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Bone Lotus Association

Type: Abyssal
Styles: Black Messiah, Hungry Ghost, Laughing Wounds, etc.
Dojo: The Monastary of the Bone Lotus
Sifu: The Lone Walker of Tenebrous Ranges

What the quick do while living, so too do the dead do in the Underworld. Just as there are an untold number of dojos and martial arts societies in the skinlands, so there are also an unlimited number among the denizens of the deadlands, altho only a relative handful of Heroic Ghosts can hope to truly recapture the passion their training instilled in them while alive; most ghostly martial artists practice their styles as the dead do everything else, wanly going through the remembered motions of training and sparring...

Of these Underworld dojos, the most renowned and exclusive is a large monastery in the middle of a bleak plain somewhere in the Southern Underworld. Here, those few Heroic Ghosts who can rise above their dead nature endlessly practice their forms and spar, seeking to forge their corpuses and Arcanoi into deadly combat skills. Any living who turn up on these hallowed grounds are politely, but firmly turned away.

Which is fortunate for them, for the Monastery is actually the Citadel for the foremost martial artist among the Deathlords, The Lone Walker of Tenebrous Ranges. Unlike most such sites, it has little in the way of defenses, and needs little. First of all, there is little enough here to protect. Secondly, the skill of the dead monks is more than enough to repel most of the Underworlds' threats. And should they fail, there are always the other guests to deal with...

In the last five years, the rule against the living has been given an exception. Deathknights are allowed by the word of the Walker himself, so long as they leave their rivalries outside and dedicate themselves earnestly to improving their martial skills while residing. And if they *must* spy and conspire while resting, the Walker doesn't care, as he has no secrets or plans to hide.

(Indeed, the Walker is rarely even present. Most of the time, he wanders the Labyrinth, wrestling Hekatetonhires and the like. When he does show up, he normally meditates in his rock garden, or quietly watches the sparring, sometimes speaking up to offer penetrating criticism or advice.)

Abyssal Exalted may come here to learn and trade styles of Celestial and Terrestrial level, including Ashen Scorpion, Ghost-Tiger, and Twin Tongues of Pyreflame Styles. Ever since the Abyssals starting training here, the Green Lady has been known to occasionally show up, altho she simply smirks and says little. So far, none of the Deathknights' taunts have been able to move her to take the floor and give them a *real* demonstration of skill...

Every 100 years, trained Pyre Hawks deliver invitations to attend the Tournament of Bone Lotuses. The Queens and Princes of all the Nations of the Dead, including the Deathlords, travel with their impressive entourages, to fill the enormous stadium the Walker necromantically calls into being.

There, they watch the greatest fighters among the dead battle it out to determine the best of the best. Many send their champions against those of their neighbors, allowing the outcome to determine the fate of nations; others scout out impressive fighters for bodyguards or to lead their armies.

The time is drawing near for the next Tournament, but this will be the first time that Deathknights will compete. Unlike most things associated with the Monastery, the Tournament is open to all, living, gods, whatever; but few in the skinlands have even heard of this contest, and they would not dare attend. But now that the Abyssal and Solar Exalted are in the world, anything can happen...

The stakes are great, as are the rewards. Among the ghosts, the winners get (in addition to much Face) the losers Grave Goods, while the losers are Soulforged into weapons per the winners' specifications. Deathlords will place their inscrutable wagers on how their Deathknights do, and doubtless each has their own unique reward or punishment for their minion's performances.

Throughout it all, The Walker sits on his raised dias, sipping ghostflower tea, the black lion that is his Hun dozing next to him, watching, waiting, for one impressive enough to make him take the stage personally...

The Eminently Sober Tenders of Homesteads

Type: Business
Styles: Falling Blossom, White Veil
Dojos: Many Academies throughout the Threshold

The Sober Tenders are one of Creation's best kept secrets. As far as most of the world knows, they are simply a highly prestigious organization that trains servants for the wealthy and powerful, and graduates of their academies may be found throughout the Threshold, and even in the Realm.

What most do not know is that, in addition to their training in impeccable taste and legendary unflappable composure, they are all heavily trained in combat, as well.

Whether employed as butlers, valets, maids or nannies, all of these exceptional servants also secretly serve as bodyguards, spies and occasionally assassins of the highest caliber.

Nearly all of the Tenders are Mortal or Heroic Mortal, and have had their Essence awakened, usually through Ascetic means. The society has covertly amassed a wealth of information on its clients, as well as an enormous amount of material wealth and influence.

