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Magitech in the Gates of Creation


Ripper Daiklave - ••, Repair 1
A vicious weapon issued to Dragon-Blooded soldiers of the Wyld Hunt who expect to see heavy duty, these sawtoothed blades make short work of any mundane weapons placed in opposition to them. Once drawn the mass of teeth that make up the edge begin to slide down towards the handle cutting through wood, metal and flesh with equal alacrity. Statistically these weapons are identical to reaver daiklaves, apart from requiring a 6 mote commitment. Additionally, an attack with this weapon cannot be parried by opponents who are unarmed or armed with mundane weapons without a stunt.
Gunblade - •••, Repair 2
An unusual weapon that combines the properties of the daiklave and plasma tongue repeater, the gunblade's design places a heavy burden upon the wielder, but is impressively lethal in the hands of a skilled user. The barrel of the weapon usually runs along the spine of the blade, and a skilled user can trigger a shot from it to coincide with striking his target (see Combined Strike). An attuned wielder can make close combat attacks with Archery or ranged attacks using Melee, including the use of equivalent Charms and Combos (subject to ST approval). The cylinder has five chambers that can be loaded with any type of alchemical shot meant for use in a plasma-tongue repeater.
    • Combined Strike: By spending 3 motes the attuned wielder can fire a shot from gunblade directly into the foe he just struck with a close combat attack. This is treated as a seperate attack with half (round up) the number of successes of the attack the wielder just rolled, with an additional success for every die that came up 10 on the roll. Onslaught applies as normal, but with an additional -2 penalty to the target's DV. This effect ignores the Rate of the weapon.
Gunblades require the commitment of 7 motes of Essence and do not have Magical Material bonuses. Gunblades do not count as form-type weapons for any Martial Arts style that does not explicitly mention them.
Speed 4, Accuracy +3, Damage +5L (melee) / 12L (ranged), Defence +2, Rate 3, Range 30, Ammo 5, Mins: Dex ••• Archery •••• Melee ••••
Stormklaive - •••, Repair 2
A highly-effective and rightly-feared weapon, the stormklaive collects Essence in the accumulator coils that the blade is built around. From there it can released slowly to wreathe the blade in electrical fury or be unleashed in a blast at a target of the wielder's choice. Thanks to the elemental nature of the Dragon-Blooded, for whom the stormklaive was especially designed, this latter effect combines seamlessly with their own elemental attack Charms.
The accumulator coils of a stormklaive can hold up to 10 motes of stored Essence, allowing highly-favoured mortals to utilise their extra abilities. The somewhat twitchy nature of these weapons means that the Exalted cannot freely utilise their own Essence pools to power the stormklaive's abilities, and any attempt to do so has a 1 mote surcharge.
    • Lightning Field: While active this gives the stormklaive a +5L damage bonus, and any foe struck suffers a -1 penalty to Parry and Dodge DV until the end of the foe's next pass. This ability costs 5 motes from the weapon's reservoir and lasts until deactivated or the end of the scene.
    • Breath of the Dragon: The wielder opens the accumulators of the stormklaive, sending a bolt of storm Essence directly at his foe. This attack is resolved as the target were in close-combat with the user, but has a range of 50 yards and a base damage of 10L. If the Lightning Field ability of the weapon is active the blast's base damage in increased to 15L but the field itself deactivates afterwards. It costs 5 motes from the weapon's accumulators to use this attack. A Dragon-Blooded can use this ability at the same time as he uses Elemental Bolt Attack - the damage from the weapon's blast is added to that from the Charm, which is otherwise resolved as normal for the Charm.
Stormklaives have identical stats to reaver daiklaves, but require the commitment of 8 motes of Essence. They do not have Magical Material bonuses.
