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Latest revision as of 01:18, 6 April 2010
Automatically adds the br tag to the end of each line, for easier conversion to wiki format.
/******************************************************************************* * Name.......: auto_br_adder.c * * * * Description: C program to automatically add <br> before a return. * * * * Author.....: Orginally Scott Brueckner and modified by Martin Harber * * * * Date.......: 02/02/2007 * * * * Arguments..: int argc = Count of command line arguments * * char *argv[] = Array of pointers to command line arguments * * argv[0] = path to executable * * argv[1] = name of file to process * * * * Return.....: int: 0 = normal completion * * 1 = error occurred * * * * Compilers..: Visual C++ 6.0 (Win32) * * * * Notes......: This program opens the text file specified in argv[1]. It * * stores the results in a file named output_br.txt * * Some code based on an example read.c by Scott Brueckner * * * *******************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #define CR 13 /* Decimal code of Carriage Return char */ #define LF 10 /* Decimal code of Line Feed char */ #define [[EOF_MARKER]] 26 /* Decimal code of DOS end-of-file marker */ #define [[MAX_REC_LEN]] 1024 /* Maximum size of input buffer */ int [[ReadAndBRFile]](FILE *input, FILE *output); void [[FPrintLine]](char *sz[[ReadLine]], long lSize, FILE *output); void syntax(void); /******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /******************************************************************************/ { char *outputName = "output_br.txt"; FILE *input[[FilePtr]]; /* Pointer to input file */ FILE *output[[FilePtr]]; /* Pointer to output file */ if (argc < 2) /* All arguments are required */ { syntax(); return 1; } input[[FilePtr]] = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if (input[[FilePtr]] == NULL ) /* Could not open file */ { printf("Error opening %s: %s (%u)\n", argv[1], strerror(errno), errno); return 1; } output[[FilePtr]] = fopen(outputName, "w"); if (!output[[FilePtr]]) { printf("There was a problem opening %s for writing\n", outputName); } [[ReadAndBRFile]](input[[FilePtr]], output[[FilePtr]]); fclose(input[[FilePtr]]); fclose(output[[FilePtr]]); } /******************************************************************************/ int [[ReadAndBRFile]](FILE *input, FILE *output) /* Use: Read text file using */ /* fread() */ /* */ /* Arguments: FILE *input */ /* Pointer to input file */ /* */ /* Return: int */ /* 0 = error */ /* 1 = success */ /******************************************************************************/ { long l[[FileLen]]; /* Length of file */ long lIndex; /* Index into c[[ThisLine]] array */ char c[[ThisLine]][[[MAX_REC_LEN]]]; /* Contents of current line */ char *cFile; /* Dynamically allocated buffer (entire file) */ char *c[[ThisPtr]]; /* Pointer to current position in cFile */ fseek(input, 0L, [[SEEK_END]]); /* Position to end of file */ l[[FileLen]] = ftell(input); /* Get file length */ rewind(input); /* Back to start of file */ cFile = calloc(l[[FileLen]] + 1, sizeof(char)); if (cFile == NULL ) { printf("\nInsufficient memory to read file.\n"); return 0; } fread(cFile, l[[FileLen]], 1, input); /* Read the entire file into cFile */ c[[ThisPtr]] = cFile; /* Point to beginning of array */ lIndex = 0L; /* Reset counters and flags */ while (*c[[ThisPtr]]) /* Read until reaching null char */ { if (*c[[ThisPtr]] == CR || *c[[ThisPtr]] == LF) { c[[ThisLine]][lIndex++] = '<'; c[[ThisLine]][lIndex++] = 'B'; c[[ThisLine]][lIndex++] = 'R'; c[[ThisLine]][lIndex++] = '>'; c[[ThisLine]][lIndex++] = '\x0D'; c[[ThisLine]][lIndex] = '\x0A'; *c[[ThisPtr]]++; if(*c[[ThisPtr]]) { if(*c[[ThisPtr]] == CR || *c[[ThisPtr]] == LF) { *c[[ThisPtr]]++; } } [[FPrintLine]](c[[ThisLine]], lIndex, output); lIndex = 0L; /* Reset counters and flags */ } else { c[[ThisLine]][lIndex++] = *c[[ThisPtr]]++; /* Add char to output and increment */ } } return 1; } /******************************************************************************/ void [[FPrintLine]](char *sz[[ReadLine]], long lSize, FILE *output) /******************************************************************************/ { char *cLine = calloc(lSize+1, sizeof(char)); strncpy(cLine, sz[[ReadLine]], lSize); fprintf(output, "%s", cLine); } /******************************************************************************/ void syntax(void) /* Print correct command line syntax */ /******************************************************************************/ { printf("\nSyntax: auto_br_adder [[FileName]]"); return; } /* end syntax() */