Should they wish, they could easily throw an entire Region of the Threshold into chaos. But exactly what their goals are, or who really controls them, is as yet unknown...

The Floating Arena

Type: Dueling Club
Styles: First Pulse, Hero Styles, Various
Dojo: Varies
Sifu: Damok the Crusher

Most dueling clubs scoff at the very mention of the Floating Arena, saying that it doesn't merit the title of "dueling club". It lets virtually any lowborn rabble participate, has precious few rules, no authorization to conduct its tournaments, no fixed abode and no one can learn anything about this mysterious "Crusher" who runs it.

These are all pluses as far as those who fight in it are concerned.

The Floating Arena is constantly on the move, moving from city to city, region to region. It may be found only by those wise to the streets (Larceny 3 or better), and is never found in the same location twice.

Anyone can participate, mortals, Exalts and stranger things are all welcome. You don't need good standing in society, and there's no fee, just bring a strong desire and ability to fight.

Nothing is known about the huge, quiet man called Crusher, save that he travels to each town, finds a suitable basement, rooftop, sewer, ally or other out ofthe way place to hold his tourney, and only officiates over the fights, never taking part himself.

Some say he is a minor God of dueling, gaining a cult, while others say he is a Raksha feeding off the Valor of the arena. None know for certain, but all taking part are compelled to obey his rules and rulings...

The rules are simple: Only two fight at a time. Each fight begins and ends when Crusher says it does. Each fighter is unarmed and unarmored, unless both wish otherwise. And if it's your first night at the Floating Arena...you have to fight.

There are no prizes here, only the respect of your fellow combatants and the cheers of the crowd. Fighters who have impressed Crusher have been seen leaving with him, presumably to receive special training from the master...

The Floating Bottles

Type: Criminal (Pirate)
Styles: Seafaring Hero, Orgiastic Fugitive
Dojo: The Drunken Whore (small pirate corsair)
Sifu: Don Ragara Amelik

After Ragara Amelik got himself drummed out of the Imperial Navy after a long, rambling, drunken public speech, he spent most of his time getting his ass kicked in various low-life saloons. Until one day, an old man took him aside and inspired him with new purpose...

A year later, a (somewhat recovered) "Don" Amelik used all his considerable charm and talent to gain ownership of a seaworthy yacht and crew...both of which he immediately transformed into pirates!

But not just any sort of pirates. The crew of the Drunken Whore are hardcore hedonists, and they started a party of legendary length that continues to this day, whether sailing, invading another ship or coming into dock. Many who are being boarded by obviously carousing, inebriated crew are so stunned that they may believe this display to be a joke...until its too late.

Amelik has declared a one-pirate ship war against the Realm's shipping, altho sometimes he and his crew become so stupdified by their excesses that they raid a ship of some other power by mistake. Upon realizing this, they'll usually replace what they took and contritely leave...

Amelik is a Water-aspected Terrestrial. His men are Heroic Mortals who use drugs such as Celestial Cocaine to unlock their true potential...

The Marukan Marshals

Type: Elite Police Order
Styles: Golden Exhalation, Lightning Hoof, Constricting Lariet
Dojo: A Fort-Manse in the Marukan Alliance

The Marukan Marshals are an elite brotherhood of Circuit Riders who have banded together to hunt down outlaws who have escaped beyond the borders of Marukan authority and bring them back to justice, alive if they can, dead if they must.

Prospective members must not only be up to the exacting standards of normal Circuit Riders, but must be recommended by a current or retired Marshal, be an initiate into GES and LHS, and able to learn CLS, an original martial art created by the Marshals for capturing and restraining targets, whose Form Weapons are chain & rope weapons, thrown restraining weapons and whips (and their Artifact versions).

Members also specialize in Investigation and Larceny. As with the Circuit Riders, most are Terrestrials, but Heroic Mortals and Godblooded of good character and talent are welcome. All carry special badges and official documentation that authorizes them to hunt their quarry to foreign locations.

The Rising Shadow Society

Type: Espionage
Styles: Fivefold Shadow Hand, Night Breeze, White Veil, Ill Lily
Dojo: The Shrine of Teng
Sifu: Master Karas

Not all Lunar Elders find an easy fit in the Factions of the Silver Pact. Master Karas is one such, who finds his ideas somewhere between the Wardens of Gaia and the Winding Path, but not truly of either.

Karas, a crow-totem Murr-ya, sees no reason to restrict ones social experiments to any particular region, and so is attempting to create an organization that, much like the Guild, straddles all Creation. And whose services, also like the Guild, Creation soon cannot do without. If mere mortals could attain such a thing, then surely the Lunars can do better still?

Karas' experiment is still in its infancy, however. He has claimed a heavily forested mountain in a Bordermarch, and made it quietly known that those fleeing trouble are welcome there. Watching and walking in myriad forms, and withthe help of his Godblooded children, Karas has created a small, precarious community of former thieves, bandits and even a couple of Wyld mutants.

Karas intends these refugees to be the beginning and backbone of his movement: The creation of a mobile army of intelligence gatherers whose stealth and guile is matchless among mortals. Using Thaumaturgical aides and awakening their Essence, he will teach them Terrestrial Martial Arts charms that will put them far ahead of any non-Exalted competition.

But he will need field leaders to organize and lead his Mission. Any Lunars who are able to follow the elaborate clues he has planted and to track him down to the hidden mountain shrine is considered for instruction. The small handful who have passed his subtle tests (which includes seeing through his Crow People children's charms disguising them as normal humans, and slipping past them unseen without harming them) and pledges loyalty to him and his cause have become his lieutenants, bound by him into a Pack called The Rising Shadows.

Each of the Rising Shadows is initiated into both NightBreeze Style and Fivefold Shadow Hand Style MA, altho only two have mastered both completely. One is now working on Ill Lily Style, while the other learns White Veil Style...So far, Master Karas has taught no one Ebon Shadow, which he seems to reserve for his own use...

Like many Elders, he has many spells, artifacts, hearthstones and other gifts to give, as well as a fresh and unique point-of-view, so almost all of the young Lunars who have heard of him (or were manipulated by him into doing so!) eagerly leap at the chance to learn from him and increase their Reputation. However, only time will tell if his dreams and ambition pay off and are of true benefit to Creation...

The Scarlet Sabre Society

Type: Dueling Club
Style: Even Blade, Violet Bier of Sorrows, Scarlet Sabre Style, many others
Dojo: The Mouth of Swords
Sifu: Master Dreadwing

There is a cave, deep in the rocky forests of the North, where those who wish to attain the highest swordsmanship eventually go...

It is the home of the Full Moon Dreadwing. He rarely takes the field of battle, earning his considerable reknown in two ways:

First, the Bat-totem is one of The foremost sword instructors in Creation, or out of it. Even gods and demons have come to learn at his feet, but he will not turn away mortals or even Terrestrials who can overcome the fear of learning from Anathema.

Secondly, he is one of the greatest swordsmiths in the Tellurian. His manse has an armory bristling with the deadly wonders he has crafted. None are for sale, tho he will give them to warriors if he feels their cause is just.

He can craft any style sword from virtually any substance, from a Perfect Glass Sword to a Soulsteel Grand Daiklave. He asks no fee, only that clients prove themselves worthy by gathering all the materials while he purifies himself and his forge...

Dreadwing's methods of swordplay instruction are harsh but lasting. Students often begin by learning to use unattuned weapons; when they no longer notice the weight, attuned weapons are that much swifter in their hands...

Much of his tutoring occurs in the darkness of the cave-manse, where he teaches blindfighting (many of his best students fight best when blindfolded, out of habit), fighting upside down on the ceiling, and other manuevers other schools find bizarre or impossible.

Dreadwing has mastered virtually every sword technique in Creation and has invented his own. He has even gained great reknown by seducing the secrets of Even Blade Style from each of its three creators!

He always teaches each student a style appropriate to them and to the limits of their abilities. Those rare mortals and Terrestrials he deems worthy, however, are subjected to an intense training regimen to allow them to master Terrestrial and Celestial styles, respectively.

Some debate whether Master Dreadwing's disciples really qualify as a "School" or "Society", both because of the diversity of the styles taught and because of the fact that most never meet each other, and he only trains a few at a time, at most. However, there is little doubt that should he ever feel the need to call upon them, he will have a formidable army at his beck and call...

The Scarlet Veil Society

Type: Espionage
Styles: White Veil, Ill Lily, Scarlet Veil
Dojo: The Palace of Sighing Drapes
Sifu: Cynis Hepzibah

The Scarlet Veil Society is a small outgrowth of the White Veil Society (that is, if any such thing existed). Founded by playgirl socialite Cynis Hepzibah when her fortunes suffered a devasting blow and she was exiled from the Realm as part of a WVS shadow war gambit (the fact that she was merely collateral damage and not even the actual target, was even more galling to her).

Relocating to the Threshold, she quickly established herself as a social force to be reckoned with and drew many into her fold. Hepzibah now runs the most fashionable, infamous brothel in her part of the Threshold. Whether in the bedrooms, gambling chambers or music rooms, careers and fortunes are made and lost under her roof.

In addition to teaching those among her girls who can learn them, some of WV and IL martial arts charms, she also teaches her own variant of WVS, Scarlet Veil Style.

Scarlet Veil Style martials arts focusses on the actual acts of seduction and loveplay; its practioners specialize in melting the coldest hearts and binding them to the user so as to make willing slaves.

SV users can place the body into a prolonged ecstatic state, wherein one is exceptionally suceptible to questioning and implanted commands...In Form Weapons include Acupuncture Needles, one's own hair (which can be strengthened with Essence and used to garrote a victim in the throes of ecstacy) and, occasionally, the tongue...

The Urchin Irregulars

Type: Criminal
Styles: None, yet...
Dojo: Various ruins in Chiaroscuro
Sifu: Seven Veils

While laying low after a daring heist, the Night-caste thief Seven Veils hid out in the slums of Chiaroscuro, where she grew up. Witnessing a beggar child about to be severly punished for some small act of theft, she rescued him...

It began as a small whim to wile away the time, but she began teaching the boy the tricks and tools of the trade, and was surprised to discover she had a true knack for instruction. He soon brought his friends around, and she soon found herself instructing entire classes full of disheveled orphans...

There is a neighborhood in Chiaroscuro where robbery has just gotten a lot more organized and efficient. So much so that few suspect it could be the work of the many orphans milling about...

Seven Veils is about to take her show on the road. After all, stealing from the poor doesn't sit well with her, and isn't profitable, not when there are so many richer neighborhoods out there!

Her small army of Irregulars are essentially Tiger Warriors, with emphasis in Larceny, Athletics (Group Acrobatics +2), Stealth and Dexterity. Seven Veils is nearly a master of both Night Breeze and Ebon Shadow Martial Arts, and would like to find a way to Enlighten the older children so that they may use Night Breeze charms, at least.

But some small part of her knows that it is only a matter of time till one of her children is caught and killed, and wonders what she will do then...

The Way of Heaven's Revolution

Type: Rebel Movement
Styles: Path of the Arbiter, Others
Dojo: Varies
Sifu: Inscrutable Wen

Just as objects and items have gods assigned to them, so too are certain activities represented in the Bureau of Humanity. One such activity is Political Revolution. In the complex and twisting heirarchy of heaven, the god set over the particular type of revolution carried out by martial arts societies is Inscrutable Wen.

Appearing as a thin, worn man of indeterminate age of the peasant class, as are many of those who empower his office, Wen wears simple work clothes and is often armed with an agricultural tool such as a rake or a shovel.

With the breakdown of the Celestial Bureaucracy, tyranny ran rampant in Creation. But where there is tyranny, there will always rise those with the skill and courage to fight it. And should their new order turn to excesses, still others will arise to combat them. This increasing cycle in the Threshold gave Wen's office unprecented power.

Now that he has many secretaries to do the actual *work* in YuShan, Inscrutable often goes walking about in Creation. His normal pattern is to locate some small hamlet or medium-sized state whose government is oppressing the people in various ways, and to quietly stir dissent among them. Starting quiet rumors of a place where men can be made into warriors, he then waits for the inevitable stream of idealists to find their way to his door.

Inscrutable carries a simple unfolding shrine with him on his back, that serves as the Portal to his Sanctum, which resembles a large, well-equipped dojo hall. Here, he initiates his new followers in the Code of the Revolutionary, drills them in combat techniques, and (for those who prove worthy) perform the Touch of Divinity Ritual. For those who are exceptionally passionate for their cause, he will even teach them Supernatural Martial Arts, usually the Path of the Artiber Style, altho any Terrestrial Style is possible.

Once the revolution has begun, Wen normally moves on, altho he may stay and observe in other forms if the situation is interesting enough. He almost never gets personally involved, however. In truth, he really doesn't care which side wins, so long as there is still potential for future rebellions at some later date. In a world of peaceful stability, Inscrutable Wen may even find it necessary to encourage oppression among governments first, just to keep his prominent appointment...