Liquid Earth Projector - ••••, Repair 2
This warmachine, which requires a Water-aspected hearthstone of at least •• to be fitted into the control console, gives a particularly unpleasant death to those caught within its area of effect. It operates much like a catapult, but rather than lobbing rocks it launches a ball of Water Essence that arcs high into the sky before impact. At the moment of detonation all earth within 5 yards temporarily gains the consistency of water; this can sink buildings, shatter roads, and any unfortunates within the area (a difficulty 3 Dexterity + Dodge roll can move a character out of the area) fall into the earth and immediately begin to drown. This effect lasts for 10 ticks, whereupon the ground hardens once more and anyone still inside is entombed forever. It requires 3 motes to fire the Projector once, and most such have Essence batteries built in that have a 15 mote capacity to allow for mortal use.
Elemental Distortion Amplifier - •••, Repair 2
This artefact looks very much like an Elemental Lens (WotLA p.77) and is used in exactly the same way, to the point where a character cannot benefit from both of their effects at the same time. When a character uses Elemental Bolt Attack or Elemental Burst Technique this artefact modifies the flow of Essence from the character into a ripple of distorted elemental energy that is both far less lethal when used against living targets and incredibly damaging against structures. Damage inflicted by either of these Charms against living targets is reduced by half (round up) and is Bashing rather than Lethal (although the nature of the wave means that it counst as Piercing); against structures the raw damage is tripled and ignores its soak completely - First Age structures are far more resilient and against them the damage is merely doubled.


Ashikaze Armour - ••, Repair 1
The naval compliment ashigaru armour (see WotLA p.79), ashikaze armour provides many of the same benefits and protections as its simpler cousin, while having one major advantage – it can, for short periods at least, grant the wearer the power of flight. This allows its wearers to act as short-range light shock troops, for use in boarding actions, assaults on cliff-top fortresses and the like. The flight duration is limited and places a great strain on the armour’s systems, and an ashikaze suit that sees a lot of flight will require more frequent maintenance. A character wearing ashikaze armour gains the following additional benefits:
    • Sensory Augmentation Visor*: Negate visibility penalties for all light conditions less than “utter blackness” and gains two dice to all Awareness pools.
    • Filtration Baffles*: Two extra Resistance dice to resist poison and diseases and the user’s breathed air is recycled for up to an hour.
    • Cloud-Treader Harness*: By spending 1 Willpower (3 motes if the wearer is Exalted), the character can fly at speeds of up to 30mph for an hour, or up to 60mph for 10 minutes. Once this time expires the wearer can reflexively pay again to have the power continue to operate without interruption. Every five minutes of flight counts as an hour for the purposes of maintenance and repair.
A mortal wearing an ashikaze suit ages an additional week for every season or part thereof that he wears the armour in and must commit a point of Willpower to it for the duration (effectively lowering his permanent Willpower by 1), while an Exalt or other Essence-channelling being can attune to the armour for 4 motes. Ashikaze armour requires maintenance after every 120 hours worth of use with every 10 hours of missed maintenance disabling one system at random. Ashikaze armour does not grant Magical Material bonuses.
Soak 7L/6B, Hardness 4L/4B, Mobility -1, Fatigue 1
Circean Armour - ••••, Repair 3
Originally designed for a First Age sorceress of renown, the armour that bears her name is now considered the premier combat armour for battlefield sorcerers. Only a handful of fully-functional suits are known to exist, all of them in the armouries of either the Realm or Lookshy, twice as many are scattered about Creation in various levels of disrepair, but such is the fragility of their systems that their owners are unwilling to have them repaired lest the erstwhile engineer inflict more damage through ignorance (or malice).
Circean Armour, apart from providing most of the functions that are taken for granted from magitech armour, enhances the sorcerer's perception with regards to the patterns of Essence most commonly found in sorcery, and protects him from harm while engaged in the delicate business of shaping and controlling the vast amounts of Essence necessary for his spells even as it accelerates that process. In addition to committing nine motes of Essence to be able to wear it at all, Circean Armour requires a hearthstone (rated at least •••) to be set into the chest socket for any of its sorcery-related powers to function. The nature of the armour is such that it cannot provide Magical Material bonuses.
    • Sensory Augmentation Visor*: +2 bonus to Awareness, negates all penalties from darkness less than pitch black. For the reflexive expenditure of 2 motes the user can engage Essence Sight for one minute.
