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Scarab sits astride the the sandy shore of the oasis they have found for the night, dipping her hand in the cool water once and tasting it. Satisfied, she begins to pour some into a canteen or two from her waistpouch. Leaning down, it is obvious how bundled up she is, for the chill desert night is just as unforgiving in it's own way as the sun-seared day.

Five_Pillars comes over, his anima still glowing around him, though it subsides even as he walks through the sand. "Not enough for a full caravan. Or so Camel says. Hopefully we'll be unmolested"

Scarab doesn't look up at Five just yet, concentrating on what she is doing and not spilling any of the vital life-giving liquid. The only thing is a curt sigh.

<Scarab> It's really hard, this life. On the run in a different way...

Scarab caps off her container, taking one more sip with her hand. "But it wouldn't feel right without a little bit of danger, either."

Five_Pillars says "Speaking of which." He considers. "What are your plans, once we reach Gem?" He says "Your oath only held you when freeing the Lap was still possible."

Scarab finally shoots a glance Five's way, face partially concealed by her rough scarf. Beneath the tough exterior, you catch a glint of something in her green eyes.

<Scarab> I've... a little unfinished business there.

<Scarab> Nothin' to do with Soran and all of you, though.

Five_Pillars says "Well, Soran's going to go his own way too, I think."

Five_Pillars says "For at least a little while."

<Scarab> He's carrying his own baggage.. a lot more than I originally counted on. I don't think my dealings with him are over for good...

Scarab puts the canteen away and while doing so reveals the Rainbow Jewel, which has started to glow softly.

Five_Pillars says "You going to hang on to that?"

<Scarab> This jewel... so much revolves around it. I almost died, became Exalted and now all of this... all of it would never of happened if I didn't find this thing.

Five_Pillars says "And?"

Scarab folds her hands. "Tell me Five. You're up on this things. Just what is the connection between these jewels and Soran? It's been doing that since the battle ended."

Scarab snubs a thumb to the desert wastes at her back. "I woulda asked Diamond boy about his jewel doing similar, but he up and left when I was resting."

Five_Pillars says "Left?!"

<Scarab> Believe me, I looked. He must have had something really important to even move that quick in such a wounded state.

Five_Pillars frowns. "Which way did he go? Back to the Lap? Towards Gem? or somewhere out there?" He points.

<Scarab> Sorry, Five I don't know. Any normal person would have left discernable traces. Maybe he went to gather some food or medicinal plants and will come back soon.

Scarab shrugs. "That battle with Tanoi or whatever she calls herself must've messed with his head. I'd want to take a walk after it, to."

Five_Pillars says "Yeah. Do me a favor." He says "Don't get any ideas about Soran. I'd hate to have you join his other two girlfriends"

Scarab actually cracks her cool demeanor with a laugh.

<Scarab> That's the last place I'll end up, old man.

Scarab calms herself, back into serious mode and looking at the waters and her reflection. "I know where following others too closely and naively will end you up..."

Five_Pillars says "Well. That's up to you." He considers for a moment. "So you think you'll strike off on your own, once we reach Gem, then?"

<Scarab> Normally these kinds of problems wouldn't be a problem to me, but I have this burning desire to set the things that wronged me right...

Five_Pillars says "Fair enough. You're not the same woman you were, before. With great power, comes great responsibility:

Scarab frowns. "It's actually scary, in a way. Why am I a hero?"

<Scarab> There's a voice inside me not my own sometimes.

Five_Pillars says "BEcause you choose to be. because you're going to set things right."

Scarab looks at Five Pillars, definitely struggling with her words. "I'm certainly no idealist like Diamond and Soran.. and no fountain of wisdom like yourself. I'm just a tough street urchin who wanted something more out of life than a small shack in a bad neighborhood."

Five_Pillars says "And you were /excellent/. The unconquered sun does not exalt mediocrity."

Five_Pillars says "What you choose to do with that power though, is up to you."

Scarab folds her arms. "Mmm. Have you heard of the legendary terrors of the caravan routes, the Scintillating 77 gem gang by any chance?"

Five_Pillars says "A little."

<Scarab> I ran with the best, thought I would be famous... and then they turned their backs on me.

Five_Pillars says "Why?"

<Scarab> Left me to take the fall at Paragon... to die in the desert so they could line their pockets. I was young and foolish to believe I could ever have been one of them.

Scarab smirks once. "When the chips were down, only the Sun was really on my side. It showed me who my true friends in this world were."

Five_Pillars nods. "So you're going back to finish things?"

Scarab nods several times. "That's right. I'm going to show them what they have sown and what they now reap."

Five_Pillars says "That was the role of your caste, long ago. Bringing justice to those who hiud from the sun under cloak of night."

<Scarab> The shadows are a scary place... not for everyone. To navigate it's twisting tunnels without becoming lost in it takes a special person. I suppose I have been chosen because of that quality...

Scarab makes a small fist. "I can assure you, not all of them are guilty. In time, they may even become our allies."

Five_Pillars says "Redeem who you can. Wanton bloodshed is not the way."

Scarab shakes her head. "No! That is the way of THEM, those freakish death mongers. I kill because I have a damn good reason."

Five_Pillars nods. "Exactly."

Five_Pillars says "I think I'll be heading deeper South, for a time."

Five_Pillars says "However. If we cross paths again, I will be honored to have you at my back."

<Scarab> I can't escape this path I'm on... promises or not, I'm going to be drawn back.

Five_Pillars nods. "Well. We still have some time, until we reach Gem."

Five_Pillars says "And yes. I think, eventually, our paths will cross again." He smiles, as he extends his hand.

Scarab studies the old man a moment before shaking it firmly, with a confident half-smile.

<Five_Pillars> He grins. "And now, I need to find Camel, and make sure he's okay. He's not run off too, is he?"

Scarab waves him off. "Nah. He was watering the mounts just a little bit earlier."

Five_Pillars nods. "Keep an eye open in case those two dead onces follow us." He heads over to check on Camel, and the camels.

Scarab nods, seemingly used to keeping the night shift...