCamel> But I'll see all three of you later.

Five_Pillars nods. "Be safe, and be well, my friend."

<Scarab> When next we meet, only the shadows know... Until then!

Scarab then fishes out a small, modified fire grenade from her pouch and hurls it at the ground. It cracks and releases a bunch of noxious smoke. When it clears, the figure of the 'Camel Spider' is no longer there before you... only the last dying wisps of a bit of golden Essence and firedust.

NumberTenCamel chuckles. "Show-off."

Silence grins. "Cute."

Five_Pillars smiles. "Well. We will see her again. I am sure of it."

NumberTenCamel finishes his wine. "I'm going to look around a few stalls, see what's available. Later, all."

NumberTenCamel stands and leaves, cloak flowing out behind him.

Silence watches Camel go.

>> That's where we end, because now I'm ready to tear someone apart limb to limb.