    • Filtration Baffles*: +2 bonus to Resistance against poison and all forms of disease; one hour supply of fresh air.
    • Essence Pattern Codex*: The user gains a +2 bonus to all Occult rolls related to the casting or analysis of a spell. While Essence Sight is active this system granted bonus successes instead of dice.
    • Sorcerous Aegis*: While the user is engaged in Shape Sorcery actions and until the spell has been cast all successful attacks against the sorcerer have their damage reduced by two levels. Also, the sorcerer is affected by backlash from a counterspell as if the spell shattered were one Circle lower.
    • Alactrity Matrix*: All Shape Sorcery actions taken by the wearer have their Speed reduced by one.
    • Upkeep: Maintenance is required for every 50 hours of use. For each 10 hours that pass without maintenance one of the functions marked with an asterisk is disabled at random. Each spell cast while wearing the armour counts as one hour of use per Circle.
Soak +8L/+12B, Hardness 6L/6B, Mobility -2, Fatigue 1
Armour of the Lotus Unyielding - •••• (Repair 3)
As much woven as it is constructed, this armour is an evolution of earlier types intended to fill a perceived gap in the defences of those Exalted who concentrated on supernatural martial arts. Its appearance is relatively mundane, given its power; a hooded gi with shaped metal plates covering striking points (knees, elbows, etc...). Many of them have images of dragons or other supernatural beasts embroidered into the jacket, usually on the left breast or the back.
The nature of this armour prevents it from granted any Magical Material bonuses and the wearer must commit 8 motes of Essence to attune to it.
    • Unobstructed Motion Fibres*: Armour of the Lotus Unyielding does not count as armour for the purpose of Terrestrial or Celestial martial arts practioners.
    • Flowing Kata Matrix*: Form-type Charms can be activated as if they were Reflexive Charms while the Exalt is wearing this artefact.
    • Augmented Prowess Engine*: Attacks made while unarmed, wielding martial arts weapons or Form-compatible weapons have the following minimum values:
Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +5L, Defence +2, Rate 3
    • Enhanced Respiration Weave*: While wearing this armour the Exalt's natural respiration of Essence is increased by 2 motes per hour.
    • Upkeep:Armour of the Lotus Unyielding requires maintenance every 80 hours of use. After every 20 hours without maintenance one power marked with an asterisk is randomly disabled.
Soak +7L/+10B, Hardness 4L/4B, Mobility 0, Fatigue 1
Legendarily rare is the Armour of the Lotus Adamant, a •••••-rated version that, as well as all the powers listed above, has the following:
    • Heaven-Earth United Pattern*: The wearer can maintain one Celestial and one Terrestrial Form-type Charm simulateously.
Soak +9L/+13B, Hardness 5L/5B, Mobility 0, Fatigue 0


Iridescent Wings of Triumph - ••••, Repair 3
Flagship of the Chiaroscuran merchant navy and personal property of the Tri-Khan, Iridescent Wings of Triumph is the first of what is now a trio of skyremes built to plans discovered in one of the shattered towers of the glass city. Long (70yds from prow to stern) and sleek, with a pair of huge triangular wings that gleam while it flies, this skyship is faster than anything else in the skies of its size - but the design limits it to travelling along the dragon lines that cross Creation, but since these ships are designed for trade it's not much of a hardship.
Speed: 73/150mph:
Manoeuvrability: -1S (Lore 3, Occult 3, Sail 2)
Endurance: Requires a hearthstone of at least ••• as the central component of the engine that allows it to ride above the lines of Essence. Iridescent Wings of Triumph needs maintenance for every full day (24 hours) of continuous use, these can be conducted underway; after 240 hours without maintenance the skyreme will sink slowly to the ground until repairs can be completed.
Crew: 24/8
Cargo: Up to 100 tonnes of cargo.
Armour: 10L/15B
Health Levels: U x5 / M x15 / C x5 / I x5 / D
Weapons: None
Looks a lot like this:
